The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((They aren't in Fayland any longer, so it doesn't matter what she does xD Although, Pandora drunk will most likely not result well xD ))

Faye stared at Birch for a moment, her lips parting as she held her breathe. What he had just said to her created a pang of depression in her gut. She kept her gray eyes focused on his, everything else around them a complete blur. She could feel the tears building up behind her eyes, using all her strength to try and keep them from becoming visible. However, she was unable to hold them back as a tear created a path down her cheek.

Not bothering to wipe the tear away, she squeezed his hand in hers to reassure herself that she was still alive. She didn't know exactly what to say to Birch's words at first, feeling that her fate may eventually come soon. After all, she was already shot with an arrow today..she was lucky it was only in her leg, rather than her heart.

Though after a few more moments of gazing into Birch's sincere eyes, she cracked the slightest smile and said to him, "I'm not going to. I promise."
Juniper moans softly wincing from the pain in her head. She curls up tighter closing her eyes tightly trying to block out any light from entering her eyes. Before she was able to sleep through it, why couldn't she do that now?
Valandil looked down eyes wide as she snuggled into him. He was not used to being talked to by a girl in this way. She was also clearly drunk in the way she talked and moved. He then laughed. He was somewhat also amused when she slurred her words together.
Caricon was laughing at the display when he heard whining. He located the sound at Juniper's tent. He walked in with a face of concern. "Is something wrong?" He then sat down to show he was not leaving.
Snuggling into the crook of Valandil's neck, Pandora blushed softly and whispered into his ear, "I like you." Pulling away, Pandora quickly kissed Valandil's cheek. Taking another sip of the alcohal, Pandora leaned her head on Valandil's chest.

Feeling very tipsy, Pandora turned around and sat on Valandil's lap with the most serious expression a drunk person could muster. "Can I tell you a secret?" Pandora asked lowly so that no one else could hear her.
Valandil felt his face where she has kissed him wondering if she really liked him or if it was just the "bear" talking. When she asked him the question he nodded his head and listened.
Leaning in close to his face, Pandora took a deep breath and whispered quietly, almost inaudible. "I can raise the dead." Putting a finger to her lips, Pandora gestured for Valandil to keep the secret quiet. After saying those few words, Pandora passed out on the elf's lap. She was going to have a major hangover tomorrow.
Juniper uncurls slightly and peers through her fingers seeing Caricon. "My head hurts" she manages to mutter through her gritted teeth. She wondered why he was in her tent now, he hadn't seemed to care earlier when she was by the fire. She couldn't figure him out.
His smile disappears in an instant, his expression remaining neutral as he speaks in a soft, careful voice. "You can't promise me that. Nothing in the world can assure any of us surviving. You or me or any of us. I just wanted you to know I prefer you this way." He paused, looking off to the side as he realized how awkward his words were. It sounded bizzare even to his own ears and he realized it must have sounded like he didn't really care about the lives of everyone else there. Deciding that self doubt wasn't doing any good, he looks back and after a moment of staring into Faye's eye he reaches out his free hand to wipe a tear off her cheek without a word.
"Sorry for the fire deal its just. I like you and I felt like you rejected my," he said all at once getting it off his chest. "If you want me to leave I will go."
Juniper bites down on her lip swallowing her snaky comment. Oh I'm sorry risking my life to save yours wasn't a grand enough gesture or go ahead and feel sorry for yourself while I wither up in pain. She wasn't sure what to say. She wasn't good at this mushy stuff so she lifted her head and rested it in his lap trying to show she wanted him to stay. She really did, although it was kind of selfish. She wanted him to rub her head like he had before. It felt nice and she thought it could help with her headache
Caricon understood and began to rub her head thinking about what he has just said. YOU IDOIT WHY DID YOU TELL HER!!!!! He would've slapped himself if he hadn't been rubbing her head. "How about you no heal unless we have too. No using your powers you heal up somebodies little scratch only life threatening. He then mind slapped himself again. I just said to a heal don't heal anybody unless thy are dying. What was wrong with him.
(You’ve got to kiss the girl

Why don’t you kiss the girl

You gotta kiss the girl

Go on and kiss the girl

- The Little Mermaid)
(You gotta be flexible then haha jk you might hurt your neck/back trying. Or you could get hit with a flaming arrow *shot for saying such an overused joke*)

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