The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(You miss my point I used my love to create energy and give you some. Just a little so you won't pass out. Not like your ready to fly and defeat all of the dark elves. Just conoius. Sorry for the misspelling spell check fails me now.)
(Face palm)

Caricon looked at her and saw it didn't work he then cradled her head in his chest. What have I done she will never love me now. He then continued to cradle her head tears forming in his eyes as his hear broke.
Birch takes quite a while to calm down enough to pull away from Faye. He looks like a mess, his eyes going a bit puffy as tears continued to go down his cheeks. He sniffs a few times, his expression starting to calm a bit a she finally speaks in a still cracking voice. "I hid in some bushes when those people attacked. They didn't see me. But you were out there fighting them off while I was hiding and then you-" He stops himself as he closes his eyes, tears sneaking past his lids as his hand tightened on their shoulders.
(Dead it was just one insult about 7 hours ago. Caricon is over reacting and so are you. It's not dead it just got a poisoned arrow yanked out of its spinal cord. I'm looking at you piapai.)
Juniper struggled to keep her eyes open. She noticed that he seemed upset and she wanted to say something to make him laugh or more likely just tease him so he felt embarrassed instead. Her eyes fluttered closed before she could open her mouth unable to keep them open anymore. 
(oh, would you rather she just left it there?)
Faye watched as Birch continued to cry over her, but she didn't know why he was so emotional--she was fine. She had tried telling him that, but his tears just kept coming. Seeing him cry did kill her a little bit deep down, but moreover she couldn't help a soft grin. Seeing him cry made her realize something important. He really cared about her. She cared about him a lot too, so it made her feel all warm inside to find out he had enough space left in his heart for her. She had a feeling he would, though..she never doubted his ability to have feelings.

Faye reached out and wiped the tears from beneath his eyes with the back of her hand. She couldn't help but chuckle a bit as she said to him gently, "Shh,'s okay..aha, I'm alright." She kept her eyes focused on his, which were a bit red from crying so much. "I'm just glad you're okay," she told him, taking his hand in her own as she tried to comfort him.
Caricon saw her go to sleep and continued to pet her hair. Maybe I didn't mess it up. He looked around him to see Faye and Burch talking. I wonder if they are in love. Will she ever love me. He continued to pet he his sad eyes looking far away beyond the wall beyond fayland.
(I feel so forever alone now...anyone want to be Pandora's partner in love? Even if it's just for a little bit. There's so much love in the air, how can you not kiss somebody?)
Juniper relaxed falling limp in his arms as she drifted off deeper into sleep. She smiled in her sleep comforted by his strokes in her head. She curled up against him feeling safe in his arms almost like she knew his attention had drifted from her. Something she would have never done while she was awake, but she was asleep now.
Caricon saw the world beyond the borders of the other side of fayland. The land across the sea a world a mountain range and then it settled on a boy working on the fields. In a land forever out of the reach of the fayland elves.
(I kind of went with the 'kidnapping then escape' idea. Couldn't think of anything else.)

Jess growls as walks along the forest ground, her eyes glaring at the ground each time something would brush against her stomach or she moved it too much. 'They were going to eat me!' She muttered aloud, wincing again as she continued to walk. 'They actually tried to cut open my stomach. What's wrong with humans!?!' Jess screamed in her mind as she shook her head, the area where the others were at was straight ahead of her.


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