The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Ok you got me there. But Caricon is parilized I'm still debating if I should leave him like that forever or making him recover.)
((Well, where are our healers? xD And also, someone needs to do something about these humans. THEY ARE STEALING OUR SUPPLIES x-x Someone stop them! xD Make like a deal with them or something xD OR, someone kill 'em all! xD ))
Nova threw his spear, hitting a human in the leg and bringing him to the ground. He then turned to the injured elf girl and gently put his hands around the wound. He then began to draw upon his icy magic, concentrating on his hands. "Here, that should ease the pain a little."
(Paipai should heal Caricon. But probably after we leave via Vex in Beast form maybe? I don't even think we are all together)
((She can't, she's already tired enough. Besides, if I make it look like she has infinite energy and power, I'm going to get complaints :P ))
Faye watched as the boy wrapped his cold hands around the wound, causing a chilling sensation to run through her injured leg. She let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little bit better now. Although she was still in some pain, she wasn't going to let that tie her down.

She eyed the boy thankfully and wondered aloud, "Who are you?" 
((Alright, well Faye can hack it now, but someone's gonna need to get Caricon on their back since he's a burden xD since he can't do anything with all his problems.)) 
((brb dinner))
"I was called...Nova. I will need some answers when we shake these humans." He paused for a second as if thinking. "Get your party together and follow me, I have traps set up back near the hut where you woke me up." He offers her a hand to help her get up. 
(What all is wrong with Caricon at the moment? I lost track)
((Does no one remember my character's name? Don't tell me....I HAVE THE CAPRICORN SYNDROME?!?!))


Pandora glanced outside, the humans were still there. Locked and loaded with their arrows.

"We'd have to sprint as fast as we can, but, let's just be positive." Pandora chuckled nervously, running one of her hands through her messy bed head hair.
((Omg! I just heard Incomplete by Hoobastank in a commercial and I was like :0 ~currently in love with that song~ Oh and I remember Pandora's name! It's easy xD Unlike caricorn. ||D))

Faye nods understandingly as she allows Nova to help her up onto her feet. She stumbles a little due to the hole in her leg, quickly grabbing his shoulder before she fell down.

"Sorry," she mumbles, trying to stand by herself again. When her leg gives out again she grabs onto his shoulder once more, feeling frustrated with herself. "Damnit!" she cries softly, not wanting to be a burden.
Nova looks at the girl crying on his shoulder, "Uhh....there, there" He says, awkwardly patting her back. (Please tell me someone got that) "How many of you are there?"
"I'm fine!" she snaps, narrowing her eyes on him. Right as she does so, she regrets it. "I'm sorry..I just.." she sighs, looking down at the wound, "I don't know if I can walk like this..and it's still bleeding..I need a bandage or something..I'm sorry."

She feels terrible for being so harsh that moment, but the last thing she wanted was to hold back the group or let anyone else get hurt. She keeps clutching onto his shoulder to keep her balance, knowing she's certainly hurt.

"There's about eight of us..I think," she tells Nova, looking up at him.
(Lol) Axel bolted for the way they came in following everyone as he reaches it he jump stops. As he lands he started panting "That was close" He says tiredly.

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