The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Valandil wondered again what she was doing as her answer didn't really answer his last question. He turned and walked toward the fire preparing to cook some of the bear meat.
Juniper sat up, she had slept all day long and wasn't tired. She walked out of her tent. Her throat was still dry. She needed water. She walked over to the supplies and looked through it for any extra water laying around. She filled her water bottle.
Pandora was determined to restore this rabbit's body, she had to, even if it took her all night to do so...


(( Psshhh! You people making your characters sleep, I'm making mine work all night. Since everyone's going to sleep, might as well follow in suit. Goodnight I guess ))
(( I'll roleplay with you, unless you have someone already, I just thought that everyone was going to sleep ))
Juniper finished filling her bottle and sat down drinking the water until her thirst was quenched. She closed her water bottle putting it into her bag for later. She stands up and walks back over to the fire.
As Valandil was finishing his meat he remembered how Birch had some spices and seasonings of some sorts. He grabbed his bag from the supplies and dug around until he found the seasoning he was looking for. The aroma of the meat filled the air and his stomach growled some more. He then pulled the meat away from the fire and prepared to eat.
Caricon woke up when he smelt meat. He walked towards the meat and saw it cooking. "May I have some," he asked the boy with the meat with pleading eyes.
Pandora stood up to stretch, the elf who threw the knives had aimed it perfectly, cutting the three heartstrings. Slightly impressed, Pandora sighed, a little tired from the tedious work that required full concentration. Restoring the rabbit's body was quite difficult, Pandora had to make sure the organs melded in perfectly, or else it wouldn't work.

"Imagine if that was a person, Pan," Pandora knelt back down, scolding herself. "Focus, Pan, focus.." Pandora cracked her knuckles and went back to work.


(( I feel so left out because I don't get your inside jokes...awks ))
Juniper sits down by the fire and looks up seeing caricon. "I'm sorry for throwing rice at your face" She apologizes sincerely.

(excuse me? In no way has that happened)
He turned to see Caricorn sitting there. "Sure." he said. He cut some off the meat off and handed it to him. "By the way, you said something about robbing stuff from the village earlier. Your a thief?"

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