The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Caricon woke up to be supended on a fire a bunch of primatial humans shouting,"Kill the Elf kill the elf." He knew there were two types of humans, these and smart ones. These lived in huts and acted like apes. He didnt know what to do, when he felt the now familiar feeling of fire burning his flesh.
((I love how Faye and Birch just slept through all that shit. xD Hahahah, and thanks for the update xD ))
Juniper smells smoke made her way over toward it and herd chanting. She peered around a tree spotting Caricon. Oh there he is. She thought smiling at the display. She climbs up into the tree and threw one of her shields into the air trying to signal to the others for help.
Valandil spotted smoke rising in the air and Juniper waving at them. He started jogging in her direction. When he reached where she was under the tree he asked "Did you find him?"
Juniper grips the tree with her knees and hangs down upside down "Keep your voice down" she whispers and hops down out of the tree. "You're not going to believe this. A group of humans are roasting him over a fire."
Valandil crouched and looked in the direction the smoke was coming from. He could see a elf dangling over a fire. He unsheathed his katana and turned to Juniper and said "If it's ok with you, can you run back and gather everyone that can fight just in case we need too. I'll stay here and try to find someway to get him down."
Caricon pulled out his dagger and made a shhhing guested. He then threw his knife and hit the lead human in the heart. Once the chaos started he gestured for them to come.
(I think it was only me and juniper at the point we surveyed you from. Im not sure if only the three if us can fight of a human tribe)
Juniper nods "yeah, right." she turns and takes off running back to the camp. "guys?" she asks not sure how to get everyone's attention. "Um would anyone be willing to help? Hello?" she continues "Caricon is in trouble..again."
(Not when I read your post)

Valandil ran towards Caricon as fast as he could. Once he reached Caricon he cut him loose and beckoned for him to follow. "I told you to stay in the group!" he shouted as he ran back into the cover of the forest.
Capricorn jumped through the air once he was cut loose. He then pulled out his long sword and ran. If anybody tried to stop him they got cut in half once he got to the ruins he sat down. "I need to stop doing that." He then sat on a long and ate the rest of his banana.
Faye had finally awoken, rolling onto her left side while grumbling tiredly. She squinted as the sun's rays shone brightly against the side of the tent, creating a heavenly glow inside the tent. It seemed to already be morning..

She rushed a tired hand through her blonde hair, feeling too lazy to get up at the moment. Not to mention, she felt pretty gross after not bathing recently. Not to mention, the bottom of her tank top, her leather shorts, and leggings were all somewhat covered in Caricon's blood from earlier. Therefore, she wasn't too thrilled to move around feeling this disgusting, but she was 100% aware that she'd have to do whatever she had to out here. Either way, this journey would be just as perfect as she wished for it to be. Just being outside of Fayland was a dream come true.

After a few more minutes, she gained the strength to sit up, rubbing her droopy gray eyes. She stretched her arms out beside her head as she yawned sleepily, noticing that she was beneath a blanket now. Faye looked down at the blanket, rubbing the edge of the fabric between her index finger and thumb curiously. Have I been under this all night? she wondered, still looking down.

Scrapping the question, she turned her head to the right of her, surprised to see Birch laying there underneath the other half of the blanket. She simply just stared at him for a few silent moments, her lips parted in shock. Had he been there all night?

Faye placed her hands in her lap, feeling her cheeks burning as the thought crossed her mind. She had forgotten that she fell asleep beside him last night..although, she certainly didn't recall crawling under the same blanket as him. Actually, she had just fallen right down and drifted off to sleep.

If that was the case, then how did she end up like this? Did Birch actually..put the blanket over her to make her feel more comfortable..? she wondered, still focusing her eyes on him. A cheerful smile gradually inched onto her face, seeing that Birch was so thoughtful. However, she never doubted such of him--she knew he was a good guy, no matter how quiet.

She wasn't sure if she should leave him here alone or awaken him, but she felt it would be better if she didn't have him feeling lonely once he awoke, as he seemed to be usually. So, she leaned forward and shook his arm gently.

"Birch..wake upp," she said softly, unable to stifle a small laugh.
Juniper looks at Caricon, she walks over flicking him in the back of the head. "Hey stupid" she hands him back his dagger. "I think this is yours."
He took the dagger and put it in his holster. He then looked at her and said, "I'm sorry I always get us in trouble," he said all at once.
Jess followed after the others awkwardly, not really sure what to do now. Her ears were sticking up, her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. 'I could always change back.' She thought as she looked around before licking her injured side.
Caricon got out one of his dagger and tossed his half eaten banana in the air. He then quickly cut it to 5 even pieces and handed some to the girl who's name slips his mind. "I wouldn't be fooling around with me." He then stuck and laugh.
Juniper takes the piece and eats it. "Yeah alright I'll take your advice on that." she nods. "I'll just go hang out with someone else then."
Somewhere between the warmth, the comfort and the dim lighting, Birch nodded off again only to be awoken by the gentle nudging of his arm. His good eye slowly slide open, his expression dopey with sleep as he took a moment to recognize the person sitting next to him though her chiming voice gave it away first. It seems that she finally managed to wake up and for some reason she was either really happy or really amused. Birch was never good at reading emotions.

"Hi," he says softly, his bad eye opening as well as he sat up, carefully putting the blanket to the side as he felt awkward for a moment. For once he wanted to say something but his usual silence was more of a curse than a blessing as he fought to make small talk. He didn't want to seem like he was forcing out a conversation for the sake of manners, especially if it was obvious that it was uncomfortable.

Though not quite smooth, he managed to say something after a moment of just staring at her. "You fell asleep. I hope you didn't mind." It was short and vague but Faye seemed smart enough to get what he meant most of the time and he was slowly starting to realize how bizarre it must have been for them to be sharing space like that.
He signed. "You are my only friend I have ever had." He then put his dagger away thinking of his past. "Hey how come you know so much about me and I know none about you?"

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