The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(A train. I was on a trip to New Mexico and it was a gift from neighboring towns to stop some bloody feud. I like it so its always my avatar.)
Caricon woke up the pain still in his body. He then began to shake terribly. He was in pain and cold. Even though he was in broad sunlight he was cold. "Blanket," he muttered falling unconous again.
Juniper looked over at Caricon hearing his voice. She had been sitting waiting for him to wake up. He had caught her off guard while she was distracted by a bug flying overhead. Juniper stood up and ran off to her tent. She returned with her sleeping bag and draped it on top of Caricon. "Better?" she asks kneeling back down beside him. "You should probably drink some water, you are probably dehydrated." She felt his forehead checking for a fever.
As Axel woke up he yawned and unzipped his tent. He then poked his head out to see if anyone else was awake he saw Juniper and Caricon and said "Good morning" He stepped out and shivered feeling the morning breeze.
Caricon was still freezing. "Can you bring me to fire," He said waking up. He thought he was just cold but he was going through shock and left untreated he would die. "So cold," he said before going off into a shivering fit.
Juniper lifts he hand from his forehead realizing something wasn't right. Maybe the wound was infected. She bites her lip worried about trying to heal him herself. She takes a look at his wound trying to figure out if it could be fixed by other means.
Axel walks to the nearest pile of sticks he places them by Caricon. He then got two rocks and scratched them together until the sparks made a small fire.
Juniper looks him over again trying to figure out what was that was affecting him. It must have been loss of blood, she didn't think he had lost that much, but better safe then sorry right. "On second thought, a drink may not be the solution." She takes one of the extra sleeping bags from the supplies and rolls it up and picks up Caricon's legs, she rolls it under to elevate them.
(Thank you somebody read the page, BUT he is going through spinal shock that arrow hit his spinal cord) 
(Not that treatment is different)
(Sorry I do this but once I do one thing I can't stop This is another wedsite for shock. Caricon has went through trama, bloodloss, poisioning, and sever burns. From the begining and hanging over the fire.) 
Caricon woke up with his feet in the air. What tha where am I?He reached for his dagger but his hand feel halfway there. What is wrong with my body? He then realized how thirsty he was. "Somebody please get me some water," he said while shaking. He then fell back the hard ground hurting his back.
Juniper stroked his head softly. "Stay still, it will help you to get better." she stated ignoring his question pretending he hasn't asked. "Did I ever tell you about my tree house?" she asks trying to distract him. She thought maybe he would like to hear a story.
Pandora's nose twitched slightly, "I smell romance in the air...~" She mumbled sleepily, rolling onto her stomach and falling back into deep sleep. Pandora hid a little smile, cuddling into the crook of her arm, she was having a great dream about Juniper and Caricon. They were utterly adorable.


((I SHIP THIS PARING! I shall call it CariPer!))
"Who would want a house in a tree," he asked the world spinning. "But I want to hear the story." He then laid his head on the hard ground. "But is there anything else I can lay on the ground is somehow hard." 
(And I shall call you dead meat.)
paipai900 said:
Pandora's nose twitched slightly, "I smell romance in the air...~" She mumbled sleepily, rolling onto her stomach and falling back into deep sleep. Pandora hid a little smile, cuddling into the crook of her arm, she was having a great dream about Juniper and Caricon. They were utterly adorable.

((I SHIP THIS PARING! I shall call it CariPer!))
(Careful paipai, I think that puts you in a PerCari (ous) position...)
she was having a great dream about Juniper and Caricon.
OOC- That i no way is creepy...

BIC- Juniper looks around for a moment for anything of use to put under his head. An idea occurred to her and she scooted forwards and lifted his head, carefully placing it on her lap. "Is that better?" She asks "Well I did" she replied jumping into the story. "I had a treehouse in my backyard. My father built it for me when I was real little, but he never got around to building me a ladder. This left me with finding a way to get in. It took a while, but I figured out how to climb that tree and proudly found myself in a dark empty room. That's when I decided I needed to find a way to carry things up. I tried using a backpack, but it was much harder to climb with something heavy on my back. So I came up with an idea, I took some gauss from the medical supplies and tied it to a bucket. I threw the gauss over a branch and was able to pull the bucket up."
He felt the softness of her lap and felt the shivers go away. But he still was in shock. "What did you do in the tree house," he asked like a little kid, he kinda was since his brain was losing blood at a fast rate.
"Hey Valandil I found this huge stick can you carve it with your katana and make a spear please?" Axel asks hoping Valandil will say yes.

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