The Path From Fayland - Official RP

As Faye observed Axel's damaged arm, she realized something. Slowly, she lifted her head up to find the area covered in dead wolverines. She blinked a few times, allowing her gray eyes to adjust to the sudden visual.

"What the hell happened around here?" she asked with surprise, her pupils scanning over the dead bodies in which were scattered around the camp.

Her grip around Birch's wrist had loosened slightly, but she continued to walk him through the camp, almost forgetting that she was even doing so as she took in the scene all around her. Finally reaching the campfire, her fingers slipped from his wrist as she released him. She then shoved her hands deep into the pockets of her hoodie as she normally did.
"Well I lived with my parents, both had the holy arts too. So there were always wounded and sick at our house. Lots of emotions and stuff, especially when people had to be turned away. My parents taught me how to use my skills properly as well as how not to use them." Juniper explains trying to find the right words.
Birch looked around the area with a look of mild surprise. It looked like there had been a flat out massacre on these creatures and somehow himself and Nami had managed to sleep through the whole thing. He started to wonder how this was even possible when Faye started pulling him along again and he had to go back to just walking under the guidance of another person. As they reach the campfire and she lets go, he feels a small pang of something nip at his chest as he feels the warmth from her hand fade out of his skin. He stands there silently for a moment, glancing over at Faye for some of it before he sat down on a log without a word.
As Faye walked around Axel told her " They attacked us I think we were on there territory but we had to kill them all that show I got bit and also a girl appeared she's a shape shifter like Vex" Then Axel lays back down.
"Like not to use your powers like that freak did." He then blushed embarrassed of what happened then. "So did your parents ever die?" He knew it was a touchy subject but he wanted to know.
"No they aren't...dead" Juniper notices how red he turned "Are you alright? You don't have a temperature do you?" she asks him concerned.
"I'm fine. What are we going to do you know when we find the black elves?" He put his hand to his temples even more embarased.
Faye turned around to face Axel, raising her eyebrows as he spoke. " in the world did I manage to sleep through all that?" she wondered aloud.

She then turned back around, still trying to process the thought as she took a seat on the log beside Birch. Faye stared into the fire pit, feeling somewhat sleepy again as her eyelids started to droop. She quickly widened her eyes, blinking back to life as she remembered they had a long journey ahead of them, plus a long day. She prayed that they would come across a lake soon, dying to clean herself off some. She leaned her chin atop her fists as she rested her elbows upon her lap. 
((Alright, I need to sleep xD Hahaha, I'll see if I can get on at all tomorrow...I'm gonna be busy all day, but Wednesday I should be on most of the day. Goodnight to everyone! <3 ^^))
Jess now felt extremely awkward as she walked over to the two people who just sat down on a log, still standing a small distance from them. She would change back into her elf form but that means she would have to reopen re side wound, something she didn't really look forward too. 'Well I'm gonna have to change if they ask me a question.' She mutters to herself, rolling her eyes. 'Logic can go screw itself right about now.' 
Juniper shrugs "I don't know." she replies still watching him "Are you sure you alright? Maybe we should head back to camp." she suggests concerned watching him rub his head.
He decided to just set it strait with her. "You must have never been around a embarrassed person before have you," he said tilting his head.
((I'll just answer Birch quickly so I don't forget xDD))

Faye looks up at Birch, her lips forming into a warm smile as she nods her head once.

"Yes, that would be extremely appreciated right now," she tells him, chuckling a bit. He must've noticed that she was still half asleep.
"Embarrassed?" she smiles "Why are you embarrassed?" she asks wondering if she said something. She couldn't think of anything either of them said that was embarrassing.
"When that crazy magic lady man handled me in air. It warms my heart that she got three knifes in her chest as a return gift. But I think we should head to camp. They might leave without us." He then got up and stretched out his hand.
Birch offers for the first time something he'd equate to a smile. It's a small, semi-forced gesture but it had genuine feeling behind it. Faye seemed like a nice girl and the fact that she was going out of her way to talk to him and make him feel wanted when he felt like a walking brick wall made him feel bad. Sliding his pack off his shoulder and going through it, he eventually gets together what he needs and puts a pot on the fire as he prepares some coffee, the smell alone making him wake up a little more.
(Oh you were being mushy. I did not pick up on that. I'm sorry. I'm an emotionless blob, did I mention that? I thought he was stretching. Next time put something like 'he holds out his hand to her, wanting her to grab it.' like really obvious otherwise it goes right over my head. So sorry.)

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