The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((I have a bad habit of switching from past-tense to present-tense and back again. I am trying to fix that habit :/ ))
"Smart," Faye says, pointing at Axel.

She grins, looking at Birch. "So wataya say, wanna join us on a little adventure..?"

She was clearly leaving out a specific detail about their journey...but maybe he'd just go along with it, anyway. Though Faye wasn't quite sure if Birch would agree to doing something as dangerous as leaving maybe it was best if he was left with no choice?
((Well I unfortunately have to take my leave for the night. Hopefully, Lysander will be on tomorrow so we can get this going. G'night everyone))
Valandil turns his head toward Axel and says, "So what made you pick daggers as your weapon.We can buy some now if you have something to sell at home."
(OMG! I HATE INTERNET! By that, I mean when it goes down. I just spend all day getting a new Internet provider, and then somehow, they messed up my connection and needed the whole day to fix it. Anyway, I'll have to post tomorrow, sorry.)
Birch looks extremely surprised as the sudden prospect of leaving Fayland is suddenly pushed on him. "Wait, what?" he asks, giving a Faye a confused look, his right eye showing obvious concern while his left eye looks on blankly. At least this explains why they'd gathered together. Though it still sounded crazy that they wanted to leave at all. "I don't know. I mean, I've heard a lot about what's out there and I'm..." He let's his sentence dangle in the air though he'd completed it in his mind. Without thinking of it, he pinches his collar and tries to lift it in a vain attempt to hide his scar.
(@Lysander, D: Ah, that sucks. It's okay though, post tomorrow ^^)

(Tamura, goodnight ^^)

"Oh come on, Birch," she pleads. "Don't you wanna get out of this boring place? Plus, we've got a ton of skillful elves going with us..we'll be fine.."

Even though Faye says it, she's still not sure she believes it. Of course, she wants to believe...but after hearing of what's happened to others that have ventured outside the village...well she can't be too full of hope. However, she is still full of a great amount of hope.

She notices him desperately trying to hide a scar with his collar, but she's already seen it. "Did something happen...?" she asks, eyeing the still visible scar. As she says it, she feels she already knows.

Chills crawl up her spine at the thought. Why does she feel like she knows this boy...and..things like this? At this point, Faye's just starting to feel some sort of sketchy connection. 
(I should sleep as well, so I'll be on tomorrow as usual ^^ Goodnight! ^^)
He tries to put on a straight face as she begs him to come along but he finds himself silently cursing his own actions as Faye brings up the matter of his scar. Though his fairly blank expression doesn't change, there's a certain change in his good eye. It looks almost as lifeless as the other one as she pokes at the subject. Looking away from her, he mutters just loud enough to hear, "I don't talk about it," with his voice bordering on cold. After an awkward moment of silence he finds it in himself to look back at her, his gaze still blank but a little bit curious as he asks, "Are you sure you'd want me?" Despite how self degrading the wording was, he says it with such an honest tone that he it's obvious he genuinely doesn't see much use in himself.
Faye looks at the ground, now feeling bad for asking about his scar. She should've guessed that it was something personal. "Oh..sorry.." she mumbles softly. "I didn't know.."

Pretending to look around the clearing as if she's admiring nature's beauty, she lets out an unpleasant sigh. Once Birch looks back up at her, he sincerely asks whether they'd actually want him around on their journey. Faye's expression softens a bit before she smiles kindly, placing a friendly hand on his shoulder.

"Of course we'd want you to come with us!" she exclaims with a small chuckle. "Why wouldn't we?"
Roslyn approaches Birch and Faye. "Sorry to interrupt, but if he is coming along then he is going to have to know how to defend himself. If you want....." she sighs, slightly hesitant. "I can teach him to shoot a bow. I have a an extra bow he could use.".

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