The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper ran over looking between the two elves crumpled on the floor. She glares at Pandora, she scared her the way she used her abilities, but she had to stand up to her anyways. "You have the holy arts!"
"C'mon guys break it up if we're going to survive out here we need to work together not fight!" Yells Axel (Like a boss)
Clutching her chest in pain, Pandora quickly healed the wounds, thankfully the knives hit nothing important.

Standing up, Pandora wiped some dust off of herself and gave a tired smile to the girl, her chest still hurt a little from the cuts. "Yes, yes I do." Pandora answered truthfully, she didn't know why the other girl was mad at her. What had she done? Maybe she and the knife guy were a couple, and the girl didn't like how Pandora had gotten angry at him.


((So were going with action fighty instea of my calm and emotional talk? Okay then))
"Wha...What are you talking about? Your mother?" At that point Valandil had a brief flash of his own parents. He quickly shoved the thought aside once more and waited for the boy to respond.
As Caricon continued to cry the outside world tried to communicate with him. He wiped up his tear enough to answer him. "Sit down this is a long story."
(juniper is as hard as stone man. xD not true)

Juniper frowns "You aren't supposed to use it that way. You can't abuse your magic like that, it's dangerous. It's dark.." She stutters trying to explain herself. It was obvious the girl had no training and maybe it wasn't her fault, but it was wrong to use it that way. To abuse one's skills to aid yourself.
"When I was young me and my mother lived in a shack. My father I never knew my mother told me nothing of him. That is when I learned to rob. I did it under my mothers nose and supported the family. One day I come home to see some of the kings knights burning our shack. After they left I went over there. On my mothers dead body there was a note. 'May order be bestowed upon his their and robber. Let her die for her crimes.' My mother died because of me." He then went back to sobbing like a baby.
Valandil as soon as he mentioned the combination of fire and mother Valandil's head felt like he was spinning. He kept having horrible flashbacks of that night. He leaned over feeling sick all of a sudden before breathing. He looked down again unable to talk as was worried he would cry too if he spoke.
Juniper looks over Caricon listening to his story. She takes her water bottle out of her bag and bends down next to him on her knees handing it to him. It was a trick she learned when she was upset. The body knew if it had it's necessities, food or water, it was safe and would usually calm down. Drinking helped her more then eating. She held out the water to him hoping it would help.
Caricon was crying so hard he couldn't even take the bottle he did though steady himself on a log and he continued to cry weeping for his mother his mother that he had crippled the note and walked away not a care in the world. That is what haunted him is that he didn't care. He just left no a care in the world. Was he capable of such evil even at the age of 5.
Juniper watches him awkwardly not sure what to do. She was never good in these situations. She thought about putting her arm around him, but she didn't want him to feel vulnerable. That might make him feel worse. She put the water bottle in her lap. Maybe she could offer it to him later.
Pandora sat next to the man and realized that this kid didn't have a chance to be a child! A motherly side Pandora never knew she had emerged as she tried to comfort the elf. Closing her eyes, Pandora felt the warmth of the fire as she started to rub the elf's back and hum a soft tune.


((I don't know if that actually calms people down, but whenever I did it [or had someone do it to me] in real life, it always worked, so yeah ))

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