The Path From Fayland - Official RP

After putting her bow on her back, Faye headed over to the fire pit where a couple of the others were sitting. She plopped herself down onto a log and smiled warmly at the elves surrounding her.

"Good morning," she said, looking very cheerful as she usually was. "Birch said he'd cook us all some breakfast before we head off...that is, if the humans didn't steal all his supplies..."
Hearing the word breakfast, Pandora spun around to face Faye. "FOOD?!" Pandora's mouth dropped, her stomach grumbling loudly. "Like, actual real food?" Pandora's eyes began to sparkle as she thought of all the delicious food there was in the world. The young healer hadn't had a real and proper meal since she left Fayland!
"Good luck cooking anything" Juniper looks at Faye "someone's poured water on the logs. We have to wait for them to dry before we can light them, more maybe get some fresh ones." She leans back on her elbows. She wasn't in the mood to move from the spot. She winced at the loud noise Pandora made. "Lower your voice, would you?"
Caricon popped out of the tent. "And who will provide this meal." He then pulled some eggs and bread. "I was thinking we could get some meat from that bear."
Faye looked around curiously before asking, "Where's Valandil? Maybe he could get us some new logs or something." Her own stomach was growling ferociously and she would've settled for bear meat if it wasn't gone. 
Faye turned to Caricon and said with a smile, "Birch said he would. He's a really talented cook." Her smiled then faded as she told him reluctantly, "We could've had some bear meat if it wasn't stolen." She sighed, turning back to the empty fire pit.
(What am I, the official log boy or something? :P )

Valandil walked towards the fire after washing his face. He overheard Faye ask for him to get firewood. "I'll be back." he said as he walked into the woods to get some firewood.
Birch stepped carefully out of the little hut, avoiding everyone's eyes as he made his way to the campfire, kneeling down as he pulled out supplies for some breakfast. Despite his obvious nerves he worked fast, cracking a few eggs in one pan, arranging some bacon on another and peels a potato in a bowl as those both slowly simmered over the fire. Though his bad eye looked as blank as ever, matching his normal bored look, his good eye burned with an intense focus as he worked diligently. It was hard to say he was enjoying himself but he was no doubt immersed in his work. After peeling the potato he started to dice it up with incredible speed with his knife, placing it in a third pan as he began to put together hash browns.
((Well, I was thinking he could cut down a tree or something if he had to x'D Or wait, is he skilled in martial arts not close combat? xD

Well nvm, he's just the official log boy then xD ))
Pandora blushed and grinned sheepishly, "Ah, sorry." Sitting down with the others, Pandora's stomach was growling very loudly, almost like a giant mutant bunny bear's. Hugging her knees to her chest, Pandora glanced around the group. It was obvious that everyone was tired and hungry.
Caricon tossed the meat down. "How about a little cook off?" He the pulled a pan out of his jacket. "I'm a expert."
Juniper shivered still looking at the pile of woods that was supposed to be a fire pit. She kicks at them knocking them over. "So you can rob in the dead of night, but in the daylight you're caught off guard and almost died twice by their hands. Right, that sounds good." She replies. "One time you are going to wander off on your own and nobody is going to go looking for you."
Pandora listened intently, Caricon just challenge Birch to a cook-off. "This is bound to be good." Pandora chuckled as she heard Juniper's voice talk about how Caricon could rob at night but be caught off guard so many times in the daylight.
(I might have to leave this RP, because you guys are seriously going too fast, and for some reason the notification system isn't telling me when people post)
(Hunnyhelp. No)

Valandil ran back to the camp, knowing that everyone was probably waiting for him. He then arrived and started the fire. When he heard Caricon say that they should have a cook off he could only laugh to himself.
(( And we'll just pretend Birch actually COOKS the stuff once Val gets the fire started xD I don't think Warlock was aware that there wasn't a fire going))

"Thanks, Val!" Faye says as the dark haired boy walks past them to find firewood.

She looks around at everyone, feeling warm and cheery inside with the whole gang gathered around. It was amazing how food could bring them all together like that. Her eyes focused on Birch, who was using his talented skills to cook them a wonderful breakfast. They were in the middle of the forest, yet Birch knew how to make them feel like they were at home.

She then looked up at Caricon, raising her brows as he suggested a cook off. Expert? she thought to herself, unable to stifle an amused laugh as she rolled her eyes subtly.
Pandora's eyes grew in size as she smelt the delicious aroma of an actual meal. Drooling slightly, Pandora moved over next to Birch, taking in the amazing scent.

"Oh. My. God." Pandora sighed, her stomach growling, demanding food. "It's like heaven in a pan!~"


(Mein gott, guys. I got hungry just by typing this)
Caricon gathered some wood and started a fire of his own. He pulled out some more pans and put them on the fire. He pulled out some bear meat and cut it up like bacon. He then broke some eggs and began to cook a breakfast.
(( I'm okay with using Caricon's dead body as a punching bag. But Valandil is one of my favorite characters so I disagree with that proposal xD And I love calling him Val 'cause I love that name xD

The Villain King nuu don't leave :c But if you did, we'd still have Vex follow them around in beast form because he's like their transportation device for supplies xDD))

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