The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Friends, we can be a bit more polite about this whole thing. Nami is the owner of this thread. She will take care of this if she needs too. Please leave the warnings and booting to her and no more conflicts. This is the reason I don't OOC much. Please return to the rp with hands arms feet and legs remaining to ourselves.)
((Ugh, Hunnyhelp was amusing at first, but now we're straying from the way this roleplay is supposed to go. For those of you who aren't aware, the point of this roleplay isn't about meeting/finding Dark Elves or their damn village. The roleplay is about a group of elves who stick together and are able to use all their wonderful talents together to protect eachother and get through all these obstacles along the way. Dark Elves come in when we get to the other side of the land--I will let you know when they come in. Then you can do whatever you want with Dark Elves--other than BECOME one ewe--but right now we're barely away from Fayland, people. Just erase Dark Elves from your mind if it's too complicated to not obsess over them. So, if HunnyHelp wants to be a troll, then yes he will have to vanish. And by that I mean his character dies and HunnyHelp no longer is a part of the roleplay. He made it interesting in the beginning, but now he's just being a little whore lmao. Everyone else has been fabulous in the roleplay so I thank you all for that. Additionally, I know that HunnyHelp is even making it less enjoyable for some other roleplayers and that's the last thing I want. I'm sorry, but I needed to rant all that because at this point I'm rather annoyed. My apologies.))
(FINALLY!! Good job Little*Dreamer )


Pandora laid down next to Nova, exhausted from healing his magic reservoir. It always took a bunch of energy to heal someone, Pandora let her eyes rest as she remembered what Caricon had done. Trying to calm herself down, Pandora bit onto her lip and squeezed her hands into tight fists.
(So I'm kicked from the RP. My heart his now somewhere near my feet.) 
(I'll kill Caricon and maybe make a new character. )
Nova slowly regained consciousness, unable to open his eyes at first. He just sat there and listened as the too-loud world buzzed around him. 'Ugh...' "Is he okay?" He heard a distant voice ask with an undertone of fear. 'Yes, I'm fine.' He thought, at first not realizing that he was only thinking and not actually talking. After a he let the world stop its incoherent spinning he gently opened his eyes. The light was near blinding, by he endured it for a few agonizing moments as his eyes adjusted. He sat up, noticing that he was surrounded by Faye and the two healers. His eyes focused on Faye for an extended moment, not quite long enough to be considered staring but on the verge of it. He then turned his attention to the standing healer, assuming she had helped him instead of the other who couldn't even stand at the moment. "How did this happen?"
[QUOTE="Little*Dreamer](I healed nova first. NONONONO!lahgrgoroag)

(You got credit for it)
((Hunnyhelp I didn't say you were kicked from the roleplay yet. I said if you do things like obsess over the Dark Elves and turn the roleplay into something I don't wish for it to be, then yes there will be consequences. And if you want to kill off Capricorn and create a better character, one that can't magically pull shit out of the air like BAM, can't rob everything in 1 second, doesn't try to poison everyone, and doesn't attempt to turn into a Dark Elf as if it were the same thing as a werewolf, then SURE, feel free. Maybe you could make him a bit more cute and cuddly and likable. x-x If that's possible for you. //eyes roll to back of head//)) 
Faye managed to smile softly at Juniper and nodded in response to her question. Fortunately, she was able to awaken Nova with her Holy Arts. As she gestured to Nova who was sitting up tiredly, she caught him eyeing her for a moment too long. However, she didn't think much of it, assuming that he was simply a bit confused as to what was going on at the moment.
Caricon felt a arrow pierce his heart and looked up. A human was their a bow in his head. Caricon signed knowing this was the end. Caricon's life flashed before his eyes not a happy moment in them. And he went to the land across the sea a land no Fayland elf could go. He then began a life of happiness adopting a farmer's son whose house had burned down.
(His death should of been more dramatic. An arrow to the heart is too quick of a death for him.)

((Jess walked around the entire camp area, furious at Caricon. She was going to go hunt his body down and rip him to shreds. After turning into her wolf form, she runs into the forest, following his scent that was still lingering in the air. She would stop every now and then, losing the scent only to have it come right back. She smelled something strange after wondering around for a few more minutes, a scent that she has been around a lot-ish. It was the smell of blood. She followed some small blood droplets, the number increasing each step she took, until she bumbed into a body with blood surrounding it. Jess looks up and sees that it's Caricorn body, an arrow sticking right out of his heart. She leans over his body and pokes him a few times with her noise, a smirk finds it way to her face as she says, "Karma is a b!tch."))
Athral said:
(Caricon is in a happier place now. Where he can materialize pans and pots whenever he wants)
(I question whether it is still a 'happier place' considering he is now there xD

no offense Hunnyhelp, I was refering to caricon as a character not you as a person)
(( Don't hate me for letting him rejoin as a new character, but be prepared to deal with his flute playing, rich, child elf. ))
(At least he is not evil. And I have been making that place for Caricon long going. I was going to get him to die some time. He finally has a chance to have a happy life. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.)
(Yup! When Pandora joined in! Haha! And that sounds like a health issue...Warm and fuzzy on the inside..)


Pandora groaned as she sat up and massaged her temples. Glancing around, Pandora frowned slightly at the sick faces of her group. "F*** you, Caricon. Just f*** you." Pandora struggled to stand up and stumbled a bit, leaning onto Faye's shoulder for balance.


(There's so much OOC talk! Haha)
Nova pulls himself up, obviously not going to get any answers or help from any of these girls. He decides to randomly hug Pandora.
Feeling very awkward, Pandora returned the hug and patted Nova's back feeling very warm and fuzzy on the inside. Glancing at Faye and Juniper, Pandora's face was a little red at the sudden contact, she mouthed to the girls, "What is going on?"

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