The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper grabbed another fist full of rice and threw it in his face. "You ruined the last of my rice!" She wasn't actually that mad at him. She was frustrated at herself for having been so weak all day and for being dehydrated and well that was his fault too wasn't it. She couldn't even think straight anymore. There were no rules out here. She was tired of not knowing what to do all the time.
An evil look flashed in Pandora's eyes as she blurted out, "No." Realizing what she just did, Pandora's face flushed red for a second but disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. "I'm so sorry!" Pandora quickly picked up the remaining rice on the ground and used the little magic she knew to clean it off and place it back into the bowl.

Scratching her head sheepishly, Pandora's face had a light blush dusted over her cheeks. "It's just that," Pandora paused for a second and smiled at the elf. "You have very nice muscles..." Pandora admitted, hugging the jar close to her chest, face bright red from her words.


(( just to add, I have no idea what just happened or what's happening? When did he get the rice? ))
Seeing this chaos he was reminded he was surrounded by weirdos. He should have just stayed in Fayland. He ran into the forest trying to find Fayland at any cost.
Juniper sat down resting her head in her hands. She kicked the rice bowl over again sending the rice flying into the fire. She looked up realizing Caricon was gone. She hoped she wasn't the one to drive him away. She hadn't meant to do that. Sheactually liked having him around. He was one of the few that made her feel safe.
Valandil turned to see Caricon run into the forest. "Wait! He shouted as he abandoned the meat and ran after him. He almost tripped over a couple branches." Damn it. What got into him?"
Normally, Faye would've tried to calm everyone down and made them all laugh together, but right now she was just so unfocused that she couldn't. Why she was so concerned about where Birch was at the moment, well she wasn't completely sure. It must've been because she was afraid that he was hurt or something, but no one had noticed him fall behind.

She looked towards the entrance to the ruins, wondering if he had fallen behind. She knew Birch, and he didn't seem like he was capable of defending himself from the rabid animals lurking among the forest. It was beginning to get dark out as well, making her feel even more worried.

Did he get lost? she wondered, still staring at the entrance worriedly. Or....did he get hurt?

She gulped, feeling chills run up her spine. Maybe he had just fallen asleep somewhere...

Faye took a deep breathe with her eyes closed, trying to convince herself that she was overly paranoid for some reason.
Tripped on a log and face planting. He heard somebody behind him and straitened up. He looked and saw a boy. "How can you stand those weirdos," he said his hair sticking up everywhere.
((Well, Faye was focused on her thoughts, so she didn't hear what he said about robbing stores xD ))
(Who is birch) 
(Yeah like before people go offline they have to make their char do something and get away from the group?)
((BIRCH, my friend, IS ADORABLE. 'Nuff said.)) 
((Well, I think we assume that everyone's following them, like Vex is wonderfully carrying all our supplies xDD))
Weirdos? What was he talking about. "Look, if you run into the forest by yourself you'll get killed. Just come back to the camp and we can talk over any differences we all have.
"Then how come I've lived in it all my life!!!" He was really fusdrated. "I guess I can stay with you all if you can keep that girl away from me my biceps are sore from her constant rubbing," he said rubbing his red biceps.
Juniper didn't feel like hanging out listening to any more chatter. She stood up and walked to her tent and decided to lay just outside looking up at the stars. It was a beautiful night when you took a step back from everything.
Faye rushed after Valandil as he ran after the other boy out of the woods. Paranoid or not, she was still going to subtly check for Birch as she pretended to chase after the others.

She caught up to Valandil, who was with the other boy. Faye was panting as she scanned the forest, Birch nowhere in sight. 
((I thought it was Out Of Conversation..which now that I think about it doesn't make sense..whatever, I was close xDD))

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