The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(I feel like now would be a good time to jump in... and this time the monsters lured me in instead of me luring them in.)

Jess, in her wolf form, heard a noise coming from her right. She didn't know if she should continue on like she heard nothing or go see what the commotion was about. Since she was such a nice person she decided to check it out, running as fast as her paws would take her. Once she arrived at the very odd scene of giant wolverines attacking some elfs, the latter of which were kinda losing, she came to a stop, not really knowing what to do. 'I haven't known what to do since I left Fayland' Jess muttered to herself as she shook her head, a snarl coming out of her mouth which caught the attention of a few wolverines which is what she wanted to happen. 
(No but they will be soon...)

Juniper looked around, everything was not going as planned. She didn't know who to shield or what to do with her knife. She gripped it looking around frozen. She wasn't any good at fighting, yet she was still standing. It didn't make sense to her and how could there be so many wolverines!! They seemed to be coming from every direction. She thought maybe healing someone was the better option then leaving a shield up, but then she would have to choose. She had to choose anyways. This was much to difficult. The worse injury, she would fix the worse injury. That was a good plan right? She removed her shield from Valandil and placed it instead on Pandora and ran to Caricon. She looked between the two. Pandora's shoulder was wounded, but she couldn't tell where Caricon's wound was. It seemed like there was blood all over. Alright. It looked like Caricon won. Yay!

She set the work healing him and tried to keep her shield up at the same time. The shield flickered on and off and then vanished when she was no longer able to do both tasks at once. Once she finished healing, she sat down feeling the thump in her back. It wasn't as bad as last time, but it still was a loss of energy.
(was my post just ignored, because I was really proud of it)
Caricon got up and looked at his injuries. Somebody had healed him. He jumped up and pulled out his two daggers. He landed on a wolverine and killed it. He then jumped on another wolverine and then rode like he did a few minutes ago. His only thought that he would hit another force field.
((Woahh what just happened lol))


Pandora was slipping in and out of consciousness. The blood was still flowing out her shoulder, the wolverine had tore into her neck to, Pandora was losing blood fast. Her body was never that strong, she had usually used then little magic she knew to help her lift things. Not being able to use magic, Pandora was going to die from blood loss if this continued.


((I had the most hilarious thought while writing this haha))
(What was it?)

Caricon rode round the girl who liked his muscles. He killed any wolverine that tried to get to her. He couldn't heal her but he could keep her from farther injuries. He looked at the girl who had saved him twice and saw she needed help too. He then picked up the bleeding girl and brought her to the girl who had saved him. He set her down and then jumped off his ride stabbing it in its head. He then looked around defending the two.
(And what might that thought be?) 
Jess snapped the neck of the first wolverine that came after her, a satisfying crack signaling its death. She ducked under another one, having it fly over her head. She drove her claw through its stomach as it was in the air which made its internal organs fall out, killing it within a few seconds. The last wolverine that had noticed her let out a snarl, rearing up on it's back legs before lunging, pinning her to the ground in the process. It got a good swipe in on her side but she latched on to the wolverines neck, shaking her head back and forth as the skin was ripped open.
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(Nah, it takes an extremely long time to die from blood loss. No worries.)

Juniper stands up and looks around wondering how many wolverines were killed. She throws a shield around Caricon spotting him first and doesn't want to think about it anymore. There were too many decision to make in such a small amount of time. She looks at Pandora and opens her bag taking out some gauss and decided to fix up and clean her wounded shoulder so she had something to do.
He looked at and smiled. "I don't need a shield honey." He then threw his hand back and killed a leaping Wolverine. "I think I can defend myself." He went back to fighting wolverines.
Juniper looks up at Caricon. Did he just call her honey? She grits her teeth if he was going to be ungrateful about it. She drops the shield deciding not to use it.

(The same I think.)
"Can someone please help me my arms burning that dump beast bit a chunk of my skin off" Axel says hoping someone would help. ( please :( )
(Gosh how many people do I have to save.)

Caricon looked back. "Please put a shield up I got to go save another." He Caricon then reached behind his back and pulled out a long sword. He then started killing wolverines going towards the injured elf.
Juniper looks at Pandora hoping she did a good enough job and stands up picking up the gauss. She shoves it back into her bag and looks up hearing Axel. She bends down looking at his arm. She opens her bag again pouring out the contents and starts cleaning his wound.
Caricon picked up Axel and ran back to the small group he had created. He then dropped him and went back to defending them. But if he didn't get help soon he would fall. He then pulled out his other long sword and continued protecting the three.
Jess groaned as the wolverine fell on top of her, using her strength to fling it off of her so she could actually breath. Once she managed to get her breath even again she went around the outer part of the mob of wolverines, sneaking up behind them one at a time as she used her nails to slice their necks, biting into it afterwards just to make sure they were actually dead, this tactic thinning out the pack of beasts greatly. One noticed her coming and kicked her backwards with their hind legs, the wind getting knocked out of her wolf body. 'Oh come on.' She thinks as she sees it come after her. one of its giant paws swipes at Jess's stomach, her narrowly dodging the attack to where it hit her already injured side.
Juniper finishes up and looks at Axel "are you alright?" she asks and looks up realizing there was a wolf mixed with the wolverine. She hadn't noticed before. It seemed to be fighting the wolverine. "What?" she mutters staring at it.
Caricon was so focused on his work he did not even realize that there was a wolf in the mix he turned everything out and just focussed on killing the wolverines.

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