The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper took the banana and peeled it. She ate it silently then tossed the peel into the fire. She shrugs finally getting around to his question. "We leave when Faye says we leave." she states recalling how it worked in the past. No one could do anything as a group unless Faye took charge.
[[Hello everyone, I'm interested in joining the roleplay with a character of mine. Are any openings available?]]
"You seem ashamed of doing that the others may think that's not good to take or sneak people's items but I think that's a good talent it can come in handy but you got to be careful ok" Axel says hoping he would feel better.
Wintide said:
[[Hello everyone, I'm interested in joining the roleplay with a character of mine. Are any openings available?]]
(Yea I think so but I think you need to ask Nami when she gets on :) "
"Well I am leaving," He said sticking his daggers in his pocket. He then got up and threw in banana peel behind him. As he walked ahead he didn't even look back. He then entered the forest waiting for the rest of them.
Juniper doesn't even turn her head when he storms off. He did seem to like to make a grant exit. He was a dramatic sort. Not that she minded. It was just something she couldn't relate too. Their group wasn't one to get moving quickly. He would probably be standing there for a while.
Valandil woke up and stretched as he walked out of his tent. He heard a some conversation but couldn't catch it all. He walked up to Juniper and said "Good morning. What's going on?"
Juniper looks over Valandil "Caricon went storming off deciding it was time to leave and Axel followed. We also ate some bananas" she explains summing up what happened that morning since she woke up.
Pandora awoke to the sun shining on her face. Her cerise eyes fluttered open, revealing that they were red and swollen from crying. Running a hand through her hair, Pandora glanced around, seeing that most of them were awake.

Releasing the warming charm, Pandora approached the group, yawning widely. "Morning, guys." She sat down and took a banana. Sill half asleep, Pandora hadn't noticed a new elf that she didn't know, nor the absence of a certain muscle elf.


((Okay so, there's a new elf. Caricon left, and Axel followed? And we're eating bananas?))
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((I thought that there was a new guy? Maybe I just misinterpreted it. Okay, then that's cleared up...thank you, it'd be awkward if I hadn't known))
[[Oh! There he is!! xD It wasn't showing up for me... that's what I get for having too many tabs open. I'll hop in now!]]

Liam wandered through the heavy forest's thickets, before suddenly bumping into a stranger. "Wah!" He shouted, falling backwards. He backed into a tree, having a nervous breakdown. "Please, don't hurt me..! I mean no harm, p-please..!" He had a black eye and a few tears in his clothing, as well as a few minor blood stains on his clothes. He looked up at Carcion, petrified.
(he he a black eye)

He pulled out one of his daggers. "Who are you do you mean harm?" He said this like he had said it a thousand times which he had. He then looked at the girl and saw she meant no harm. "Would you like to travel with me. I know a group and could bring you to them." He gave her a questioning cool as a cucumber.

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