The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper nods and continues "It was an escape from everything that was happening in my house. I would read and draw, quiet things. Sometimes I would just sit silently. It was the only place that was my own. One day outside the window I found a nest. There were some blue perfect looking little eggs in it. I watched for a while until the mother bird returned. I remember it not being a very pretty bird, but it looked small and fragile. That became my new routine, watching the nest that became my nest and the bird that became my bird. One day I herd chirping from inside the eggs. They weren't hatched yet, but I could hear their little voices." 
(I'm leaving to film soon. I'll be back around the same time I was yesterday except I have some reading homework todo today. It shouldn't take too long.)
Juniper looked down at Capricon going through her memories. She let's herself smile at him "You're interrupting my story. Is it boring you? Maybe you should go back to sleep." she suggests teasing him. "but to answer your question, I've never not lived in a house so I have nothing to compare it too." 
(leaving, sorry to leave you hanging Hunnyhelp. I lost track of time.)
((I am finally back! Gah, sorry about not being able to post much the last two days. Double sleepover and shiz, plus we had to plan out her brother's music video that we'll be filming soon. Little*Dreamer you like filming and photography?? Me too! :D It's my life <3 I have a youtube channel with a short film on it, but it's not AMAZING. Just..nice, I guess. Although, roleplaying is also my life now as well xD Is it sad that I was super anxious to just roleplay instead of hanging out with friends? //slapped// I had fun though, don't get me wrong. Okay, I'm rambling and just telling you guys about my life. xD OH, one more thing. PLEASE CAN WE NOT POST PICTURES OF DUDES WITH ARROWS IN THEIR HEADS? Like, I have a phobia of blood (and veins) unless it's like totally obviously don't give me chills like that, guys xDD //shotdead// Kay I'm done. x-x Sorry. I just missed you all ;w; gosh..))
After observing the golden key a few moments longer, she shoved it deep into the pocket of her gray jacket. She turned around and headed for the entrance, pushing the rotting wooden door open with another obnoxious creak. As she was reunited with the outdoors, she noticed a boy with silky ivory hair down to his back and pale blue eyes. Faye stood in the doorway, eyeing him cautiously.

"Uh, hello..?" she said to the boy, her gray eyes wandering his face.

The boy didn't look too terrifying, nor did he look like an enemy. Matter of fact, he looked like an additional Light Elf. How are so many elves escaping Fayland? she wondered, moving closer to the boy. 
((OH, one more thing..

I'm also a CariconxJuniper fangirl. xD ))
(( Nuu :'c )) 
((Caricon and Juniper already held hands. We all know that this is the start of a wonderful relationship. <3 ))
((Omg I totally ship that!))


...Inside Pandora's dream....

Two people were standing in the middle of a beautiful field of flowers. The sun was high up in the sky, illuminating their best features.

"Oh, Caricon!" Juniper fell into Caricon's strong arms. "How I love you so!" Juniper was wearing a long and flowy dress that fit her perfectly, showing off her body.

Caricon flipped his silky black hair and smirked at Juniper, caressing her cheek with his hand. "Last night I was matching each star with a reason why I loved you," Caricon brushed Juniper's soft hair out of her face and stared romantically into her eyes. "I was doing great until I ran out of stars..."

They leaned into each other, their lips closing off the space between them-

Pandora woke up at the best part and frowned. "Dammit! That was the best part!" Pandora cursed, toning out the yells of the humans outside the tent.


((I think CariPer will find it's way to become one of my OTPs!))
((HAHAH, PaiPai I'm dying of laughter. That was a great post. ||D

And lmao, someone is embarrassed. xD ))
((Btw, what exactly is going on with the humans? Like, where are they currently? Are they gone or are they there? What are they doing? 'Cause I feel like everyone at the camp is just chillin' so I feel like they're not there ahahah.

And Tamura please don't xD ))
(We are being attacked. We are hiding behind walls and then all the sudden we act like the battle is not happening)
Axel looks around at everyone sitting down worries he says "Hey guys we should get moving we don't need to get attacked again"

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