The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Holy, I got up so late this morning xD Woops hahaha. Well, I need to go out and practice shooting my bow in RL since I have a match to shoot Sunday, but when I'm done I'll be back to the roleplay! Hopefully Lysander will come back so that Darian can get all that stuff from the court! ^^So :brb: for a little bit hahah. And Gypsy I really hope you don't leave the rp :c But if you feel you need to, I understand~it would just be a shame :c )

"Huh" said Valandil as he turned and saw someone else there. It was a girl he recalled seeing last night. He didn't remember her saying much though. "Hello" he said as he returned the greeting. He then put the katana back in it's sheath. He wondered if he should continue the conversation. But then decided against and just thought about the day ahead.
Ivy opened her eyes to warm sunlight pouring into the window of her room. She pushed the dark red cover off of her body and yawned. She peeked out the window realizing that this could quite possibly be her last day in Bellford--ever. She turned around and changed out of her pajamas into her light blue tunic and she pulled her white tights over her legs. Sitting down, she slid her tall brown books onto her legs and laced them up. There was still a few things she wanted to do before she left her room. She picked her harp up off the mahogany desk and cradled it in her arms. She plucked gently at the chords, sending a beautiful melody through the air; a bright, happy melody. She got lost in the song and began to sway, forgetting the world around her. She plucked on the last chord and as the sound died out, so did her humming. She smiled.

"I guess I did remember that song from Mom's music box--Mom's song." Ivy began to plucked on the harp with 14 soft notes. The air in front of her twisted in a whirlwind and a blue light created a giant cover in front of her. She stepped forward and kicked the blue light. Ivy found that she was unable to penetrate it. After a moment it faded away.

"And I remember the Ballad of Defense as well. I'm sure that will come in handy." Ivy smiles brightly. She remembers a couple more, but she opts not to practice them quite yet. She throws the harp onto her back over the sword sheath and opens the door of her room at the inn. She heads down the staircase and walks out the front door. The streets are buzzing with activity and Ivy sneaks off to the woods where she will quite hopefully be alone for a little while.
Valandil turned to Axel and said "Because I didn't have enough money to.Besides someone is supposed to meet us here with supplies like armor and weapons."
(Sorry for not logging back online earlier, but I ended up spending the night at the girl's house, which wasn't as planned. But, I'm back, so let me get going with this post. One question though: Where are we? Is Darian going to the King's stores alone, or is anyone going with him?)
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Ivy pulled the silver sword out of its sheath and nodded determinedly. She stepped in front of a tree, anchoring her feet to the ground. With a squeak, she swung the sword through the air at the tree, leaving a sizeable dent mark in the tree. She smiled happily. "Hah! That was easy!" She took another couple swings at the tree, leaving several large dents in the tree. She practiced for what seemed like a long time, trying different moves she'd watched other swordsman do and copying them. Her form wasn't spot on, but she was competent.
( I believe Page wanted her character to go with you. Me, my brother, and Gypsy's characters are waiting behind the general store and I think that Ivy is in the forest)
Roslyn looks around seeing more people arrive. She then reaches into her bag and yells out in the general area "Hey, anyone up to helping me with some target practice." she waits for an answer before pulling anything out of her bag.
Roslyn smiles at Axel "You don't need to know a thing to help me. Here, catch.". She then takes an apple out of his bag and throws it at him. She takes out her bow, and an arrow from her quiver. She draws the bow and looks at him "Just toss it in the air as far as you can.".
Roslyn's arrow follows the path of the apple before she shoots at it when it reaches it's highest peek. Roslyn smiles with confidence as she watches the apple hit the ground with an arrow right through it's center. "Now, this one will be a little harder.". She tosses him another apple. "Anyone can be accurate, but it takes skill to have power, and be able to control that power.". She smirks. "I need you to hold that apple in front of your chest.". She draws her bow once again, this time, aiming for him.
Ivy slides the sword back in her sheath. She leans against the tree slides down to the roots of the tree to sit.

She leans her head against the trunk the leans forward and takes her harp off her back, lightly setting it in front of her. She played 11 notes on the harp and repeated it, the melody becoming more elaborate as she played, The song waved in and out of reality and time. 'Lullaby of Healing...' she thought. 'It makes like a lot easier.' It really does, especially tonight and times when she's trying to be sneaky. It knocks out anyone near the musician into a deep sleep which eventually leaves them feeling well rested and healed when they wake up. She practices it once more so that that night, she could play it perfectly, because if it wasn't perfect the first time, the guards would catch her and there wouldn't be a second time. She confidently put the harp on her back again, sure that it was perfect and got up off the tree. She made her way back to the clearing behind the general store.
"Ok" Axel then held the apple up to his chest hoping that he would not get hurt. He saw that Valandil was watching on earnest. He then shut his eyes and waited for her shot.
Roslyn takes a deep breath as she steadies her aim. This was only the second time she had tried this stunt, and the first time wasn't entirely successful. With one more deep breath she releases the arrow then closes her eyes. When she opens her eyes again, she can see the arrow sticking out of the apple, stopping right before it came out the other side. Excited she jumps up, "Yes! Now that was awesome." she brags.
((Yes, hi! Selina is going with Darian because her skill is tailoring, here was my post on the matter.))

