The Path From Fayland - Official RP

[[Pssst-- Liam is a boy... =w=]]

Liam staggered upright, wiping the nervous sweat from his brow. "T-Thank you..." He said, shaking, and suddenly began to breathe heavily. "I... I just..." He suddenly sighed and fell forward onto the young man, fainting from exhaustion and fear.
Looking at the fainted "Girl" and realized it was a boy. He then put her in a firemans carry. Once he got to the ruins he located their base and set the girl down. "Next time remind me to just stay with you." He then sat next to the passed out girl putting a canteen in her mouth.

(There was a fountain in the ruins right?)
Juniper looks over at Caricon realizing he was carrying someone. It was another stranger. Elves were just showing up left and right, weren't they. She thought about using her holy powers, but they had been used too regularly all ready. She hadn't full gotten her strength back from the last time she used them, so she brushed that thought aside. "Where did you find him?" she asks.
"I bumped into him and he just begged me not to kill him and passed out. Something is wrong. When I was about to find her I heard something coming from the other direction. Something knows we are here, every time somebody is found a new monster attacks. I fear this is no different." He then pulled out both of his daggers hearing something.
"I believe what you have there is a male." She states confused why he was calling the unconscious mean a 'her'. "And if there is a 'monster' leave me out of it. And we have never encountered a 'monster' before. I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. There was a bear and a strange bunny thing, but no monster."
Caricon ignored Axel's comment. I heard something. He turned his head to see a crazy sight, a pack of wolverines. "Uh guys I think we have a problem." He then pulled out another dagger so he had one in each hand.
(It's also known for it's shyness... I doubt a wolverine would walk out in the open to attack a group of elves for no bloody reason (or any animal for that matter), but hey let's go for it.)
(i get they are bigger and they are in a pack, but they still need a reason to attack which would be something like they think their young are in danger or you entered their territory.)
Caricon being the soft caring person he was ( xD ), pulled out his third and last dagger and tossed it to Axel. "Now you do." He then jumped up and stabbed the first wolverine, starting the attack. 
(Well would the normal world Elves rule the world and magic be well known?)
Axel got into a attacking stance until one of the animals ran toward him. He then jump to the right and sliced its back and yelled "Two down a couple more to go!"
Juniper stood up staring at the wolverine creatures she stands next to the unconscious boy, not having learned his name and tries to create a shield around him.
(Okay let's just say you guys stepped into their territory... and they now think their young are in danger since a elf is attacking them.)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374527902.187425.jpg.1c3a7d1b7c6281e5acc8699b3b081f4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374527902.187425.jpg.1c3a7d1b7c6281e5acc8699b3b081f4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (nooooo don't hurt me!!!!)



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Valandil unsheathed his katana sidestepping one of the wolverines attacks. He then sliced at it's legs immobilizing it before slicing at it's throat . He then moved on to the next thinking "Damn, these things are large." (Maybe to large :P )
"Hey the more we kill the more food" As Axel says that he jumped over a wolverine and sliced its back legs.

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