The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Lol I just think there was a lot of OOC talk) Valandil tried to peek around the corner. He knew they were out there, bows ready to shoot at anyone who popped out. He moved back to the camp and said "We should probably move. I can't tell how many are out there, but maybe we could sneak out thru the way we came in."
Caricon saw Valandil speak of escape. "If you plan on doing that you either carry me like a king or stay here. And what are we escaping from, where are we?"
(I shall second that considering most of our warriors are down at the current moment)


Pandora emerged from the tent, only to narrowly miss getting his by a flaming arrow. Opening her eyes in shock, Pandora saw that they were surrounded by humans. Barbaric humans to.

Limping as fast as she could, Pandora was skinned by a few arrows, cutting her flesh a little bit. "We need to get out of here!" Pandora hissed in panic, glancing around the hiding spot for humans. Too exhausted to put up a shield, Pandora rubbed her eyes, waking herself up from the state her peaceful sleep had given her.
Caricon looked at the girl come out of the tent. "Guys I can't stand up or move. How are we supposed to escape?" He tried picking up his hand but failed. "See."
Suddenly, Faye begins to hear footsteps approaching. As they get closer and closer, she turns around to see a man rushing out of the woods. He's quite muscular, but his clothes are like rags. With instinct, she hastily retrieves the bow from her back and pulls an arrow from her quiver. Just as she does so, the man pulls his arm back, a large spear in his grip.

He sends the spear in her direction when she moves out of the way, just quick enough so that it skims the side of her arm. As she moves, she stumbles into the boy with the long ivory hair, causing him to fall over. The spear sticks right into the tree behind them while Faye places the arrow in her bow as she lifts it up, aiming it at the man. He's putting his arm down gradually, clearly surprised that he had missed her.

Faye then releases the arrow, allowing it to plunge right into his chest. The man yelps in pain as he falls right to the ground, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Faye narrows her eyes in shock, wondering where the man even came from. She could tell mostly from his visible rounded ears that he was no elf, rather a human.

She turned around, helping the boy with soft blue eyes behind her up. "Sorry, I was trying to protect you as well. I don't know where he came from..follow me back to our camp, hurry," she tells him.

With that, she rushes back through the bushes and trees, seeing more humans invading their camp. They looked like a tribe, hungry for supplies and food as they were trying to gather up their items.
An annoyed look passed over Pandora's face, she glanced over to Valandil, Juniper, and Axel. Pandora leaned back on one of the walls and sighed, this was bad.

Suddenly Pandora was hit with an idea. A crazy one, but it could work. "How about," Pandora started, "We just make a run for it!" It was simple, but it could work. It would be very dangerous though.

"Hey," Pandora looked around, searching for someone. "Where's Faye?"
"I'm perfectly fine with that." said Valandil to Pandora as he picked up Caricon and slung him over his shoulder. With his free hand he drew his katana.
"Can you uh put me on Juniper," he quietly asked Valandil. He felt terribly uncomfortable. "And if not can you make it more comfortable." (Remember the article on what to do with somebody with shock) 
(Not if you want to live yourselves)
Nova saw the elf girl run off and decided to follow her.

"Hey wait!" he called after her.

"What are elves doing this far from Fayland?" He asked when he caught up.
Valandil sighed in frustration. The longer they stayed here the lesser their chance of escape. He walked over to Juniper and haver her Caricon. "Now is everyone ready to leave?"
Once the humans noticed her, the ones with arrows began to draw back their bowstrings, sending arrows in her direction. Her heart was pounding fast as she dove out of the way, allowing the arrows to fly into the woods. As she was falling to the ground she pulled back her own bowstring, piercing the heart of another man. She landed on the ground with a thud, quickly beginning to push herself off the ground.

There were plenty more humans than her, so she was certainly outnumbered--which was certainly not a good thing. However, she was extremely skilled in archery whereas many of these humans had the mind of a caveman. She knew more techniques than them. However, she wasn't quite sure that was going to save herself from their sharp weapons.

As she was starting to lift herself from the ground, another arrow zipped right through her jacket and into the dirt. She forced herself up, tearing her jacket once again. This time an arrow came at her other arm, cutting the edge of her skin a bit more than the first arrow had back at the hut.

"Ahg!" she winced, feeling a strike of pain go through her arm. Angrily, she lifted her bow arm up and shot the man with an arrow of her own, watching as he fell to the ground.

She began running away, continuously shooting more humans with her arrows simultaneously. Although, she hadn't quite killed each human she sent the arrow at, considering she wasn't able to aim completely well as she ran. She had knocked about several humans dead, however.

This time an arrow was shot at her left leg, sending her falling to the ground in agony behind a wall. Blood seeped out of the cuts on her arms too as she leaned her head back against the wall and clenched her teeth together.
Nova saw the elf girl fall, unsure of what the situation was; he reasoned that elves were more trustworthy than humans however. He picked up speed and ran toward the girl, his icy spear forming in his hands. He knelt down beside her, ready to throw his spear at the first human that got too close. "How bad is it?" He asked her.
She kept her head back against the wall as she continued to wince in agony. She opened her eyes and looked at the boy with the soft blue eyes, seeing that he was able to make his way through the crowd of humans. Her eyes were beginning to water now, although she attempted to blink back the tears of pain.

"It' hurts..bad" she managed to say, gesturing towards the arrow stuck in her leg. Blood was seeping out from around the wound.
((At least Faye wouldn't find it terrible if someone accused her of being interested in an adorable elf. xD ))

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