The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper relaxed a bit when he began to rub her head. She listens to his words silently, she didn't feel like coming up with anything clever to say at the moment so she just agreed with him. "Alright" If she was feeling better, she might of added. I'll remember that when you break your leg.
"Raise the dead? How could she do that?" he thought. Then he remembered that she was drunk. With a sigh he laid back and thought about the day.

(Sorry, Internet got shut off so I couldn't post until today)
((I fell asleep last night and I literally just woke up a half an hour ago x-x I was like, Fffff. It's already 1?! Damn. xD ))

Faye shook her head quickly at Birch, disagreeing with his words. She would've believed them a minute or so ago, but the way she thought had changed. She was done doubting everyone's survival--they could do this. This journey wasn't about meeting their fate, rather it was about going on an adventure and learning to stay together and protect one another. This journey was about changing the way the world works..and they wouldn't be able to do that by facing death. Faye didn't recruit all these wonderful elves to join her escaping Fayland so that they could all die. Faye needed them so they could all put their skills together in order to make it to the other side of the land.

"No," she said to Birch fast, "I promise that we'll both survive. I'm not gonna let you die....and you're not gonna let me die." Faye keeps her eyes focused on his, a genuine look among them. After another moment she added, "I have faith in the others as well.."
((Summary: Well, everyone's at the old ruins still, some dude appeared named Nova and he's a Light Elf as well, a tribe of stupid humans were at their camp there stealin' all our supplies and shit, and when they saw Faye they tried to shoot her with their arrows but they missed and she shot like several of them and they died, but then one shot her in the leg, then Pandora drew the tribe out of the camp, no one would get Faye a dang bandage so she crawled over to what's left of their supplies and of course the stupid humans took all the first aid so she just wrapped her wound with her jacket, and Juniper was holding Caricon because Caricon is a burden, oh and everyone ships CariPer (CariconxJuniper) except for them, even though it's obvious that they do, then Faye lost consciousness due to blood loss, so Birch thought she died and he was flippin' out and getting all unusually emotional, then Juniper healed Faye so she woke up, then Juniper healed Pandora 'cause the girl had arrows stuck in her, then she healed Caricon 'cause he has a ton of issues, and then Caricon tried to love her but she was like :l so he assumed he was rejected and went and cried, then Pandora got drunk and told Valandil she liked him and that she could raise the dead, then Valandil was just like uhh..well she's drunk so.. xD , and Caricon and Juniper are in their tent together and he's rubbing Juniper's head, meanwhile Firch is having an emotional moment together xD , and there's a new girl named Jess whom you know is a shapeshifter as well and she's just chillin at the camp 'cause she doesn't know anyone. xD phew.))
(You lost detail about my injury. Some of my spinal cord was pulled out, I was hit by a poisonous arrow in the neck, and the last to be healed.)
(kk lets see if i can type this while holding my popsicle)

Vex, glad that things had finally settled down for once, decided to go chat up the other shapeshifter. She hadn't really talked to anyone yet, and Vex figured she might like to have another shapeshifter as a friend, someone with whom she could relate.

He strolled over and stood next to her.

"Hey, I'm Vex. So you're a shapeshifter, too?"
((NO POPSICLE FOR YOU! *slams the freezer door shut with a thunderous boom*))
((Have you ever gotten that feeling when you're hungry, but not hungry at the same time? Like, you're full, but you still have space for more))

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