The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Yeah, me neither, but you gotta do what you gotta do to kill Caricon or you could learn something else xD )) 
((Lol Paipai xDD Goodnight~))
PsycoWarlock13 said:
(( Okay, Hunnyhelp, I'm throwing this out there. I'm kind of mad how you're trying to undermine my character like this. It's kind of unfair for Birch, a half crippled guy who's one passion and talent is cooking, to have some guy come out of nowhere and try to one up him. Your character doesn't have a cooking background, he's a fighter and yet simply because you want him to, he suddenly has the ability to cook something amazing with supplies I'm pretty sure weren't just on hand. I'm calling a bit of modding here. ))
(I agree a little bit, but then again the direct conflict was kinda interesting. My two cents~) 

Hunnyhelp said:
Caricon strangled the eggs and put some cheese and salt on them. He then sliced the bear into bacon strips and poured some extra grease on them. He then stabbed oak tree and it leaked syrup. He let it flow in a bucket and then pulled out a bag of flour the then made pancake batter and put that pan on the fire. He flipped the eggs and pulled out he then pulled a can of milk and poured it in some bottles. He then flipped his pancakes and smiled. He then pulled out a orange and sequester it into some other bottles and flipped his pancakes onto a plate and put the eggs on it. He then grabbed his bacon and put it onto the plate also. "I have finished," he said having the plates set out.
Nova took plates of food from both the cooks, cooling it with his cold touch. It would be uncomfortably hot otherwise. He sat down once again at the edge of the camp, well away from either fire. He wolfed down the food and then began deconstructing the tents and packing the supplies.
Vex was idly chillaxing in his usual spot, the middle of the supplies pile. He watched this cooking battle with great amusement.

"No one in this camp can cook as well as Birch, I don't know why that guy thinks he stands a chance."
Caricon served the plates and walked away not even touching his own food. He felt bad enough that he had put poison in the food. He could watch them curl up and die. Maybe I didn't put enough. but the deal was done. He grabbed his dagger that was next to the fire and set out walking towards Fayland, thinking about the adventure he had had.

(That is why he wanted to cook. His heart was still broken shattered to pieces. Also so it's not godmodding it wasn't enough to kill you just for you to know it was there.) 

Zeyro said:
PsycoWarlock13 said: ↑ (( Okay, Hunnyhelp, I'm throwing this out there. I'm kind of mad how you're trying to undermine my character like this. It's kind of unfair for Birch, a half crippled guy who's one passion and talent is cooking, to have some guy come out of nowhere and try to one up him. Your character doesn't have a cooking background, he's a fighter and yet simply because you want him to, he suddenly has the ability to cook something amazing with supplies I'm pretty sure weren't just on hand. I'm calling a bit of modding here. )) (I agree a little bit, but then again the direct conflict was kinda interesting. My two cents~)
(That was the entire reason I did it just because it would kinda be fun. Until I thought of the poison.)
(We'll give the bastard the "warm welcome" he deserves when he find him again >:3)

Vex watched as Caricon served his dish and walked out of the camp. Something wasn't right here.

He caught the scent of something odd...what was in that food? Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't part of the recipe...
(Oh I can't wait)

Valandil put his plate down and tasted the food already in his mouth. "What the hell?" he thought as he looked around for Caricon. He turned to everyone and said "Did any of you see Caricon leave?"
(Caricon is probably going to bump into you when you are being attacked by something huge and terrifying you know saving you live. That he tried to end.)
PsycoWarlock13 said:
( No, please, do. It's already much less of a headache when I have him on block... )
(Don't fight :( )

