The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Okay first, the letters "v" and "o" are in my name, but not in that order. Second, we just met. Third, she is 16 and I am 19; a bit too young for me. Fourth, she is clearly already taken :P )

"If we get out of here alive, there is a basement in that hut as well, it's covered by a trap door. There aren't many supplies inside, but we can rest there and hopefully hunt for some food and forage for some supplies." Nova attempts without success to pick her up. He then attempts again to gain better leverage.
((FayexBirch. CariconxJuniper. Those are the only ones so far xD ))

Faye nods briefly, allowing herself to be picked up by Nova. She cringes at his choice of words, 'If we get out of here alive'. She told herself that they would get out alive, although she had just met this guy so she wasn't sure if he was capable of keeping her safe.

"I guess that'd be fine..." she told him, swallowing her pain.

Honestly, Faye wasn't happy that these humans were stealing all their supplies. Not to mention, she had packed some handy things that they'd probably take. However, she was becoming much too weak to care what happens, as long as her leg was bandaged soon.

"The others.." Faye mumbled to Nova, implying that they needed to be informed.
After a few minutes of waiting, Pandora's patience met it's end.

"That's it!" Pandora groaned, if there was a table, she would have flipped it by now. "I'll create a distraction, and you guys run, okay?" Pandora turned to the group of elves, she was tired of waiting for someone to get an idea and follow out on it. Pandora slapped herself a few times to get herself up and working.


((Ahahahaha very funny Hunnyhelp ))
"You, tell the rest to follow me" Nova called to Pandora, hoping Faye's presence in his arms would affirm that he could be trusted. "I know a place where we can take shelter, but follow *exactly* ,I laid traps around the area before I fell asleep."
Pandora turned to the group and said, "You heard the man," Pandora stretched a little bit before sprinting out of the hiding space, throwing a few of her acupuncture needles at the humans. Easily, the humans followed Pandora into the woods, giving the perfect time for the others to escape with the other elf that was carrying Faye.

After being shot by multiple arrows, Pandora finally collapsed in the middle of the forest, her body bleeding heavily all over. Hearing the humans get closer, Pandora quickly crawled into a little hole in the ground. "This is the first time I'm thankful for being small..." Pandora chuckled lightly as she hid in the narrow, but deep, hole in the earth.
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((I'm no doctor, but I feel like after one is shot in the leg with an arrow they can't just pull the arrow out and not bleed a ton xD So like, I think Faye needs a bandage pretty soon.))

Faye's head starts to get dizzy, more and more blood seeping from the hole in her leg. She grasps Nova's shirt in her hand, afraid that she was going to be dropped.

"Good..." she mumbles, struggling to keep her eyes open. "Now, go..."

Faye then points in the direction of the hut...well, at least she tries to. She's becoming so weak and dizzy that she points in the opposite direction. 
((I thought I posted that like 1o mins ago but I never pressed reply hahah

annd basically, a tribe of humans were all just stealing stuff from the camp and shooting arrows at the elves. Caricon is having his pyschical issues and Faye was shot in the leg by an arrow. Annnd Pandora just drove the tribe out of the camp so that the rest of the group can escape to Nova's stone hut-the basement in there.))
(The minor freezing will slow the blood flow and I would *guess* clot quicker forming a scab and stopping the bleeding faster, but that is just speculation on my part)
(Okay I tried to read through some of what happened, but I would like if someone gave me a summary. Would you stop shipping. The emotionless blob over here is not interested in what fairy tales you have for my character. And why is she carrying Caricon? Also Yeah I do love making videos. I have been filming for three yearsish. My youtube channel is almost two years old. I have almost 100 videos on it. So yeah video making is the love of my life.)
((I have a bunch of channels on youtube. I have one that I used to use a long time ago with a bunch of subscribers, but I ditched that years ago because it was too juvenile xD ~will never share that with a soul~ and then I have my channel where I make lyrics videos, then my friend and I have a makeup/fashion channel, then I have my main channel for important things, then I have my random channel for crap. xD I'm actually about to upload a test video for something. //knuckle touch for being video editors!// xD

ANNND here's your summary: basically, a tribe of humans were all just stealing stuff from the camp and shooting arrows at the elves. Caricon is having his psychical issues and Faye was shot in the leg by an arrow. Annnd Pandora just drove the tribe out of the camp so that the rest of the group can escape to Nova's stone hut-the basement in there.))
(I have two channels. One is my personal channel that I subscribe to people's with and upload a few updates on what I am working on and things that well are personal. Then I have my main channel which I share with all of the production. We have short films, improv, web series, vlogs, sketches, educational videos, holiday videos- pretty much everything. I write/film/direct/edit pretty much all the videos on the channel. A few my twin did herself. I try not to get involved with her school projects, but sometimes I have too. It's best if you work together right.)

Juniper hadn't moved from the spot where she was handed Caricon. She struggled to stand on her feet. Maybe she could hold her own weight, but Caricon wasn't her own weight. He was someone else's. It was easier to hold a shield around him while holding him, but she couldn't get herself to move. She thought she would fall over if she did. She couldn't see a way of putting him down without dropping him. Gritting her teeth she stood in place not at all sure why she was holding him in the first place.
"Wait," Faye says just loud enough for Nova to hear, "the tribe is gone...we can stay here and..and gather our supplies...and..and then..leave..and stuff.." she tells him, struggling to find the words to speak as her head spins. "You can...put me down.."

With that, she forces herself out of Nova's arms and onto her feet. Just as she attempts to stand herself, her leg falls from beneath her and she collapses onto the group. Faye winces in pain as she hits the ground with a thud, completely unable to feel her left leg. It's gone completely numb at this point.

Faye sits up on her hands and knees, dragging herself over to what's left of their supplies. She gulps, crawling forward until she's finally at her destination. She begins to search for the bag of first aid supplies.
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Pandora tucked her head in as the tribe of humans passed by, her body ached terribly, from the small cramped space and from the heavy bleeding. Not wanting to make a sound, Pandora closed her eyes, feeling very exhausted.

An hour later, Pandora awoke from her slumber, still alive. Climbing out of the hole, Pandora glanced around, seeing that no humans were near. Limping back to the camp site, Pandora hoped that the group would come back for her.
Caricon looked up. "We have two healers in the group yet they are both too lazy to heal somebody that had a arrow in his neck. I could rob the humans if somebody would heal me!!," he yelled finally getting a grin on reality. The shock was wearing off but he had damage to his spinal cord that needed healing.

(Sorry my dad dragged me outside again (not litterly) today we tore down our fence for no reason.)

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