The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((The post above is sooooo true))


Pandora felt someone pick her up, a surge of panic scorched through her body, but, her physical form was too exhausted to fight back. Snuggling lightly into the person, Pandora's eyes opened slightly, trying to see who it was, only for fatigue to hit her and cause the young healer fall back into the darkness with only one thought, "Those wolverines had nice muscles..."
((I hate being busy :'c My friend's taking a shower so I'm gonna post something while I'm waiting. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can just sit down and roleplay all night xDD I'm sorry hahaha))

Faye eyed the enormous pile of supplies near the edge of the ruins. As she awaited Birch's coffee, she wondered if her friends had sealed the meat properly. A singe of fear lit in her chest momentarily, afraid that they hadn't, resulting in all that meat going to waste.

"I'll be right back," she told those around the fire pit, lifting herself from the log.

Faye moved over to the heap of supplies, stepping over some bags until she was in front of the cooler. She leaned over and flipped open the lid before reaching inside to pick up the meat. She inspected the piece of meat on top from every angle, making sure that it was covered with plastic wrap properly. Fortunately, she found that it was, allowing her to sigh of relief.

She smiled to herself a little while shaking her head briefly. Come on, Faye, she thought to herself as she placed the meat back inside the cooler and closed the lid, you don't need to doubt the others. They're capable of doing things correctly.

As she looked up, she noticed something through the bushes a few feet ahead of her. It looked like more ruins, but it seemed a bit more in tact. Curiosity striking through her, she moved closer as she kept her eyes focused on the sight.

Faye stepped through the tall bushes and thin trees, struggling a bit as her jacket got caught on a branch. She turned around, fiddling with the edge of the fabric as she tried to remove it from the branch. After about a half a minute, she ripped it from the branch, creating a tear in the fabric. She frowned, feeling bad for a moment since her mother made this beautiful jacket for her, but moving on just as quickly.

Faye stumbled out of the bushes, falling down a little. She lifted her head to see a small, stone hut standing up before her eyes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ruins-old-church-stone.jpg.3c473613457b8f2d5486975d5b2ef804.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ruins-old-church-stone.jpg.3c473613457b8f2d5486975d5b2ef804.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She smiled to herself in awe, looking up at the old hut which was covered in vines and large amounts of moss. It's so cute! she thought to herself joyfully, heading over to the door. It seemed that the stone hut was still in pretty good shape, though it was of course really small.

The wooden door creaked open obnoxiously, a single stream of sunlight falling through the hole in the wall. As she stepped inside, her eyes fell onto the small mahogany chest in the area that the beam of sunlight was falling on. She slowly walked over to the chest, her eyes glancing into the corners of the hut where spiders spun their webs peacefully.

Faye sat down on her knees, lifting the chest into her hands. It was about the size of a jewelry box and it didn't weigh much. She opened the box, having to use a bit of strength to snap it open. Inside lie a rusty gold key. Her lips parted in wonder as she quickly lifted the key from the box, observing its fine details. She blew some of the dust off of the key, curious as to what it was for. Either way, she figured they may as well take it along with them on their journey.



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(I'm new to the RP, going to just kinda stumble in now; I'm new to RPing in general...I get the concept but I have little practice so bear with me if I do something that is considered socially unacceptable. Come to think of it, I probably sound like a robot...)

In the twisting realm of chilled dreams, Nova wandered aimless through the stream of thoughts and feelings. He had once thought to make sense of this place, but after a month of wandering he was on the verge of giving up. A violent creak rung through the realm. Without warning Nova fell through the floor as he spun back into cobsciousness. He pulled himself up into a sittong position, shaking off the dirt. He then rose and made for the hut, tripping occasionally 'I knew someone would find it' He thought. He saw the girl enter and resolved to wait for her outside.

(Oh, and if anyone has any tips for me please tell me)
Zeyro said:
(I'm new to the RP, going to just kinda stumble in now; I'm new to RPing in general...I get the concept but I have little practice so bear with me if I do something that is considered socially unacceptable. Come to think of it, I probably sound like a robot...)
In the twisting realm of chilled dreams, Nova wandered aimless through the stream of thoughts and feelings. He had once thought to make sense of this place, but after a month of wandering he was on the verge of giving up. A violent creak rung through the realm. Without warning Nova fell through the floor as he spun back into cobsciousness. He pulled himself up into a sittong position, shaking off the dirt. He then rose and made for the hut, tripping occasionally 'I knew someone would find it' He thought. He saw the girl enter and resolved to wait for her outside.

(Oh, and if anyone has any tips for me please tell me)
(That was pretty good. It was a lot more than I can usually write lol. Also where are we at?)
Juniper released hands with Caricon as the trees cleared and they entered the ruins where they had made camp, having finished leading him. She looked around. The camp still was pretty messy, but at least the chaos was over with. Everything looked to be in order, except their leader seemed to be missing. She looks back at Caricon as if remembering something. "I never thanked you for carrying me. Cheers for that."
"The least I could do for saving my life." He then pulled out his hands and counted on his fingers until he ran out. "A lot of times." He then laughed and walked to the fire.
Caricon looked at the fire and threw a stick in it making it flare. "Now that is impressive. He then sat back and enjoyed the sunlight on his skin tanning his vampire white skin.
Valandil thought a moment and asked "Caricon. When you where captured by the humans, did you get a chance to see how many there were?"
"No. I just wanted to know because if they are large in numbers, they may come searching for us. I was just going to suggest that we all take turns guarding in concealed positions."

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