The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Pandora awoke from her sleep, rubbing her eyes and walked over to the dim little fire that provided very little heat. Glancing around the group, Pandora smiled when she was the two new couples, CariPer and Firch. "I knew it was bound to happen." Pandora chuckled lightly as she rubbed her two hands together, trying to generate heat. But, seeing the two young couples made the young healer yearn for another's warmth, someone to love and snuggle with. Dozing off into her daydreams, Pandora laid down by the fire, letting the flames flick at her skin once in awhile.


Hunnyhelp said:
(Well we got CariconXJuniper BirchXFaye and Pandora.)
And I'm sad. lol SliverOfHope yay! Let's do it then!
Juniper's eyes fluttered open. She blinked looking up at Caricon immediately uncurling. She blushed embarrassed realizing she was in his arms. The last thing she remembered was healing him. She must have passed out afterwards. Her headache returned and she winced.
Caricon snapped back just as the boys house was burning down. He saw Juniper awake and smiled. "Looks like I'm going to have to carry you for the rest of the trip."
Valandil yawned as he sat down by the fire. He grabbed a banana to satisfy his hunger when he realized that there was a sudden change in the atmosphere. He looked back at the supplies to notice Faye and Birch close together. Then as he neared the fire he saw Caricon and Juniper also holding each other. For a brief moment he thought about what it would feel like to love someone. Then his stomach growled and he started to eat his food.
(Love is in the air yet more people feel left out the the actually people in love which is 3 I have no idea what little dreamer has in store for her char)
"Well it's your fault isn't it?" She lifts her hand poking his nose. "bop" she smiles "could you get me some water?" she asks realizing her mouth was a bit dry.
(Eh, I wouldn't mind Valandil being in love with another character. The main issue for me is that his personality is a little brusque so I can't really write romantically)
(Ok she has no feelings for him. I'm going to crush his heart.)

Caricon got up and got a canteen. He walked outside the ruins and approached a stream looking around in case there are any humans. Once he saw none he dipped the canteen in and filled it up. Once he got halfway he collapsed his brain realizing that Juniper had no feelings for him. He came down to his knees and cried. He was rejected and hated, he should've stayed at fayland.
Birch seemed to be calming down more and more as the seconds ticked by and eventually his expression is about as unreadable as always. No empty, just vague. "I'm sorry," he mutters, hanging his head and closing his eyes for a moment. "Everything is already hard enough without me crying over nothing." He stays quiet for a moment as he takes in the scene and only just no realizes that Faye still was holding onto his hand which made him look up at their locked fingers to confirm it. He stares at this for a moment, a touch of surprise visible in his eyes before he looks up and tries to put on the smallest of smiles.
Juniper pushed herself to a sitting up position and looked around wondering where Caricon had gone off too. She stands up giving up on waiting for him and walks over to the fire sitting down. She hugs her knees to her chest resting her chin on them trying to ignore her head ache, but it was starting to bother her.

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