[QUOTE="Page O'Hara]
When Darian mentioned Armor, I perked up. This was something I could handle. As everyone was departing, I made my way over to where he was standing.

"Hey, I'm Selina, I don't think we've officially met," I smiled at him.

"When you were talking about breaking in to the Court's stores, you mentioned armor. Now my talent is Tailoring and I can tell what will fit people. I do have a bit of knowledge of armor specifically as well, and I think I know who here needs defensive versus offensive armor, and of course weapons to match stylishly," I laughed at myself a little here, I couldn't help being positive and funny.

"And of course, you're going to need someone to help you get all this stuff out, and everyone else is going home to get ready and say goodbyes."

I sighed, it was a little hard to admit this, "I, on the other hand, have no friends, and have everything I need in this bag, and it would be too hard to say goodbye to my family." Especially since they hate me for my possible Dark Elf heritage, but that could be left out for now.

Vex rubbed his eyes and rolled over him bed. It was morning, but he didn't want to get out of bed just yet. He had a whole load of supplies to carry for the trip, and he wanted to be well rested for the work he was about to do. 
((supposed to be rolled over in his bed))
Faye's eyes slowly began to open, rays of sunshine streaking through her large window. She squinted, rolling over in her small bed. She pulled the chocolate colored comforter over her head to create darkness again, wishing to go back to sleep. She could still see patches of sunlight above the blanket, causing her to let out a deep sigh. She closed her dark eyes for a moment, still tired when she finally realized something.

Faye's eyelids flew open and she threw the comforter off of her. She flung her thin legs over the edge of her bed and pushed herself up onto her feet. It seemed to be a rather chilly morning as she hugged her long black sweater against her body and padded across the dark walnut flooring over to her desk.

Her incredibly beautiful bow was settled on the wooden desk, along with her large ebony quiver full of exactly 250 perfect arrows. She reached out and started to pick up her bow and quiver, but then stopped. Faye released the items and scratched her bedhead as she turned towards her bedroom door which led to a spiral staircase.

She made her way downstairs, seeing her mom sitting at her usual work space near the large fireplace. Her mother looks up, a wonderful smile spread among her face.

"Oh, Faye!" she says happily, standing up from her chair. "I'm so glad you're finally awake! I just finished sewing something for you."

Faye steps down from the stairs and approaches her mother, eyeing the long garments that her mother has just picked up from the table.

"Now, put this on.." her mother says quietly. She steps around her and puts the jacket over her shoulders as Faye puts her arms through the long sleeves. Her mother steps in front of her and pulls it over her shoulders a bit more then steps back to observe her fine work.

Faye looks down, eyeing the wonderful gray cardigan. It's soft and cozy and there are beautiful silver designs on the sleeves as well as the front.

"Mother, it''s beautiful.." she says, looking her mother in the eyes. She smiles warmly in response before moving in for an embrace.

"I made it just for you," she says, looking Faye in the eyes. Faye looks back at her mother, her own eyes starting to tear up a bit. That smiling face..that wonderful smiling face..would she ever be able to see it again?

"Honey, what's the matter?" her mother asks with slight worry.

"Nothing, I just really love it.." Faye says, wiping her eyes quick. She hugs her mother for a minute longer before racing upstairs to get ready.

Faye throws on a plain white camisole, a fitting black vest with metallic buttons and pockets, light, comfortable gray leggings, black leather shorts, dark brown boots that lace up to her ankles, and lastly..her mother's beautiful cardigan. She brushes her blonde hair out and clicks the black belt that holds her quiver around her waist, then straps her bow to her back. She takes one final look in the mirror before heading downstairs again. She moves over to the door and opens it. She stops, taking one last look at her mom.

"Mom?" she says.

"Hm?" her mom wonders, turning to face her at the kitchen table.

Faye flashes a half grin before saying, "Bye..I love you.."

Her mom smiles in return and says, "Bye dear, love you too."

With that, Faye sets off to the clearing behind the general store, where some of the others seem to already be.

"I'm here!" she exclaims happily to her friends, wiping some stray tears from her eyes real quick.
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Axel looked at the apple before breathing again. He was genuinely scare that the arrow would go thru. He then saw Faye enter the area and issue a greeting. "Hello!" he said back. Before sitting next to Valandil.
Roslyn put her bow back in its place on her back and looked over to Faye as she entered "Greetings" she beemed, still proud of her accomplishment.
Faye waves at Axel and greets him, "Hello!" she then moves over to Roslyn and greets her as well.

"Hey, Roslyn." She notices two apples with arrows in them on the ground and laughs. "Practicing, I see?"
Valandil started counting the number of people there. He adjusted his fathers gloves and said to Axel, " So what kind of weapon would you want?"
"As always" Roslyn smiles. She goes and gathers up the two arrows from the apples and places them back in her quiver. On this trip, she was going to need all the ammunition she could get, so she didn't want to allow any to go to waist.

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