The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Caricon had just finished remaking the handles of his daggers when he got the news of the drained bear. He got up and placed all of his daggers back into their holsters. He got up and smiled following Faye.
(( YukiShiro we've all been sitting around the same area for six hours waiting for the grizzly bear to be drained so we could pack up the meat to eat along their journey. So now that six hours passed, they're getting ready to continue moving along. ^^))
Faye turns to Juniper, seeing that Valandil has politely decided to lend her a hand. She smiles a bit, grateful that her group was full of wonderful elves. She didn't mean for it to, but the thought that Caricon may not be included in the previous thought did indeed cross her mind.

"You gonna be able to hack it?" she asks, noticing that Juniper is still feeling weak after six whole hours.
Caricon looked back and saw the girl who saved his life being helped up. He pulled out his dagger and started picking dirt out of his fingernail waiting for the rest of the group.
Juniper looks at Faye and shakes her head. "I don't know. I don't think so." she replies feeling bad that she was holding up the group and little bit embarrassed at all the attention. She wasn't used to it. She was usually the one sitting back unnoticed.
Faye's eyes wandered over to Vex, whom was still in beast form. He seemed to be able to carry all that supplies fairly easily, not even tired. She then focused her gaze back onto Juniper, who was still clinging to Valandil.

"What if we found a way to get you on Vex's back? I mean, sure he's already covered in supplies...but I'm sure we could fit you up there.." she said, but as she spoke she began to realize that maybe that would be rather difficult with all that supplies. In addition, she felt a bit bad that they were forcing Vex to carry everything--including all of that bear meat.

Faye scratched the back of her head, her eyes focusing on someone else this time.

"Hey Val, you're strong, right?" she asked, a humorous smile inching onto her face.
Caricon stepped into her vision. "I am," he said smiling. "All I have is my daggers I feel I'm not carrying my weight." He then stepped over and took the girl who saved his life and carried her in a fireman's carry.
"Oh," Faye said, a bit startled. "Well, okay then."

It seemed as though this newbie was certainly trying to regain a new reputation with them. Either he felt terribly sorry about what had happened earlier, or he had some sort of twisted plan up his sleeve. There was something about this guy that seemed off to her..but she wasn't sure what exactly it was. All she knew was that she wasn't about to trust him so easily.

Faye then motioned for the group to follow her. With that, she began heading off into the forest again, ready to continue the trip.
Juniper looks at Caricon a little bit surprised. She tensed for a moment not sure how to respond to being carried. She felt so light in his arms.
They continued to walk..and walk..and walk some more. About three more hours had passed and Faye didn't want to admit that her legs were starting to get tired.

"Damn, these woods never seem to end, do they?" she said jokingly, turning around the face the group. She placed her hands on her hips and breathed heavily, tired from walking so much.

"Maybe we should all stop to have a drink of water?" she suggested, moving over to Vex.
As Caricon looked into the sky he saw that it was time for his job. He out the girl down. "I'm going to go find some water you guys stay here." He then ran for about 30 minutes authentic got out of the forest. He found a vilage and began to do his work. First he picked a bakery. He got in and stole all the food without waking the Elves inside. Once he ate his fill he collected the rest and ran back into the forest running to the group.
((Omg, why can't I remember what that thing used to carry water in is called? Like, they have it on trips in the desert and stuff xD Grr, it's bugging me.))

Faye retrieved the bottle of water from the supplies on Vex's back and took a few sips...okay, no--it was more of a large swig than a few sips. She leaned against his furry side and sighed refreshingly, carelessly taking another swig.

"It feels so good to drink some water," she mumbled, resting her eyes sleepily while holding the bottle of water by her side.

She was completely oblivious to asking whether the others wanted to drink any.
Juniper sat down on the floor when she was put down. She opens her bag to hand him her water bottle so he could fill it if he found a lake or a stream or something, but he was already gone. She puts it back in her bag.
((Well, that was random? xD hahahah, what village? ||D they're in the middle of nowhere hahaha. Plus, they were gonna come across a lake soon xDDD))
(A canteen?) Valandil walked to the side of Vex and grabbed some water to drink. He then sat wondering where Caricon had gone.
((YES, a canteen! <3 thank you xD I'm stupid //slapped//

And HunnyHelp theres only one massive village of Dark Elves (like there is for Light Elves--Fayland) and it's on the complete opposite side of the land, so we're not even close xD However, somewhere in the middle of the map will probably be an abandoned village--or even a village of humans. You'll be able to rob stuff eventually, dont worry xD ))

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