The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper shrugs "You like to talk. I don't." she states as if it were obvious. She brushes her hair behind her ear and crinkles her nose in distaste finding some dried blood. That wasn't good was it?
Faye chuckled, smiling thankfully as she responded, "No, thank you..that was really sweet of you. I hope you don't mind that I crashed in your tent..I was looking all over for you last night, you're so quiet that I was worried something had happened to you.." she looks at him for another moment, rushing to add, "We were all looking for you--so, I was going to assure everyone that you were safe and sound in here, but I guess I was just a bit tired."

With a shrug that shouted silly me, Faye laughs apologetically, scratching the back of her neck as she glances away.
He felt awkward asking this but he went through with it anyway. "Well your past why you are out here in the middle of nowhere." He looked at her in her eyes wanting to know of her past.
Birch keeps watching her as she hastily explains herself. When she looks away from him he does as well, letting his eyes fall towards his lap as he said, "I don't really mind. It was nice to have some company, even if I didn't realize it." Saying this almost made him want to flinch. It wasn't that he regretted saying it but he realized his delivery was as monotone as ever. It seemed that his wall was still standing up as ready to shield him as ever.
Juniper thinks about the question a moment. "Alright" she wets her lips. "I wanted to know if any of those stories were true. You know the ones we herd as kids about the dark elves. Like if no one's seen the dark elves how do they know they are so bad. I mean they are still elves. They can't be that different right? I don't know. It's stupid right." 
(You weren't moved if that's what you mean.)
He face palmed himself that was all he was going to get."Think about this, me and all my evil are considered a light elf. Then what evil might a dark elf poses?" His face turned serious as though he was sure he had dark in his blood.
Axel hears noises of people speaking so he turns over to see Faye and Birch and says" Hey guys the others went out into the forest I stayed here my arm is injured"
Juniper watches him face palm himself feeling a bit insulted. He was the one that had asked her the question. She was only answering honestly. "What evils do you posses?"
Faye looked back up at Birch carefully, for a slight moment unsure of whether he really meant that or not. He didn't seem too enthusiastic nor cheerful, but then again he never quite did. As far as Faye could tell, it was still hard for him to let others into his life. However, Faye understood somewhere in the back of her mind..and all she wanted was for him to feel comfortable around her. She wanted him to know that he could trust, maybe one day he would. But as for now, she was going to give him time to open up to someone, knowing it was something he feared. Fortunately, she was patient enough to wait.

"Well, I'm glad," she told him, grinning warmly. She had a feeling her cheeks were turning a rosy shade of pink for some odd reason, so she rushed to cover that up by grabbing onto his wrist and pulling him onto his feet. "Breakfast time!" she exclaimed joyfully, quickly unzipping the tent with her free hand before dragging him outside.
"Well let me think I have lied the amount of times I am token a breath, robbed every house in my village and many more, have killed countless people without a thought, and walked away from my mother like nothing happened even though I caused her death." He then looked at his shoes guilty.
As she steps out of the tent, her fingers still gripped around Birch's thin wrist, she's standing in front of Axel as he informs them of something. Her pupils fall onto his arm, which seems to be injured.

"Oh man, you should put some ice on that until Juniper or Pandora can heal it for you.." she says sympathetically, observing the wound.
"I've seen death too. Not in the same way, but I suppose it's still death. I guess it comes with having the holy arts." she pokes her head under his looking up at him smiling "Are you alright there? is the ground very interesting or something?" she asks teasing him.
He pulled out one of his daggers and made a X on it. "Now it is want a look." He then put his dagger away deep in thought. "Where are we," he asked out loud. "Do we even know which way is back home?"
Birch didn't have so much of a rule against physical contact as much as he simply had an alien level of unfamiliarity with it. Vonthus was perhaps the only person he talked to and a brief pat on the shoulder was rare with the hug he gave him before leaving being almost uncharacteristic. That said, Faye suddenly grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him up and out of the tent came as quite a shock. He didn't recoil or struggle, acting more like dead weight from shock alone though he managed to move his feet enough to not simply fall over. Having nothing to say during such a sudden shift, he just let's her guide him along as he stays quiet with a look of mild surprise written on his face.
Axel struggles to get up "owww" He then inhales as he gets on his knees and says " If guys are hungry there's wolverine meat scattered about"
Juniper nods "Yeah, I do. You should really pay attention to where you are dragged off to." she suggests. "Why did you want to head back?" she asks prepared to lead the way back to camp. It wasn't too far from here.

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