The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(yeah, so post was ignored then.)

Juniper was grateful for the warmth of the fire once it was created. She watches Caricon make his own. He did like to go to the beat of his own drum. It looked like the cooking contest would be against his self then. rolled onto her stomach trying to get more comfortable.
Birch didn't seem to focus much on the world around him, only giving a slightly confused look as Pandora complimented the smell of his food, making his face go ever so slightly red. He thought it was a pretty simple meal so far though he did know what he was doing. He did look over at Caricon and friend as he suddenly tried to make this into a competition. It was bad enough that people had wasted some food before in a failed attempt at outdoor cooking but he doubted they'd be able to eat everything two chefs were making. Despite his own supplies being pretty high, it couldn't stay like that forever. Ignoring the other elf, he kept watch over his food, adding butter, salt and pepper to the egg, flipping the bacon and pulling out a few vegetables to add to the hash.
The smell of bacon and hash browns was making Faye's mouth water. She closed her eyes for a moment, allowing the glorious scent to fill her senses. She sighed with a grateful smile, excited to just eat some real food again. When she opened her eyes and looked at what Birch was cooking, she was getting eager to eat already. She was starving.

Faye then turned to Caricon, who was working with an egg or two quite slowly. She laughed aloud and said, "Good luck, Capricorn. I think we all know who's winning this 'competition'."
Pandora gave Caricon an encouraging smile. "Either way! I'll still eat it!" Pandora was so hungry, she could seriously eat a horse. Including the intestines and other organs with it. Pandora's mouth watered at the two godly aromas.


((STAAAAAP you're making me hungry!!))
Caricon strangled the eggs and put some cheese and salt on them. He then sliced the bear into bacon strips and poured some extra grease on them. He then stabbed oak tree and it leaked syrup. He let it flow in a bucket and then pulled out a bag of flour the then made pancake batter and put that pan on the fire. He flipped the eggs and pulled out he then pulled a can of milk and poured it in some bottles. He then flipped his pancakes and smiled. He then pulled out a orange and sequester it into some other bottles and flipped his pancakes onto a plate and put the eggs on it. He then grabbed his bacon and put it onto the plate also. "I have finished," he said having the plates set out.
Valandil grabbed a plate without saying a word. He was hungry and just focused on eating the food which, surprisingly, was not that bad.
Juniper claps her hands together once "Bravo" she cheered sarcastically and rested her chin on her hands lifting her feet in the air behind her. They were crossed at the ankles and her knees remained on the floor.
Faye reluctantly took the plate, not wanting to even bother eating such. She preferred to wait until Birch was finished cooking to eat, but she didn't want to hurt Caricon's feelings. It was clear that the boy was trying to cover it up, but he was clearly broken somewhere on the inside. She wasn't sure why, but although he put on a confident grin he was certainly not okay.

She began to eat the food, chewing slowly as she came to find that it wasn't terrible. It wasn't great of course, but it was decent enough to eat. She was surprised that she hadn't had the urge to spit the food up or struggled to swallow. Then again, it may have just been the fact that she was terribly hungry that she couldn't tell how bad it tasted.

"Thanks, Caricon. It tastes good," she told him with a warm smile. She took another bite, proving to him that she was being honest.
Pandora grabbed a plate wondering why thet even had plates, you'd think the humans would've taken them to. Munching on the food Caricon made, Pandora felt like she was in paradise. The freshly cooked breakfast melted softly in her mouth, tingli g her taste buds.

"Thank you, Cari!" Pandora took another bite of her breakfast, savouring every piece of it. The eggs were cooked just right for Pandora's taste, the yolk still liquidy enough to be mixed in with the leftover rice from before. "This is really good." Pandora complimented Caricon's cooking, her mouth stuffed with the deliciousness.

Next up, Birch's food.
Faye settled the plate still full of food in her lap, noticing Birch's blank expression as he cooked. For some reason, she almost felt like a traitor eating Caricon's food. She was aware that Birch already felt useless enough and he considered himself simply a burden, so the fact that someone else was taking over his talent probably made him feel worse. Either way, Caricon's food tasted quite bland anyway.

She hesitated a moment before gulping, lifting her hands up so she could pretend to fix her hair. As she did so, she made sure she made enough movement to cause the plate to fall off her knees. The plate flipped over as it tumbled to the ground, all of the food spilling into the dirt and leaves. She felt slightly guilty, but she needed an excuse not to eat it.

"Oh, woops!" she exclaimed, trying her best to sound like it was truly an accident. She hoped no one could notice the fail acting as she put her hand over her mouth. "My apologies, heh.." she smiled a little too wide, attempting a 'I'm so terribly clumsy' look.

Faye clasped her hands together in her lap and glanced away nervously, simply awaiting Birch's meal.
Pandora stared at the food on the ground, knowing exactly why Faye had purposely dropped it and flashed her a small smile. "No worries! We can use it t for bait in the near future!" Pandora recovered Faye's little "accident". Ah, young love was adorable.
(These two are just too adorable, do you think Pandora and Valandil will ever turn out like them? Haha FIRCH FOR LIFE!!!)
(( Okay, Hunnyhelp, I'm throwing this out there. I'm kind of mad how you're trying to undermine my character like this. It's kind of unfair for Birch, a half crippled guy who's one passion and talent is cooking, to have some guy come out of nowhere and try to one up him. Your character doesn't have a cooking background, he's a fighter and yet simply because you want him to, he suddenly has the ability to cook something amazing with supplies I'm pretty sure weren't just on hand. I'm calling a bit of modding here. ))
(( Hey, it's a little annoying xD Let the one elf who can only use his talent like once a day use his skills xD At least everyone else gets to use their talent like all the time xD

But yes, if no one else is going to stand up for him, then Faye must. I mean, Firch for goodness sake. She can't not stand up for him.

Plus, I enjoyed writing that post where Faye spilled all Caricon's food xD )) 
(( Firch 5ever <3 )) 
((Annnd, Warlock has a bit of a point.

But ya know, Faye could totally teach Birch how to use a bow if it comes to the point where you're tired of Birch not being able to do anything but cook xD ))
(Haha get ready for the love. I'm going to start training by watching a bunch of romantic movies. But, first I must either rest or drink a bunch of coffee. I'll choose the first option. Goodnight guys.)

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