The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye patted Juniper's face a few more times, finally seeing that she fell unconscoius. She sighed, looking up at the others.

"She's unconscious..she must've used too much energy when healing..uh, the new kid's wounds.." she says to the group, focusing her eyes on the boy with the long black hair. She still didn't know his name, nor was she sure if she could trust him at all.

"Val, can you come take her from me and lean her against a tree or something? I'm going to have to cut open that grizzly bear anyway and pull out the innards, which may take some time."
"She probably just needs to rest." said Valandil to the newcomer. He didn't know who he was and was eyeing him cautiously.
Caricon picked up the girl and carried her to the tree. He set her down and felt her pulse again to make sure. Still there. He walked over to the beat and pulled out his knife and tossed it to the lead girl. He then went back to the girls that healed him.
After Val took Juniper from her arms, she stood up, covered in the new guy's blood from earlier. She looked down at her clothes and frowned, feeling even more gross than she did before. I can't wait until we find a lake or something, she thought to herself.

She then looked over to the grizzly bear, then to the new guy. He chucked the knife in her direction and she caught it in her hands swiftly.

"Friend or foe?" she asked, standing a few feet away from the boy now. 
((Ohkay I just read your post xD ))
((Ohmaigod, guys~we're past 100 pages <3 c': And I must thank Little*Dreamer for sticking with the roleplay from the beginning xD A lot of others bailed T^T))
"Friend," he said tossing her his knife. "You cut him up I usually get my food a different way." He then walked to the girl and healed her and sat next to her.
((Faye already shot his arm with an arrow earlier, then he bled all over her clothes, so I think he's been in enough pain xDD))
Faye nods at the boy briefly before moving over to the bear. You're supposed to cut open the animal and remove the innards within fifteen minutes to prevent tainting the meat, but fortunately it had only been around ten minutes since they killed the bear. Unfortunately, that meant they had only about five minutes to remove the innards.

"Hey, new kid, wanna do me a favor and help me remove the innards? We need to hurry before the meat is tainted," she said, slicing open the bear's stomach with the knife.

For most elves, this would be a completely disturbing thing to do, but she's been hunting hundreds of times, so this was nothing new to her.

After grabbing a pair of gloves from her bag of hunting supplies that she brought along, she put them on and tossed another pair to the new guy. With that, she moved over the grizzly bear and began to take out the innards. 
((And we're honored to have you join! You created some action xD Hahah, and it's pretty easy to jump into this roleplay because you don't need to know everything that happened earlier really.))
Caricon threw down the gloves. "Are they really needed?" He then pulled out a carving dagger and went over to the bear waiting for instructions.
"Unless you want blood and guts all over your hands, yes I would recommend them," she tells the boy. "I have another pair of gloves in my bag if anyone else wants to help, by the way."

Faye continues to remove the insides of the bear, finding that of course it's quite a lot. After a few moments, she looks up at the boy.

"Hah, are you going to help or what?" she smiles a little, turning back to the bear and reaching her hands inside the stomach.

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