The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((OH, right.))

As Faye fell asleep, her head settled on Birch's shoulder, a content smile on her face. She was in the middle of a seemed so real..

"This is Fayland," said Faye, drawing a large rectangle around the two of them in the sand with the tip of an arrow. She then stepped out of the shape and walked a few yards away, hearing Birch chuckle curiously behind her. Faye smiled to herself as she heard his laugh. She finally came to a stop, drawing another large rectangle in the sand. She looked up, seeing Birch standing at a distance inside the first rectangle she drew. He was looking at her with his two golden eyes, wondering what she was getting at. She made her way back over to him, allowing the tip of the arrow to create a long line back to the first rectangle. She stepped inside the shape, beside Birch once again.

He looks at her, his silky auburn bangs falling into his vision. "Then what's that over there?" he questioned, gesturing towards the other rectangle she drew at a distance. She looked at him, a cheerful smile placed among his face as usual.

"That," she told him, "Is Reddell. The home of all Dark Elves. My grandfather said that's what it's called."

"How do we get there?" Birch wondered, eyeing the land.

"Well, we'll have to stick together of course. It'd be a long, tiring journey..but it'd be worth it, Birch. We could change the world.." Faye exclaimed quietly enough so that Birch could hear. She then looked at him, her eyes sparkling with adventure as they always did. His eyes were glowing just the same.

"We just can't let anyone know..and King Calaer can't find out either," Birch said, reading her mind.

"Correct," Faye said with a smirk. She held her hand out to him for a moment before adding, "Well, let's go."

Birch looked at her hand a second, then glanced up at her confident face before taking her hand. He allowed her to take him out of the rectangle, but he pulled her to a halt. She turned around to face him, wondering why he had stopped.

"Wait," he told her, "how do we get past the guards?"

Just as Faye was about to open her mouth to respond, they heard a women calling Birch's name. The two children turned to see Birch's mother waving him over.

"I have to go home now," Birch told Faye, a frown crossing his face.

"Well, then we'll discuss this more tomorrow," she said to him, a warm grin settled on her face.

Birch smiled back at her with a wave and started to turn away, but Faye quickly leaned in and embraced him. He seemed a little surprised, but then laughed shyly before returning the gesture.

With that, Birch was off, heading home to his mom.

Suddenly, Faye's eyelids started to twitch as she mumbled something inaudible in her sleep. She gulped, shaking her head a little as she loosely clutched onto Birch's arm. "What's happening..?" she mumbled softly as her dream took a turn.

Flames..violently burning flames filled her vision. She didn't know why they were there, but she heard desperate pleas for help along with the sound of cackling.

Faye was breathing heavily now, gripping tighter onto Birch's arm. Her dream had turned into some sort of nightmare.
Birch couldn't sleep. Again he found himself a little jealous of Faye as she'd managed to fall asleep while sitting up and leaning against him after an entire day of of what seemed like madness and to top it off, she looked so happy doing it with a smile playing off her lips. It was obvious she was dreaming. Birch stopped listening to the simple sound of her breathing to think about his own dreams. He quickly came to the conclusion that he hadn't had any, not in years, not even a nightmare. He wondered what it would be like. Could he see right if he was dreaming? Would he be able to run around, put on a real, happy smile and do all the things he couldn't really do now? Perhaps it was for the best then. A person shouldn't waste their life away wanting nothing more than to sleep through what you had.

His trail of thought ended abruptly as he felts pressure on his arm. Sure enough it was Faye, still fast asleep though her expression had changed. She looked worried, afraid, sad. The dream had turned into some kind of nightmare. He doesn't know what to do at first, worrying waking her up from such a thing might be quite a shock so he settles with something he's almost sure is useless. He wraps both his arms around her and hugs her tight, closing his eyes as he rests the side of his head against hers, praying it would give some comfort.

Faye's eyelids shot open abruptly, allowing her to peer into the darkness. Her heart was beating fast and she didn't know where she was or what was happening. However, after a moment or two she realized that she was in someone's arms. Realizing it was Birch's arms, she was able to catch her breath.

Faye then sat up so she could look him in the eyes, her hands still shaking a bit. She opened her mouth to explain, but she didn't know what exactly it was that she was supposed to tell him.

Finally, she was able to manage, "I think I had nightmare.." She paused for another few seconds, glancing away. She then looked back up at him and added, "but it started off as a dream..a really realistic one..and I think it was more than just a dream...." She shook her head, feeling as though she sounded confused. "I mean, I don't know. It was strange.."
(As much as I respect your love story, I really think someone else needs to post so this can stop being "The Story of Faye and Birch" and start being "The Path From Fayland" again)
((Well no one was posting! And there were like 2 people online so I was like, WELL I GUESS THIS IS GONNA KEEP GOING UNTIL WE CAN SWITCH TO MORNING.

So don't blame us for everyone else not doing their own shiz xD ))
(Maybe I'll just log off for a bit, there's this glowy yellow round thing in the sky that I need to investigate)

and after PsycoWarlock13 posts again why don't we switch to morning? 'Cause this night is dragging on a bit xD Didn't think we'd be chillin' at the ruins this long. hahahah.))
Pandora awoke to the smell of romance and groaned slightly, "Not again!" Pandora's head was pounding from the alcohol, her throat was feeling very dry and she needed water.

Struggling to get up, Pandora stumbled over to a nearby river and cupped some water in her hands, bringing the refreshing liquids to her mouth. Feeling the water rejuvenate her throat, Pandora sighed in relief.

Feeling her stomach suddenly turn, Pandora bent over and puked into the river. "There goes my dinner..." Pandora thought sadly as she watched the river pull the vomit away.

Light headed, Pandora crawled back to the camp site and tried to go back to sleep, failing terribly. Pandora sat up and twirled a strand of her sunset coloured hair between her fingers.

"I'm bored..." Pandora finally admitted after getting tired of twirling the piece of hair. Glancing around the camp site, Pandora approached a group of elves that weren't about to make out and sat down with them.
((Alright, everyone get yo' morning posts ready xD As for Faye..guess she fell back asleep xDD))
Pandora waved at Nova, her head still pounding from her hangover. Giving them a pained smile, Pandora made a joke and said, "There's so much sexual tension in there." Gesturing to the tent where Juniper and Caricon lay. "You can sense it from out here." Chuckling lightly, Pandora's head felt like it was being hit with a bus multiple times.

Deciding to change the topic, Pandora questioned the group of elves. "Any of you guys met a dragon before?"
"Once, I saved a human girl from a small one. She didn't notice though, too scared running from me. Humans need to get their priorities in order." Nova said, offering her his arm to keep her steady. "Why can't you heal yourself of blood intoxication?" He asked Pandora.

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