The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Caricon sat down on a rock and set the girl down. When she offered him water he gladly took a sip. "Thank you." He handed it back and checked his pockets. He turned away from the group and chewed down a cookie from a bakery he had robed before he found this group.
Suddenly, Faye's eyelids shot open once she realized she was falling asleep. She moved away from Vex, believing it was his soft fur that had made her too comfortable. She notices the CANTEEN ( ;D ) in her hand, feeling a bit guilty for chugging down much of it. However, there was still some water left in there.

Faye moved around Vex and held the canteen up. "Anyone want some?" she asked with a generous smile.
Caricon eyed the bottle. "No thanks," he said his throat disagreeing with saying no. He then started eating a cookie full of whip cream. As he ate he turned his back to the group. "Maybe we should camp here," he said his back still turned.
(Oops didn't realize there was only one canteen lol)

"I'll have some." says Valandil as he walked over to Faye and grabbed the canteen. He the drank until there was no more water left. "Uh, looks like I drank it all." he said as he looked at the group, a little embarrassed.
Once he ate the cookie he turned back around to see somebody drink all of the water. Greedy. "So should we camp here or not," he asked with a questioning glance.
Juniper rested her head against the tree. She brushed her finger over the rim of her empty water bottle licking her chapped lips. She still felt drained and thought about getting up to try walking again, but she didn't want to press it. She would wait until they had to leave. She took out some berries from her bag and sucked the juice out of a few of them trying to hydrate that way.
Pandora knelt down to a dying deer, it's stomach had been ripped out and it was slowly bleeding to death. Knowing that the deer was in agonizing pain, Pandora placed a calming hand over the deer's neck, staring softly into it's black eyes. With a quick snap of her wrist, the deer's neck snapped, taking it out of it's misery.

Getting up, Pandora ran a hand through her sunset coloured hair and muttered to herself, "Yup," Pandora paced around the small clearing. "I'm lost." Sitting down, Pandora sighed, cursing her bad sense of direction.

Opening a small map she bought from a trader, who said it showed all of the land, Pandora pointed to a small dot on the map. "I'm here right now," Pandora whispered to herself, seeing as no one except a dead deer was around her. "I think..." Pandora added unsure of what she was doing.

After a few minutes of trying to read the map, Pandora crumpled it up and threw it away, deeming it-

"Utterly useless!" Pandora groaned and glared at the trees surrounding her with her cerise eyes. Going with her gut, Pandora decided to go left. Marching off, Pandora walked into the forest...heading right.


(( Hello! I'm new here. And since there's 109 pages, I am way too lazy to read all of it. So, may I ask what happened? ))
Faye chuckled a bit, knowing that it was actually her fault that there was no water left. Her face turned a little red, feeling guilty for letting Val take the blame. She then looked around the area, however it didn't look very comfortable to camp in.

"How about we just walk a little bit further?" she suggested, not giving anyone time to answer as she began to walk off into the forest again.
(I want to meet some dark elves. It's been 109 pages and we spent one day in the forest. My patience will not last much longer. No that's not true. I'll wait another 100 pages. no what am I saying? I'm going crazy over here. Gah.)
Caricon picked the girl back up again. "It feels kinda weird carrying you all day. I would like to know your name. I am Caricon."
paipai900 said:
Pandora knelt down to a dying deer, it's stomach had been ripped out and it was slowly bleeding to death. Knowing that the deer was in agonizing pain, Pandora placed a calming hand over the deer's neck, staring softly into it's black eyes. With a quick snap of her wrist, the deer's neck snapped, taking it out of it's misery.
Getting up, Pandora ran a hand through her sunset coloured hair and muttered to herself, "Yup," Pandora paced around the small clearing. "I'm lost." Sitting down, Pandora sighed, cursing her bad sense of direction.

Opening a small map she bought from a trader, who said it showed all of the land, Pandora pointed to a small dot on the map. "I'm here right now," Pandora whispered to herself, seeing as no one except a dead deer was around her. "I think..." Pandora added unsure of what she was doing.

After a few minutes of trying to read the map, Pandora crumpled it up and threw it away, deeming it-

"Utterly useless!" Pandora groaned and glared at the trees surrounding her with her cerise eyes. Going with her gut, Pandora decided to go left. Marching off, Pandora walked into the forest...heading right.


(( Hello! I'm new here. And since there's 109 pages, I am way too lazy to read all of it. So, may I ask what happened? ))
(Basically were from a village where it's forbidden to leave and we are traveling in the middle of nowhere.
Juniper put the rest of the berries in her bag and felt herself being picked up again. She looked at Caricon realizing he was speaking. "My name is Juniper, my dad still calls me Juni (pronounced Joonie" she replies not sure why she added the last part, but it worked anyways.
((Herro xD Well, you don't really need to know everything that happened. Basically Faye gathered a group of elves together in Fayland and they all decided to escape when the guards were switching shifts. They were chased by guards, but their shapeshifter was able to outrun them with everyone on his back. So they found a nice place to settle in the forest and camped out for the night. One of the elves decided to roam off at night and she was ripped to pieces by a pack of wolves. She died, creating a terrible depression among the group-mostly Faye. Then Birch used his adorableness to make her feel better. Team Birch. Then a new elf named Jane struck their tent with a fireball cause she thought they were enemies, but when she found they weren't she apologized and they allowed her to join them on their journey. Thennn they packed everything up in the morning after Birch fed them all breakfast, so they headed off deeper into the woods. A red grizzly bear tried to attack them so Faye killed it with her bow and arrow, then a new elf named Caricon tried to attack them but ended up being the one who was injured. Jane had burned him with a fireball and Faye shot his arm with an arrow. He fell unconscious and Juniper used her Holy Arts to heal his wounds, but it took all her energy so she fell unconscious. Meanwhile, Faye and Caricon removed the innards of the bear, they all sat around for 6 hours waiting for it to drain, then they wrapped up the meat and put it on Vex's back. Then they head off into the woods again for three hours, then they stopped to take a water break, now theyre moving again xD PHEW. ))
((Well, the point of the roleplay is not necessarily to meet the dark elves right away, but to all go on a journey to find them--which won't be for quite some time, cause once we get to their village there won't be much left to do with our elves. I actually have a lot of stuff planned out so don't worry xD There will be a section before we're at the village where dark elves start coming out. itll be when we're on the other side of the land. Cause right now..we're still like near Fayland xDD)) 
((I love how I started that with 'well you dont really need to know everything' but I ended up telling her everything anyway xDD))
(I'm not giving you my katana for yelling at me lol)

"I'm sorry. I was so thirsty." He then turned around and kept walking.

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