The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((We should try to keep the animals a bit more realistic next time lmfao x"D))

Faye watched as the rabbit fell dead, due to the three daggers Caricon had swung at its heart. She furrowed her brows, eyeing the dead animal for a few moments with wonder. She shook her head, deciding to move on.

She then looked from Caricon to the girl, awaiting an answer to his question.
Pandora knelt down over the rabbit, and pulled out a knife. Cutting it open, Pandora took out a few organs, ones that weren't damaged. Taking the organs, Pandora placed each of them in a jar, labelling it "Tiana".

Turning around to the other elves, Pandora held the jar close to her body and smiled brightly at them. "Thank you for that!" She beamed happily, hugging the jar. "My name is-" Pandora froze for a second as she stared at the man who was cleaning off his knives. "Such perfect biceps!" Pandora appeared next to him in a flash, giggling as she stared intently at the elf's biceps.
Getting the attention Caricon blushed. "No you would like me at all," he said cutting her off. "You still haven't told me your name," he said continuing to clean his knifes. He couldn't fall in love nobody would like him once they found out his past.
Valandil assumed she was not hostile when she started giggling for no reason as far as he could tell. He walked down to the rabbit that she had cut open and eyed it. It was ugly, foam still dripping from its maw.
((Hmm, why does this character seem to remind me of one named Soran? xDD))

Faye arched an eyebrow, watching as the..interesting..girl made her way over to Caricon, observing his muscles. She blinked, unsure what to think of this girl other than that she was..well, interesting.

"Why are you out here?" she asked the girl, eyeing her carefully.
Juniper stretched out her legs and walked in circles around the pillar proud of herself for being able to walk again. She looks over watching the girl compliment Caricon's muscles. She thought the statement a bit odd as she proceeded to laugh. Why did the group have to draw in weirdos. She seemed like another dangerous type. The group didn't feel as safe as it used to be. Magic was being use willy nilly and there were giant mutant rabbits following girls around. Maybe there was a reason for the wall after all.
(It's and anime series. There's a character named Soran. I didn't really watch it. I just remember from the games)
Faye decided it wasn't worth awaiting the girl's response, seeing as she was so absorbed in Caricon's biceps. Instead, she moved down the stone steps of the ruins she was on, taking a seat beside Valandil.

"I think this would be a great place to settle," she said, smiling at her surroundings. It was clear that Faye absolutely adored the ruins. 
((Ohhh, well PaiPai has another character in a different roleplay named Soran..and he's cray cray xD ))
Snapping out of her faze, Pandora grinned at the group and crutsied to them. "My name is Pandora, and the reason why I'm in the woods is..." Pandora's memory failed her all of a sudden. Maybe that rabbit spread forgetfulness instead of rabies... "Why am I here again...?" Pandora asked herself, pondering why she did such a crazy thing in the first place. Deciding that it'll come to her later, Pandora winked with a small smile and said, "Well, it's classified." Hugging the jar of organs to her chest, Pandora waited for more questions.


(( because in most of my characters, they always have a little bit of moi! Because I'm fabulous ))
"Ok, I'll start to set up camp." She still seemed entranced by the ruins and their beauty. He got up and walked over to Vex. His stomach growled as he thought about possibly eating the bear that had been slaughtered earlier.
Looking at the train crash that was Pandora. He walked away slowly, picking up the feast. One he got away he went to where the group was and put down the food. "Dinner is severed," he said smiling. He then picked up a few wood and made a fire, just as the sun set. "I found this while looking around in the town." He then sat down and ate some slightly stale bread.
((I think I'm the only one who understood that it's because Juniper is the Rice Queen--meaning she has a love of bland rice <3 xD ))

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