The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(It's a basically a Japanese sword. Samurai had two swords they carried with them one was a short sword called a wakazashi and then a long one which was the katana.)
After a long time of wandering in circles, Pandora heard a light rustle in the bushes. Gripping a small dagger, Pandora slowly approached the noise.

"Who's there?" Pandora called out, hoping that whatever it was wasn't going to try and kill her. Maybe something like a little bunny, that's harmless enough.

The bushes rustled even louder as whatever it was came nearer and nearer. "Please be a bunny! Please be a bunny!" Pandora chanted to herself as she unsheathed the dagger, and aimed it at the noise.
"Hey be nice there wasn't that much in the canteen for him to drink," Caricon said eyeing Faye. After that he went back to Joonie. "So how has your day been," he said trying to spark a conversation.
As Faye was walking through the woods, she didn't bother to check behind her to see if the others were even following her yet. She was in a good mood, actually feeling joyful to walk throughout the expansive forest. The woods had always been her favorite place ever since she was little, although she was only able to go so far back in Fayland. She finally felt free, able to roam the woods she had always wanted to explore.

As she was walking, she noticed a bit more light shining down further ahead of her. Her lips parted as she let out a small breath, excitement already rushing through her veins. Are we close to something interesting? she found herself pondering.

The closer she got, the more she was able to make out stone pillars. Her brows furrowed for a moment, wondering what in the world she was seeing.

"Guys, I--I think I found something...!" she called to the group, not once tearing her eyes from the mysterious scene ahead of her.

She began to run at this point, her curiosity getting the best of her as she approached the stone pillars. She walked around a few trees, seeing a clearing where the sun was able to shine down even more. She stepped into the clearing, her eyes widening as an enormous smile spread across her face.

"Yeah..I definetely found something," she said to herself, staring up at the ruins.

((Here's what she found, mah peeps:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/2a6yBhE.jpg.1efadbbefae0a14f4fc144d780ec8c9d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/2a6yBhE.jpg.1efadbbefae0a14f4fc144d780ec8c9d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/gede-ruins.jpg.d283fba2abf6d988109d616c690046a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/gede-ruins.jpg.d283fba2abf6d988109d616c690046a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Juniper looks at Caricon. "I've been asleep for most of it. So I guess nonexistent is the right word." she answers "Are your arms okay?" she asks worried that they were sore from carrying her for so long. "I don't mean to be a burden."
((Yus, Old Ruins, the remains of a--building in this case--that have been destroyed or is in disrepair or in a state of decay~~ :3))
Valandil followed Faye as she ran to the clearing. "What did she see?" he thought. As he entered the clearing the ruins came into view. "Woah."
Of course, with Pandora's luck, it was a bunny. A giant bunny that obviously had rabies and was currently trying to kill her.

The rabbit, as it wasn't cute enough to be a bunny, growled at Pandora, spitting it's saliva at her.

Staring at the large rabbit in shock, Pandora's mouth hung open.

The rabbit went on it's hind legs and roared loudly, making the birds fly away in fear. The rabbit began chasing after Pandora, knocking over trees and leaving large footprints in its trail.

"Someone help me!" Pandora shrieked, she was a healer for God's sake! Pandora threw the small dagger at the rabbit, missing it by several feet.

Running into a clearing, Pandora his behind some ruins, hoping that the rabbit-bunny-thing wouldn't find her...
Valandil turned as he heard what sounded like a girl screaming. "Did you hear that?" he asked Faye as he started to walk into the ruins. He didn't know if he heard correctly as wondered why a someone would be out in the middle of nowhere. "Well, look at us." thought Valandil.
Caricon say the ruins and set the girl down. He then looked in each building and did his craft he had found every crumb at the ruins. They were going to eat like kings. He was about to turn back to the group when he heard a scream for help. He found another elf. "How many people are doing this," he muttered pulling out his dagger waiting to see what he was afraid of, in the process dropping his food.
Juniper looks up ahead seeing Faye and Valandil spot something and run off to see what it was leaving her and Caricon behind. She wanted to know what it was they found. Then she herd a scream and turned her head in another direction. It was definitely a cry for help. She didn't know what to do, not that she could do anything now that she thought about it. So she left to decision to Caricon hoping he didn't leave her on the ground. It was nice not have to make a decision for once.
Faye heard Valandil walk up beside her, clearly in the same state of awe as she herself was. She didn't turn to face him, her eyes not wanting to be torn away from this magnificent visual. Just as she took a few steps towards the old ruins, she heard another voice. However, it sounded like a girl's voice coming from the other side of the ruins, a desperate plea for help.

Faye readied her bow with an arrow, carefully running over to the ruins. She silently rushed up the stone steps, peering over the bottom once she arrived at the top. She noticed a girl standing there, looking frightened. Faye tilted her head, allowing her wavy blonde locks to fall around her face.

"What's wrong?" Faye asked with seriousness before planning to ask where it was she came from.
Juniper looked around the ruins. She wonders what this place had been before it crumbled down. She pulled herself to her feet leaning against one of the pillars lifting her head to look at the sky. It was beautiful, but sad. She became distracted forgetting about the scream.
Valandil walked up as he heard Faye as the girl what was wrong. She looked like she was scared of something. He turned to see Caricon arrive. He turned back and directed his attention to the girl waiting for an answer.
Pandora looked around and saw another elf, still a little freaked out Pandora hissed quietly, "Crazy giant rabbit at 4 o'clock." Gesturing behind the wall, Pandora could smell the rabbit, they were only seperates by a thin wall of rock. Slowly backing away from the wall, Pandora smiled gratefully at the elf, but stayed silent in fear of attracting the mutant bunny's attention.

Suddenly the wall was knocked over and it crumbles to pieces in the dirty paws of the giant mutant rabbit.
Juniper looks over hearing the crumble of rocks and saw an abnormal rabbit. It looked wrong and unnatural. She swallowed staying next to the pillar, not trusting herself to step away. She might be able to walk, but she definitely wouldn't be able to run if it came to that. She looks at the others hoping they would do something so she wouldn't have too. 
(I feel like i'm one post behind. That the posts I make aren't fitting.)
Seeing the bunny he threw all three of his daggers all of them hitting its heart. It stumbled and flew over dead. He looked at the massive thing and then pulled out his knifes he wanted no meat from this animal. "I am Caricon and you might be?"

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