The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Pandora woke up with a cold sweat, it seemed that she had passed out when having a conversation with Nova last night. Her hangover was nearly gone, and with her new energy, Pandora took Nova's advice and healed herself, feeling a lot better than before.

Standing up, Pandora jogged over to the same stream she had puked in and drank some water, knowing that her stomach acids had already been washed away with the water. Splashing her face with the refreshing cold liquid, Pandora walked back to the camp site and started to rummage through the stuff the humans hadn't taken.
(Wah I wanna stay up RP but I got to work in the morning D' :)

Nova summoned his spear to his side and poised it ready to throw. 
He then threw tge spear at s nearby tree above the tents. He released tge mavic just before impact and tge spear shattered raining ice fragments on Faye and Borchs tent. Nova repeated this three more times, raining crystals on anyone who slept. The crystals were big enough to wake them up but not enough to hurt. "Wake up!" He shouted, then knelt down. So much magic had exhausted him.

(And that should get us started xD )
Birch slowly began to stir as he heard the rustling of leaves and eventually he managed to slowly slink his eyes open. He looked around lazily and quickly spotted Faye, thinking she had only just woken up as he could still feel his arms were warm and half asleep. He stood up without a word, rubbing his good eye for a moment before watching Faye some more. It had become another odd habit to add to his list as of late. She was fascinating to watch, always doing something with all that energy that refused to die out. Realizing he was staring at this point, he looked away and muttered something incoherent before looking at her from the corner of his eye and asking softly, "Should I make breakfast?"
Juniper looks at the fire shivering wondering how it had gone out. It was usually lit in the morning when she woke up. She touched the wood and found it was wet, since the ice had melted. It hadn't rained last night had it? Not that she could remember. She looks at the pile of wood confused.
Jess, who must have somehow passed out, was suddenly woken up by little ice crystals falling on her. She groaned as she got up, glaring at Nova as she did so. "Not everyone is a morning person ya know." She mumbled, a yawn slipping past her mouth when she finished her sentence. She looked at the wound on her stomach which no one seemed to notice and was happy that it had closed up nicely, no signs of infection anywhere. Jess began to stretch on the ground as she thought. 'So much for being able to rely on these people when injured.'
Pulling out a few things, Pandora stretched her arms before packing, organizing which items were useless, broken, and a burden to bring along between the working, and useful items. There weren't much left, the humans had pretty much sucked them dry.

Growling in frustration, Pandora reached for the canteen of beer. Stopping herself, the young healer remembered Nova's words and left the bottle on the ground where she had dropped it.
((To make things clear, Faye and Birch are not even in a tent xD and they're awake.))

Faye stands up, turning to see Birch standing beside her. "Oh, you're awake--good morning," she says to him with a rather ecstatic smile for someone this early in the morning. "And I'm sure everyone would like that!"

Faye crosses her arms around her bloody jacket, keeping her eyes on Birch for a moment too long. Finally she turns away, pushing a strand of blonde hair behind her right ear.

Once she turns back to the pile of supplies, she notices something. Her eyes narrow with sudden anger, realizing that the cooler is missing.

"Great," she says aloud, throwing her hands in the air with defeat. "Those damn humans stole our cooler...all that bear meat was in there."
(Okay, sorry I got confused by who was amd was not in a tent. Also, where did we get a cooler? I'm pretty dure those are not supposed to exist at that point in technological advancement -_- )
((Just because they're elves does not mean they don't have coolers xD They're just fugly old ones, gosh. xD I mean, unless you wanna just throw out all that meat after sitting around for six hours and waiting for it to drain. It would go bad~))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374812798.975094.jpg.69b283b5b96c7b0a9fc375d770528081.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374812798.975094.jpg.69b283b5b96c7b0a9fc375d770528081.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>i drew this it says the path from Fayland starring Axel:) then the guy standing in the corner is him then his fan is in the back yelling omg its Axel.



  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374812798.975094.jpg
    144 KB · Views: 16
((I drew a picture of Faye....but it came out terrible so I'll pass on showing it x'D

and lmao I just laughed at Dreamer's comment. "we made no progress."

yeah, guess not.. xD But yeah, we're awakening~))

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