Nova didn't even notice the strange taste in the food, halfway through gathering up the supplies he began to feel weak. He collapsed moments later from searing pain all his muscles. 'What the...?'
(( Sorry, fell asleep last night. NOTE: if I'm seriously online past 3 am, I will always fall asleep at 4 am. xD AND, I'm sorry guys but I'm laughing to myself as I read all this xDD And if I had it my way, everyone wouldve just spit up Capricorn's food and said it was disgusting. I mean, the dude just can't be a fabulous cook, be able to rob everything back in like 1 second, and be able to pull pans and shit out of his pockets 24/7 xD lmfao))
Nami said:
(( Sorry, fell asleep last night. NOTE: if I'm seriously online past 3 am, I will always fall asleep at 4 am. xD AND, I'm sorry guys but I'm laughing to myself as I read all this xDD And if I had it my way, everyone wouldve just spit up Capricorn's food and said it was disgusting. I mean, the dude just can't be a fabulous cook, be able to rob everything back in like 1 second, and be able to pull pans and shit out of his pockets 24/7 xD lmfao))
(He DOES get the shit beaten out of him on a daily basis though...)
Zeyro said:
(He DOES get the shit beaten out of him on a daily basis though...)
((So he can get attention from Juniper xD )) 
Faye turned her attention back to the others, noticing Capricorn walking out into the woods. Honestly, she was glad that he was deciding to go elsewhere. She didn't need someone like him around, trying to be a big show off and make Birch feel utterly useless. Although she knew Birch was far from useless, it would be difficult to convince him of such.

"Birch don't worry, his food tasted bland," she said quietly, focusing her gray eyes on him.
Nami said:
((So he can get attention from Juniper xD ))
(Apparently he has been rejected. So he doesn't like her anymore. I think. I'm very much baffled by all this mushy stuff. Can we get back to our adventure? I'm tired of Cariper. sounds like a murderer. Hear comes the car ripper!)
Birch looks up, a look of vague confusion on his face. It takes him a moment to realize that Capricorn is gone before he goes back to his food again. Apparently satisfied, he starts serving it up on little plates, giving everyone a good portion of food starting with Faye. Once he's made sure that everyone has a bit he takes what's left for himself, only picking at it at first as he watches everyone quietly.
Juniper uncrosses and crosses her ankles in the air. She was still laying on her stomach with her plate in front of her. She ate a few bites of food. She didn't want to be carried by Caricon today. He kept getting all emotional about stuff and to be honest he kind of scared her at the moment. It felt kind of clingy the way he was acting, always there. But maybe it was because she preferred to be by herself. She looked up from her food realizing he was gone. He must have wandered off again. He never learned his lesson did he? There was another reason to stay away. He was dangerous or maybe stupid, they were probably the same thing.

Maybe she could walk today, just for a little while. She wasn't sure how long she would be able too, but breakfast would probably give her more energy.
(( Lol! A murderer. Didn't he murder his family or something?))

"Yay! Thank you!"

Faye takes the plate full of delicious looking food from Birch gratefully, finally feeling beyond content as her stomach grumbles eagerly. She takes a bite of the bacon, a scrumptious sensation filling her taste buds. It wasn't a big surprise, but it tasted about ten million times better than what Capricorn could cook--or anyone for that matter.

She continued to wolf down all the food on her plate hungrily, not even caring that she looked like a starved animal. She was starving and it did taste incredible, so why not?
As Pandora swallowed the rest of her food, she felt a little dizzy. Pandora gasped as she glanced around the group for Caricon. Only to find he wasn't there. Clutching her head, Pandora fell to the ground, unconscious. Although Pandora was a healer, she wouldn't be able to heal herself if she wasn't even conscious! As Pandora felt the darkness overwhelm her, she thought to herself, "I never did have a good immune system..."


(I'm really trying to make Pandora weaker, considering I think she's a little over powered....)
Nova, fighting unconsciousness crawls over to the healer girl from last night. 'Maybe she can fix this...if only she was....awake.' Nova put a hand on the back of her neck and began to channel his icy magic, hoping the small thermal shock would snap her out of it. It took far longer than normal and was far more straining, but it was his only chance.
Juniper looks up snapping out of her thoughts realizing there were elves falling unconscious. She sat up on her knees trying to figure out what was going on watching Nova crawling toward a passed out Pandora. She stands up and made her way over. She falls down on her knees breathing heavily. Please don't be ill her mind screamed not wanting to do anymore healing. She was tired of using her holy arts. "What's going on?" she asks trying to keep calm.

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