The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Feeling something cold on her neck forced Pandora awake as she sat up suddenly, bumping foreheads with the person in front of her.

"Owwww..." Pandora rubbed her aching head, which was from both the food and hitting it. "I'm going to kill Caricon...." Pandora growled lowly as she remembered what had happened. "I will grab his by his silly hair and slowly rip out his-" Pandora began to get very graphic in Caricon's death. He had just tried to poison them! "And then leave his decapitated body for another giant mutant bunny to devour it." Pandora's eyes narrowed as she began chuckling maniacally.

Pandora cursed her bad immune system for not protecting her body more, if it weren't for the cold touch, Pandora would've still been unconscious for a few hours at the least.
After the girl began to move and talk, Nova release the magic energy. He was now unable to crawl, only lie there and hope that one of the two nearby healers would do something. "One of you...please, just can't think...kill later, must sleep..." He fell unconscious.
Faye had settled her empty plate down on the ground so that she could move to Pandora's side. She was quite shocked at how the girl had suddenly fallen unconscious for no apparent reason. She looked up at Nova with wide eyes full of concern.

"What happened?" she questioned, glancing from him to Pandora. 
Faye's mouth opened in more shock as she watched Nova crumble to the ground and fall unconscious. What was happening?! Why was everyone falling unconscious? She heard Pandora say something about Capricorn poisoning them, which made her heart ache. Why would he do something so cruel to a group of kind elves who saved his ass from dying a number of times?

She stood up, pulling her bow off her back and readying it with an arrow. At this point, she was feeling angry and ready to put an end to the boy if they saw him again. He was certainly no friend, rather he was an enemy. She felt dense for even allowing him to join them on their journey, seeing that it came to this. Why did she assume that no matter what, everyone was capable of being a good elf?

Faye sighed, shaking her head slowly. She looked up at those who were still with them, her eyes full of both rage and sadness.

"I'm sorry, guys..I should've known he was an enemy from the start.." she told them, an obvious trace of anger in her voice.
Juniper looks over Nova trying to figure out what happened. She looked him over not seeing any wounds or anything that would give away what had happened. But he did seem ill. Was he sick? No, that can't be it. It wouldn't just come on suddenly. She didn't know of any diseases that did that. Poison? no it couldn't be poison. Maybe he just ate some berries he wasn't supposed too. She places her hand on his chest feeling a bit nervous about using her Holy Arts. If this was life threatening, she was going over her head. She didn't know if she could handle a scratch let alone poison. But she couldn't let him die.

Taking a deep breath she calmed herself down and focused sending her healing magic into his body. She released her hand and collapsed on the ground.
Pandora noticed how fatigued the other healer was and put a hand on her shoulder, giving the girl a small smile and taking over her job so that Juniper could rest.

"You've already done so much," Pandora whispered to the girl, her head still hurting from the poison. Pandora concentrated on Nova and began analysing his body, trying to figure out what was wrong.

When Pandora found out what had gone on with Nova's body, she had a little smile on her face. He had something very common with magic users. "He's just tired from using too much magic." And the poison Caricon put into his food, Pandora added in her head bitterly.

Going back to Nova's body, Pandora furrowed her eyebrows as she began to heal the magician.
Next, it was Juniper who fell to the ground but for a whole different reason. Once again, she was going out of her way to help everyone stay alive with her talent. Faye knew it was difficult for Juniper, considering using the Holy Arts took up an immense amount of energy. She fell to the girl's side just as she collapsed to the ground and held her head up before it hit the ground harshly.

Faye shook her head, feeling angrier than ever before, but holding back any words to show it. She clenched her jaw tightly, allowing all of this rage to build up inside of her. She knew it was probably unhealthy to bottle up her feelings, but she hated to show a negative side.

This was all his damn fault.
paipai900 said:
Pandora noticed how fatigued the other healer was and put a hand on her shoulder, giving the girl a small smile and taking over her job so that Juniper could rest.
"You've already done so much," Pandora whispered to the girl, her head still hurting from the poison. Pandora concentrated on Nova and began analysing his body, trying to figure out what was wrong.

