The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Lol well whenever I did it to someone, it was mostly little kids it'd be kind of awkward if but was an adult. So yeah. I'd explain and stuff but nahh))
Eventually he stopped crying and looked at everybody. "I am not worthy of your pity for I am a criminal a killer even." He then turned his back looking at a tree.
Juniper puts her water bottle back in her bag. She rests her chin on her knees. "Nah, you're just a complainer." she states rather coldly. She was trying to lighten the mood, although she might have been stretching it and just insulted him instead, but that might work to. She could deal with him being mad.
Pandora raised an eyebrow and shook her head, she decided that she was going to make this kid feel better by revealing one of her own secrets, and if it doesn't go well Pandora will leave first thing when the sun rises.

"I to have killed," Pandora frowned as she spoke. "It was for survival." Pandora curled up into a little ball, her mind flashed back to what had happened. "I was being raped." Pandora choked on her words and began to cough furiously. After her coughing fits had died down Pandora continued her tale. "I did what was best for my wellbeing. I killed them," Pandora's voice cracked, but she refused to cry. She could still remember that night that it had happened... "You had to kill those people to survive, didn't you?" Pandora reached out to place her small and on Caricon's shoulder, but withdrew at the last minute. "No one kills without a reason. There's always a reason." Pandora wiped her eyes with her hand. "Even if you don't know the reason yourself."


((I feel like the cheesiest person ever. I am sorry for how gloomy this was.)) 
Goodnight u just left us hanging lol
Caricon listened to this story." I killed them because they were between me and my next paycheck. They were trying to defend what was theirs. I killed them out of greed out of greed." He then looked into the distance and remembered all those people's last screams. They would plague him for the rest of his life. "I didn't even burry my mother. I left her there i just walked away," Caricon said this as almost he had lost his purpose lost his soul.
(Actually I'll probably go to bed. See ya all later)

Valandil got up and walked to one of the tents he set up and collapsed, tired from the days activities.
Pandora countered with, "But, you still had a reason. You're just looking at it in the spur of the moment." Pandora stood up and glanced over to Caricon and gave him a soft smile. "Just think about it, okay?" Pandora eyes lingered on Caricon, seeing if he would answer.

Pandora lay down and conjured a barrier around herself to keep the warmth in. Pandora closed her eyes, and let herself fall into the clutches of sleep.


((Seeing as almost everyone seems tired. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight. ))
Juniper stood up and walked to her tent. She laid down inside thinking about the stories the other elves told about their past. She started to think about hers. There was no big tragedy, no one died, no one got killed, no one got injured. But there were all those patients that had a story, most of which could be helped. Then there were times, they had to be turned away.

'it's too risky, i'm sorry' those words were repeated over and over as if that was enough explanation to why the elf couldn't be saved and had to die. She rolled over trying to shake the memories. She feared that she too would have too say those words one day and it would be much worse if she had to say it too a friend. She closed her eyes. These thoughts wouldn't help her sleep. She needed to calm her mind down.

Focusing on her breath she evened it out and counted until she drifted off into a deep slumber.
Birch had been very quiet and distant from the group since they'd started out again. He always dragged behind the rest of them and never spoke up, staying in his own little quiet world as they all traveled. He felt very little obligation or connection to these people. He was suppose to be there as a cook for them but at the very first chance they had, they tried to make something without him, wasting a meal's worth of rice in the process. Though he only displayed a vague sense of annoyance when he tried to save the meal before, he'd honestly been angry. Why keep him around if they'd only be trying to do the one thing he was good for? So they could keep pitying him? It seemed like a rather common occurrence, especially with that new girl showing up with them.

When they finally made camp, he continued to put effort into avoiding everyone as he wandered into the ruins with his things, rather crudely setting up his tent by himself inside a space that hadn't collapsed just yet before crawling inside and passing out. He never showed it and it helped that he always trailed behind everything but all of this travel was utterly exhausting on his weak body. He probably would have passed out on the first day when they were escaping if Vex hadn't been such a reliable transport to some of them. Time passed onward in dreamless sleep and when Birch finally decided to open his eyes to meet an unexpected sight.

Faye. She was lying there too, dead asleep with a look of comfort drawn clearly on her face. At first Birch was confused. He was sure he'd put this tent up and Faye had more than enough options where to sleep if she wanted to so why end up here? Though he tried to deny it for a moment, it seemed foolish to ignore the obvious: she wanted to. Perhaps she just wanted to check on him or maybe he'd worried her with how distant he'd been on the trip since nobody had so much as looked back towards him the entire time they were moving. This struck a strange tone for Birch. Had he worried her? Granted people made a habit of worrying over him simply due to his poor health but Faye didn't seem like that person. She'd been very comfortable standing in his blind spot until she brought it up and she never seemed directly motivating to him like he needed it.

Then there was what had happened. That one moment where he felt sorry for her and envied her at the same time. That moment where she allowed herself to cry in his arms. It hadn't felt like a big gesture at the time but looking back, it felt strange that he was the one who did it. He doubt he'd said so much as a dozen words total to everyone since this trip started and yet he went out there and did that. It was very strange, almost surreal.

Birch pulled himself out of thinking to actually look at Faye for a moment. She'd just fallen over asleep where she'd been sitting and while she looked comfortable, he still felt the need to shrug off his blanket and drape it over her. After a moment, however, he realized that the spot he'd chosen was actually rather cold and after a moment of self debate he found himself scooting a pillow over closer to Faye and pulling himself under again with her. Granted the blanket was actually rather large, so much so that their elbows didn't even touch with them both under it, but it still felt strange being so close. Birch noticed how much warmer it was with someone else under it as well. Not wanting to go outside or just sit here like he was moping, he eventually decided to keep watching Faye sleep, the smallest of smile on his face as he does so. She looked so peaceful.
Juniper opened her eyes as the light flooded into her tent. She stayed laying down for a few minutes. She finally sits up brushing her fingers through her short hair. She peers out of the tent before climbing out. She shivered a bit chilled by the morning air and walked over to the fire to see if it was still lit or if anyone else was awake yet.
As Axel wakes up the sun comes beaming in his eyes. He then gets up out of his tent and looked to see if any one else was awake. When he looked he saw Juniper he then said quietly "Good morning Juniper" And then he got up out of his tent.
Caricon woke up just the sun had risen. He looked at the girl next to him. He walked away and sat next to the dieting fire. He got up again and went into the woods looking for wood. He found some broken sticks from a tree when he heard a sound. He dropped his logs and pulled out two of his daggers. He looked around and slowly backed into the ruins condensed it was a small animal but that is where he was wrong. He picked up his logs again and got to the camp his daggers in his holsters.
Juniper looks up at Axel hearing her name watching him come out of his tent "morning" she called back. She felt well rested today. Not up to usual strength, but she thought she could walk today.
As he threw the logs in the fire he sat down on a log. "Hello Juniper, and hello...?" He gave her a questioning glance. He then stuck a stick in the fire playing with it.
Juniper looks over at Caricon (Did I get it right?) "Morning" she replies repeating herself. "His name is Axel if that is what you are looking for." she states having seen his strange glance, as if he was looking for an answer to question he didn't ask.
(Yes you did)

"Of then hello Axel." He then tossed the stick aside. "So have we made a decision on if we are leaving camp?" He then reached in his pocket and pulled out some bananas. He tossed everybody one. "Might as well eat a good breakfast.
"I ransacked the ruins yesterday." He then looked away ashamed of how he got those skills. As he looked away he reached in his pocket and pulled out another cookie.

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