The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Pandora snorted at Nova's question and held onto his arm for balance. "That's no fun," Knowing that they would give her weird looks, Pandora flashed the group a cheeky smile. "It's better to learn by your mistakes." Pandora chuckled softly. "How can you learn if you don't feel the pain? You know what they say, no pain, no gain!" The moment Pandora had said those words, the pounding in her head got worse. "F*** you, Fate. You did that on purpose." Pandora cursed in her mind.
"Yes, but you didn't make a mistake. You made yourself drunk. I even heard you say it was your plan. Just because I don't know how my own Ice Spear feels doesn't compell me to impale myself just to know what my enemies feel. I think you like being drunk" Nova said.
(I just died from laughter lol)


Hearing the elf's words, Pandora burst out laughing, waking a few nearby birds. "Maybe you're right," Pandora chuckled and leaned back. "But I got rid of my drinking problem long time ago, I hope it's not coming back." Pandora frowned when she recalled the time when she had a serious addiction to alcohol. Pandora looked over to Nova and sighed, "I was just feeling a little down at that time," Pandora brushed a piece of her hair out of her face. "I know it's not healthy," Pandora hugged her knees to her chest. "I just needed something to escape to, you know?" Noticing how heavy her conversation was turning, Pandora grinned cheerfully and changed the topic, "So,"
"Again, you are a //healer//, you don't need to worry about health. By the way you acted it looked as if you use dribking to express your carnal desires, much like a person would if they collaberated with others to tell a story in which each created a different persona. You take on the persona of a drunk in oreder to explain away all your expressions s 'I was drunk'. Sound right?" Noca said, a feairce undertone rising in his voice.
Juniper lifted her head waking up blinking she still had a slight head ache, but it was much duller now then it had been before she fell asleep. She walks outside tired of being cooped up inside the dark tent. She plopped herself down on the floor by the fire already feeling out of breath. She hoped that today no one would need to be healed, no she hoped no one would need to be healed for the rest of the trip. If it carried on like this, sooner or later she would be the one who ended up dead, unable to defend herself with a shield or run. She started to wonder if some of the other elves had started to become careless just because they had two with them who knew the holy arts.
((It's a word, so wouldn't it just be 'healer' without the apostrophes around it, of course?))
Pandora smiled gently at Nova, obviously wanting to drop the topic. Yawning, Pandora stretched her arms and laid down. "Maybe...You seem to understand me more than I understand myself." Pandora mumbled, resting her eyes.


(What in the world is happening. I don't want an emotional moment now! QAQ we all just had one! Oh, Pandora, how I love to make you suffer. Heheheheheheh. When are we going to skip to the morning, this night is getting really long)
(Wait what? IT IS?! HOW MUCH HAVE I MISSED?!?! I thought the whole time it was still night time... D8 man I'm slow)
Faye awoke to the sound of birds chirping, a beautiful melody being sung back and fourth among the treetops. As she opened her eyelids, sunshine poured into her vision, causing her to squint a bit. She rolled her left hand into a fist so she could rub her eyes gently, allowing them to adjust to the bright environment. Her right arm was comfortably wrapped around Birch's left arm and she didn't remove it yet, rather she nuzzled closer to Birch to be warmer.

It was certainly cold this morning, the wind blowing softly against her skin as the yellow, red, and orange leaves began falling from the trees, leaving the ground covered in them. It was quite beautiful though, seeing all the warm colors surrounding them.

Faye sighed thoughtfully, excited to begin a brand new day. She hoped it would turn out better than yesterday, meaning there would be no more tribes stealing their food and sending any of the elves into a near death experience.

She looked around the pile of supplies, searching for her jacket. She had used it to wrap around her wound yesterday, so unfortunately she ended up going the entire night in her gray tank top and black vest. Her arms were freezing, which made her tighten her grip around Birch's arm.

After a few more seconds had gone by, she finally released Birch and sat up. She leaned over and searched through the piles of leaves, surprised at how much had actually fallen over night. She couldn't even see the ground.

After a couple minutes had passed, she eventually found what she was looking for. Faye pulled her jacket from beneath the pile of leaves, eyeing it hesitantly before actually throwing it over her back and slipping her arms through the sleeves. She looked down as she buttoned it up, overlooking the fact that it was covered in her blood from last night. Her mom had still gone through all the effort to make it for her and not to mention, it was freezing outside and the jacket was super cozy.
Nova sat quietly outside tge camp as dawn approached. He wouldn't need sleep for a few days after waking from he magic-induced sleep. He wondered briefly what the others were in their dreams, espescially that Faye girl. He hadn't stopped thinking about her for hours. Nova was slowly regaining his strength, after eating more than his share of the food while the others were asleep. He justified his indulgence by reminding himself tgat had almost starved to death before Faye found him.

Earlier thay night he snuck over to where Birch and Faye were sleeping, carefully sifting through the supplies. At one point he looked down at the girl, 'I could kill him, right now. But do I want to? No. I just //think// I do' He shook the thought off and took the supplies he was looking for.and started to head back. 'Hmmm, one last thing' He gently nudge Fayes right arm around tge other elfs left arm. 'There we go' He half grinned and left.

Nova doused the fire with an icy touch as he passed. 'Nope you guys just rest, I'll stand guard' He thought to himself.
(( Wait, Nova wants to kill Birch? And did he just move Faye closer to Birch? xD //Puzzlement// ))
Valandil woke up, the sunlight flashing in his eyes. He looked down and realized Pandora was no longer lying on chest. He stood up and stretched, looking around to see where everyone was.

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