The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper ducks as one of the wolverines jump over her, she turns around throwing her shield up in front of her removing it from the knocked out elf. She watches the animal bounce off her shield with a yelp landing on it's back.
As Axel starts running a wolverine latches on to his arm "yaaaaa owwww get off!" He yells as he falls to the floor.
Valandil runs over to Axel and slices the wolverine before he barely dodges another ones attack. (How many are there?)
Juniper looks over at Axel and threw the shield over him instead watching the wolverine near her get back to it's paws. She backs up not sure what to do.
As Axel turns over he sees Juniper about to be attacked he uses his good arm and throws the dagger he was using over to her.
Juniper bends down picking up the dagger and looks at the wolverine. The shield over Axel vanished for a few seconds when she needed her concentration to throw the dagger after it hit the animal it reappeared again.
((Holy sh*t, I lose my computer privileges for two days and I miss fcking 40 pages xDDD lol you guys. Recap?))
(Alright well we started moving again, we ran into a bear which got turned into delicious meat. We met Jane who then set fire to Caricon when we met him. Janie revived him with her Holy Moly Arts and Caricon returned the favor by carrying her the entire day. Then a huge mutated rabbit introduced everyone to Pandora who then joined the group as well as the ruins that they made camp at. Birch and Faye started a lovey dovey relationship. In the morning Caricon found Liam passed out and dropped him off by the fire. Now we are fighting off killer wolverines the size of horses. /Le large breath intake)
((Ah, I see.))

Vex roared ferociously, shifted to human, slipped out of the supply straps, and shifted back to beast form, rearing up on his hind legs and sweeping his massive beast claws through the air, swatting the wolverines away as if they were small rodents.
Caricon jumped in the and landed on one of the wolverines. He rode it like a horse strapping other wolverines. "Ha yah," he yelled having fun.
Hearing the commotion, Pandora dropped her banana and glared at the direction of the sounds. Angry that they made her drop her food, Pandora stomped over to the crazy event, deflecting the wolverines that attacked her with a magical barrier.

"Why the f*** is going on?!" Pandora swore loudly, rage evident on her face. She looked like one of the bulls humans would fight. Red face, flaring nostrils, and steaming coming out of her ears. Yup, definitely a bull.
((she didn't destroy, just put up barriers, they're still alive. It is part of Holy Arts to be able to put up barriers, isn't it? Sorry for making her look goddy, but it's part of her ability. She just uses Holy Arts in a different way [then again, I'm good at twisting things] But, just for you, I'll tone her down. :) ))
(Ok I withdraw my complaint. Also I thought sense that each char that came into the RP a monster followed them. So I just)
Juniper looks around trying to count how many wolverines were left. It was hard to decipher between the dead and the living. She kept the shield up around Valandil. She looks at pandora "Can you put a shield over um.. the unconscious dude instead?" she asks glad she didn't have to make a second. She didn't know his name, so she gestured with her arm then took the dagger out of the wolverine she had stabbed.
Pandora had calmed down when she heard Juniper's voice. "Can you put a shield over um.. the unconscious dude instead?" Her eyes trailed over to an elf laying unconscious on the ground.

Putting up two separate barriers would take a toll on Pandora's body, she hadn't even had a proper meal since she left Fayland. Deciding to take off her own shield, Pandora cast a strong magical wall around the man.

Suddenly, Pandora was knocked down by a wolverine. Struggling to push the animal off, the wolverine snarled fiercely at Pandora.

An ear piercing scream shook the forest as the wolverine bit into Pandora, ripping out the flesh from her shoulder.
Caricon was thrown of his wolverine and hit the force field. He slid down and then tried to hold off the wolverines. He was good but not that good. A wolverine bit his shoulder and then he fell. He then was moulded.
Vex continued kicking some serious @$$ in beast form, roaring and knocking wolverines through the air left and right. He ran over to Caricon and Pandora and pulled the wolverines from their bodies, tossing them forcefully at a tree and knocking it over.
Valandil paused from fighting and looked up to see Vex slamming some wolverines into a tree. He surveyed the area. The amount of wolverines were thinning. Besides a couple scratches from the beginning of the fight he was fine thanks to the magic shield.
Clutching her heavily bleeding arm tightly, Pandora shut her eyes and bite her lip, trying to contain the pain. Tasting blood in her mouth, Pandora leaned back and checked her wound. The wolverine had teared through her muscle and you could see the bone. Not being able to heal herself because of the strong magical barrier she had up on the other man, Pandora felt her own blood pour out her wound. The elf's heart began to speed up as her breaths were short and strained. The young healer could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness...Pandora's eyes slid shut as the battle raged around her.
Juniper looked around, everything was not going as planned. She didn't know who to shield or what to do with her knife. She gripped it looking around frozen. She wasn't any good at fighting, yet she was still standing. It didn't make sense to her and how could there be so many wolverines!! They seemed to be coming from every direction. She thought maybe healing someone was the better option then leaving a shield up, but then she would have to choose. She had to choose anyways. This was much to difficult. The worse injury, she would fix the worse injury. That was a good plan right? She removed her shield from Valandil and placed it instead on Pandora and ran to Caricon. She looked between the two. Pandora's shoulder was wounded, but she couldn't tell where Caricon's wound was. It seemed like there was blood all over. Alright. It looked like Caricon won. Yay!

She set the work healing him and tried to keep her shield up at the same time. The shield flickered on and off and then vanished when she was no longer able to do both tasks at once. Once she finished healing, she sat down feeling the thump in her back. It wasn't as bad as last time, but it still was a loss of energy.

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