The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Uh, okay." He was taken aback by the fact that the boy had lived in the forest his whole life. It wasn't something he entirely believed either. He did make a mental note to tell that girl to stop touching his biceps.
((Oh, and I CANNOT remember Hunny's character's name for some reason. Like ever. T^T I don't know why, but you gotta help me out and keep putting his name in your posts for a while 'til it sinks in xDD))
As he got up he put on his fake smile he always put on before he robbed somebody. He slowly walked back to the group and reached in his pocket, inside it a packet of rice. "I robbed a bakery before I meet this group." He tossed the bag to the girl and smiled fro real.
"Hey...guys...have you seen...Birch anywhere?" she asked in between heavy panting as she looked at Val and the other boy. She leaned over, placing her hands on her knees.
Juniper sits up seeing Caricon return. She thought about apologizing, but she changed her mind and crawled into her tent laying down. She would apologize in the morning.
Valandil turned to Car I Con and said "Your a thief?" He then turned to Faye and said " I haven't seen him anywhere, but I'll keep an eye out. He might have set up a tent somewhere. He seems to have a knack for doing that."
Of course, she was ignored. Am I the only one that cares about Birch's safety? she wondered to herself with a frown. She stood up, crossing her arms as she dragged herself back to the ruins.
Caricon looked at Juniper crawl in her tent. He decided to not follow her when he turned around ready for mother attack from the train wreck.
Pandora watched as the man came back, she felt a little guilty for being part of why he ran off. She really needed to quit that habit of touching people's muscles.

Getting up, Pandora walked over to the dead rabbit, feeling bored. Maybe she could try reviving the rabbit? No, that'd be too dangerous. Maybe just restore it to living condition.

Opening the jar, which had been specifically made to preserve, Pandora got to work to restoring the rabbit's body.


(( haha, sorry my character was made like that ))
She looked up, hearing Valandil respond to her. "Thank you!" she said sharply, without an explanation to why she seemed so agitated. However, she was thankful that he informed her of such.

I'm paranoid, she thought to herself, trying to calm down. Paranoid..

As she walked into the ruins, she spotted one of their tents set up in the middle of one of the few stone rooms still standing. She trudged over to the tent, her previous thoughts being proven when she saw Birch lying asleep inside the tent.

"God, you scared me. You should inform people that you're alive before falling asleep next time!" she whisper shouted, though more to herself than to Birch. She wasn't planning on waking him up, rather she mentally slapped him gently.

Faye shook her head as she sat down inside the tent, feeling quite tired herself.
Valandil walked over to where the girl was and said "Hey, you might wanna stop touching his biceps. It makes him angry." He then asked "What are you doing anyway?"
((Well, this is the perfect place for me to fall asleep xD Like fer realz too xD Faye & I shall both fall asleep. I probably won't be on much tomorrow or Tuesday because I'm gonna be with Manda. But I'll try to post as much as I can! I'll miss you guys ;w; //teardrops//))

Faye's eyes begin to feel heavy as she looks at Birch sleeping peacefully. "Damnit, no..I'm not sleepy, yet...I'm hungry..." she mumbles to herself, her eyes finally closing.

After a few more moments she falls down beside Birch, still muttering things to herself. "No..I'm....I'm hungry...not sleepy....don't...fall asleep, Faye...Faye,'re falling as..leep...but.."

Her sentence fades off into a world of dreams as she falls into a deep slumber.
Suddenly being brought out of her work, Pandora felt a little agitated and looked back at the elf. "Oh, yeah, sure." Pandora muttered quickly, wanting to get the conversation over with. Usually, Pandora would've talked more, but this elf interupted her from her work.

After answering the elf, the young healer went back to fixing up a vein. If this rabbit was alive, he wouldn't feel better in his whole life. Taking another organ from the jar, Pandora thought about what she should do next after she moves on. Pandora had no idea where she was, and how to get anywhere. How was she going to take her brother's revenge like this. Pausing for a moment, Pandora sighed, mind heavy with burdens.


(( I'm sorry! My internet went haywire for a moment ))
Caricon lays down on the dirt. Caricon was getting tired. Eventually Caricon fell asleep having a nightmare of getting caught in a robbery.

(Got his name now because my spell check is about to implode)

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