The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juni shrugs "I don't know. It looks hurt though..should should I shield it?" she asks more to herself then anything a little bit baffled.
Vex noticed that there was another shapeshifter in the fight with them, and his beast form grinned, showing off its multiple rows of teeth. It was time to show this wannabe how a real shapeshifter got things done.

He roared at max volume and he swung around his massive claws, raking through the wolverine ranks like a knife through butter. After Vex had dispatched most of the remaining wolverines, he stood up on his hind legs, towering over the battlefield. His beast form took a deep breath, and roared as loud as he could. It was the most fearsome roar anyone could ever have possibly heard. It shook the very earth and scattered every other animal in the surrounding area, scaring off the rest of the wolverines, who whimpered and scampered back into the overgrowth of the wild.

He grunted, and then shifted to human form to survey the damage. There were three wounded, and a few wolverines had snuck into the supplies, but overall the damage was not too bad. The only food that was taken was the remaining rice.

Vex grinned and did a private fist pump of self-victory. No more rice! Woooo!

He stood up and looked over at the wounded elves on the ground.

"Those of you who have healing, focus on taking care of the wounded. Everyone else, get yourselves cleaned up, we don't want any more animals catching the scent of blood."
Caricon slid his long swords back on their holsters on this back. "I'm going to be chasing wolverines if anybody asks." He then pulled out one of his daggers and ran into the forest.
Valandil watched Caricon as he ran into the forest. "That idiot." he said aloud as he turned and walked to the little puddle nearby. While he cleaned himself up he thought about the weird boy and wolf that had just entered the scene. "Things are moving way to fast." he thought.
Once he got into the forest he jumped in a tree. He needed some alone time. He sat back and enjoyed the peace and quite.
Vex walked up next to Val, holding a large bowl full of water in his arms. He set it down and began cleaning the blood and grime off his face and limbs.

"Just a lovely stroll through the forest, right?" he chuckled.
Jess rolled her eyes as the other shapeshifter, well that's what she assumed, let off a huge roar which made the rest of the animals flee. 'Show off.' She muttered to herself as she shook her head, watching him turn back into an elf. She got up off of the ground with a groan and looked at her side, wincing a little. 'Well won't shifting back be fun.' Jess thought sarcastically, shaking out the dirt and twigs from her fur.
"Right." said Valandil sarcastically. We would have had a lot more trouble if you hadn't helped out." He took the bowl of water and started scrubbing his arms. "Are the supplies fine?" he asked.
Juniper looks down at her hands realizing they were covered in blood. So was all her things. She opens her water bottle and pours it over her hand scrubbing them clean and then puts all her things away. She found Caricon's dagger and put it in her bag to give back to him later.
Caricon recoiled as a arrow hit him. He flew out of the tree. As he pulled out the arrow another one hit him in the back. Before slipping into unconousness he saw who mad these arrows humans..... And then the world went black.
(Yea! He can RP being one of the supplies) Valandil turned and noticed a wolf sitting there. "What's that thing still doing here?" he asked.
(Sorry Caricon has been shot twice by poisoned arrows and is being dragged to his death he currently does not have the time to knocked out.)
Juniper finishes cleaning up and she looks around not seeing Caricon wondering if he got himself into anymore trouble. She walks over to where she had seen him walk off too. "Caricon?" she calls "You should come back now.."
(Lol I told your character to not wonder around the forest by him self. And what was your response? "I've lived in the forest my whole life:p)
((Omg! Sorry, guys! I've been busy all day! I'll be busy tomorrow as well, but I'm gonna try and role play some now. Even though I skimmed through everything, can someone tell me what's happening quick? I'm still not quite certain..))
(Well we woke up, Caricon found Liam who was unconscious and I think still is. Then some wolverines attacked and everyone almost died. Now Caricon's run off and got kidnapped by humans. Oh another shapeshifter showed up in the form of a wolf. I think that covers everything although i'm not sure it's in the right order.)

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