When Pandora found out what had gone on with Nova's body, she had a little smile on her face. He had something very common with magic users. "He's just tired from using too much magic." And the poison Caricon put into his food, Pandora added in her head bitterly.

Going back to Nova's body, Pandora furrowed her eyebrows as she began to heal the magician.
Hunnyhelp said:
Caricon fell to the ground pain coursing through his body. He felt his heart pop and fell to the ground. Clutching his heart, he transformed. As his dark hair darkened and got shorter he became a dark elf. He got up and pulled out his bow, shooting a mother bird bringing food to her babies. He then started on a trek to his village to his home. He wasn't always evil but he was now.
(Is he werewolf now?)
((Capricorn can be come a heartless Light Elf, 'cause there's always gonna be those murderers and what not of the population, but he can't turn into a Dark Elf. That ain't how it works, bro.)) 
((Faye transports to wherever the hell Capricorn is, rolls her damn eyes, and readies her bow with an arrow. She raises her bow arm and aims directly at his chest, releasing her arrow quickly. The arrow flies rapidly through the air, piercing Capricorn right in the heart. His eyes roll to the back of his head and he falls to the ground, finally dying.

"I'll take that," Faye says as she walks over to his dead body and removes the bloody arrow from his heart, sliding it right back into her quiver.

Faye then smiles cheerfully, her gray eyes sparkling with joy as she transports back to the camp. She puts her bow on her back and clasps her hands together, excited to share the big news.

"Guess what, everyone?! Capricorn is finally dead!" she exclaims.

Suddenly, the whole group of wonderful elves around her throw their hands in the air happily as a hundred colorful balloons fall from the sky. Everyone randomly has party poppers as well, ready to celebrate Capricorn's death! For the rest of the night, all the elves party and have a good time.))
Caricon clutched his heart as he felt it stop. His heart had turned to rock. He slowly got up and pulled out his dagger and stabbed a bird just learning to fly. He then smiled and walked to the dark elf village to find his father.
((I'm about to make that mini story of mine a legit post.)) 
((He'd have to wait until we were at the end of the roleplay to roleplay then, if he was a Dark Elf. The Dark Elves don't actually come in until way later.))
(This is so racist. It's not even funny. *shot once again* WHY DO YOU KEEP SHOOTING ME?! *shot once more for thinking of a racist joke in her head* oh and.... "Caricon...I am....your father...." *shot multiple times*)
((Once again not how it works, bro. Not how it works.

I mean, if we're just doing whatever the hell we want now, then okay! Here's my post.))

Faye transports to wherever the hell Capricorn is, rolls her damn eyes, and readies her bow with an arrow. She raises her bow arm and aims directly at his chest, releasing her arrow quickly. The arrow flies rapidly through the air, piercing Capricorn right in the heart. His eyes roll to the back of his head and he falls to the ground, finally dying.

"I'll take that," Faye says as she walks over to his dead body and removes the bloody arrow from his heart, sliding it right back into her quiver.

Faye then smiles cheerfully, her gray eyes sparkling with joy as she transports back to the camp. She puts her bow on her back and clasps her hands together, excited to share the big news.

"Guess what, everyone?! Capricorn is finally dead!" she exclaims.

Suddenly, the whole group of wonderful elves around her throw their hands in the air happily as a hundred colorful balloons fall from the sky. Everyone randomly has party poppers as well, ready to celebrate Capricorn's death! For the rest of the night, all the elves party and have a good time.
((Well then, Mr. Zeyro, shall we rewind back to the point before Capricorn fucking turned into a Dark Elf? If not, then most post will be legit. After all, this is my roleplay.))
(Yeah. I'm just gonna end my part of it:

Kick him out if you want, it IS your RP Nami, I will stay no matter what;

-He is kinda troll-ish but it makes it a bit more interesting

My two cents~)
Juniper looks up at Faye "Is he okay?" she asks hoping her healing had worked. She wet her lips and tried to focus her eyes on the girl holding her head, but they kept wandering toward the sky. She didn't have enough energy to be mad or upset at the moment or even comprehend how the poison had happened.

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