The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper looked at Caricon who was yelling about how lazy she was. She thought about dropping him on the floor, no she couldn't do that, could she? She gritted her teeth feeling her knees wobble about to drop him anyways. "Now is not a good time too insult me!" she yelled angrily. 
(seriously why is Juniper holding Caricon?)
Pandora stumbled into the camp site, all bloodied and injured. Her vision became blurry and she couldn't feel any part of her body. Using the rest of her energy, the healer limped up to the group and collapsed in front of them. Arrows stuck out her body, blood stained her clothes completely.


((Because it's CariPer :D *shot*))
((Faye's searching through the supplies for some dang bandages xD ))

She searched through the bags of supplies, not much even left compared to what they had before the tribe had raided them. Her eyes scanned through the bags, looking for the first aid. Of course, she came to find that the tribe had stolen that as well.

"Damnit!" she said aloud to herself, hitting the ground with her fist angrily.

Suddenly, Faye had an idea. She took her gray jacket off and began wrapping it around her left leg. She cringed, finally feeling some more pain as she tightened the fabric around the wound. She held the jacket there, watching as it began to soak up with blood.
((And when Pandora just collapsed in front of you guys, what cruel people you guys are, ignoring my posts QAQ I feel so Canadian, eh *shot again*))
Valandil walked back to where the fire was and fed it more wood. He then grabbed a banana and sat down eating it. He thought about their current situation. A majority of the group was injured and their two healers were tired. He then took out a grinding stone he had managed to buy and started sharpening his katana.
((Valandil is heartless.)) 
((And Faye would help Pandora if she wasn't in such a state of pain xD Valandil however should be helping people. And who knows where Birch has been this whole time xDD))
After healing Pandora he walked over to see Faye struggling to get up. "I got it. Just stay there for a moment." He then went to the box and grabbed one of the bandages. He the kneeled down and wrapped her leg up to stop the bleeding. "How does your leg feel?" he asked trying to remember if he read anything about treating someone who experienced blood loss.
Juniper drops Caricon on the ground tired of holding him and his complains. She stepped over him and walked back to the camp leaving him on the ground. She looks around trying to figure out where everybody else was.
(Crap forgot about Pandora. Pretend this post is before the last one)

As he saw Pandora collapse on the ground he got up and picked her up to carry her over to the bandages in the supplies. He then asked "Where are the wounds at?"
((Where did these bandages come from? xD And Faye already wrapped it with her jacket. But we'll pretend Val unwrapped the jacket and tied a bandage around it))

Faye looked at Valandil, his face seeming to spin around in her vision. She closed her eyes shut tightly for a moment before opening them, gulping as the dizziness vanished. Unfortunately, the spinning images came back just as quickly.

"Why are there three of you...?" she mumbled, feeling more sick than anything right now.
(When I read your OOC post this pic came to mind)

Valandil said "What? Three of me?" She must have lost so much blood that she was getting dizzy. He then said "Are you still awake?"

Faye nodded tiredly at Valandil as her head began to ache. She looked at him, everything still spinning. This was beginning to make her panic, confused as to what was going on anymore.

"I don't..feel so good.." she told him softly. "Help.."

Just then Faye leaned over and puked all of a sudden. She coughed violently, trying to continue but she couldn't puke any longer. Her eyes were tearing up now as she turned on her side and collapsed onto the ground, everything fading to black.
Juniper runs over to Faye seeing her on the ground. "What happened?" she asks looking at her wound. She looked almost as bad as Caricon, but she hadn't insulted Juni which made her more willing too help. Why did everyone have to get wounded at once. She thought over who else was hurt. Pandora had a wounded shoulder from what she could remember, Caricon was poisoned, and Faye's leg was wounded (it was her leg right? I can't remember).

Valandil saw Juniper walk up and said "After I wrapped her wound in a bandage she vomited and then passed out, probably from blood loss." He was hoping she had recovered enough to heal again.
Caricon slowly but surely crawled to camp. "I feel like a caged animal. They have us surrounded and there is no way out. Anyway I'm sorry I insulted you juniper. But I should b the last to be healed is just." Here he coached up some blood. "Fine." He said passing out. The shock was over but then the poison had reached his vital organs. If he survived this he would have to go through shock again.

(I wished I had picked holy arts for my char too.)
"Right" Juniper replied "I dropped Caricon on the floor because he insulted me. So I'll wait to heal him later. I"ll start with Faye." She decides and kneels down placing her hand over the wound and crinkles her nose in concentration a moment before she started healing. Releasing her hand she felt a bit drained with a slight headache.
Birch managed to stumble him way into the hut's basement, looking shaken, pale but unharmed aside from a few scratches. Eyes wide with panic, he scans the room and immediately spots Faye laying there, her leg bleeding through the bandages as she appeared to be knocked out. "Faye!" he called out, his voice weak and cracking as he hurried over and fell to his knees and carefully shook Faye's shoulder. "Faye, please be alright, please," he whispers, shutting his eyes tight to force back suddenly forming tears, opening them to look at Juniper with a desperate look and ask, "She's going to be fine, right? Everyone is going to be okay, right?"

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