The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Don't make assumptions ladies. You gossiping while i'm still in the room. Gosh. It was supposed to be a joke, but I guess you don't get it.)


It's the juniper log. She is even sitting on it in the picture!!!!
Thinking that they were done asking questions, Pandora popped up next to the elf with the knives and smiled innocently and she felt his biceps. "Such strong bones to!" Pandora kept rubbing the man's biceps, not really thinking about how he would feel if a random stranger began feeling his muscles.


(( just burst out laughing reading the previous posts lol ))
Faye nodded warily at Pandora and said, "Hah, welcome. I'm Faye."

She then stood up and from the steps, following Valandil over to where Vex was. He had shifted out of beast form and fallen into a slumber between a few piles of stones. All the supplies was in a pile on the ground beside him.

Faye leaned over, opening the cooler and looking up at Valandil. He seemed rather hungry, eyeing the meat.

"Feel free to have some meat--we have enough to last us five months, maybe even more," she told him with a soft laugh. "Don't be shy."

She then reached her hand into the cooler, retrieving some bear meat to cook over a fire.
Caricon was eating his stale bread when out of nowhere that physico popped out of nowhere and started touching his biceps.

"Get the f*ck off me," he yelled not caring about what other people thought. He had acidenttlty thrown his bread and it landed on the rice, spilling it everywhere.
Juniper looks at the rice spilled all over the ground. And to think she let him carry her all day long. She picked up a handful of rice throwing it angrily at his face.
Being attacked from two sides one trying to feel his biceps the other throwing rice at him. He pulled out his daggers. "i will hurt you like everybody that I've ever robbed," he yelled immediately covering up his mouth.
Faye smiled at Axel, hearing his stomach growl. She had almost forgotten that he was following them, considering he was so quiet. As she handed some meat to Axel, she realized that he wasn't the only quiet one of the group.

She stood up, wondering where Birch was as she scanned the area. He seemed to have vanished, causing a pang of worry to flow through her veins.

"Uh, someone needs to make a fire, so that..uh..we can cook..the meat," she told Axel, stammering as she gazed off into the distance.
((OMG. There was just a really freaky bug crawling on my chest and I almost had a heart attack. x-x wtfwtfwtf. I'm kinda sketched out now 'cause I have no idea where it went after I swatted it off me x-x now I'm afraid to sleep D;)
((Did you mean Axel? 'Cause it's ironic that you happened to say Faye and my real name together by accident xDD))
Valandil chuckled a little as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. He looked over at Axel and asked "I taught you how to make a fire right?"
"Yea, said Axel to Valandil as he turned and walked out of the ruins to get fire wood. He walked back and started the fire, his mind only thinking about the meat.
After a few more moments, she turned around, puzzled at what she was now seeing. Pandora was rubbing Caricon's biceps, not to mention there was rice stuck to his face and hair. Faye's expression was unfazed as she shoved her hands into her pockets, still focusing mainly on her thoughts from a minute earlier.

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