The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( Team Birch <3 xD ))

Normally, Faye would've been more surprised than anything by such an action from Birch, but right now she was just in so much pain emotionally that all she could do was sit there in his arms, feeling completely numb. Tears were streaming down her face, but she didn't sob the way she would've if she was alone. She simply took comfort in Birch's embrace and allowed more and more tears to well up in her glassy eyes.

Faye was still trembling a little, that certain image still haunting her mind. She sighed, burying her face in her hands for a moment as she leaned against Birch.

Finally, she lifted her head up and gained the strength to look into Birch's eyes. "Roslyn's in a better place now," she said softly.
Jane has been walking for hours now. Her hope is to find her long lost brother but after all this time, she's still searching. There's no sign of him, she thought sadly. Suddenly, she smells egg from the direction she's going to. I think something is wrong with nose.... nah. No way. Maybe it's the enemy.. bad people? I must keep my guard up.

Jane started walking there slowly. Closer and closer. I should attack them first for my advantage. Jane points at one of the tents and thunderbolt appears.
Birch stood perfectly still as Faye let out her sorrow, the only part of him that wasn't tense was his arms in case keeping them so still felt uncomfortable. Despite wanting to be a comforting figure, Birch wasn't sure how to be. People were always comforting him, pitying him even though he never showed his own sadness. Probably all the more reason people tried to coax him out. While he hid behind indifference, Faye had tried happiness and even though it had failed, he was sure that he had been just as bad in the early days and for Faye, this was still a very fresh wound. So without saying a word, he say there and watched her cry in silence.

As she looked up and spoke, he tried to hide his surprise yet again. Her words are what you'd expect of someone in grieving and she didn't act or move in any way that was unexpected but it was looking her dead in the eye that caught him off guard. Though he could only see on one side, what he saw was tragic. Faye's grey eyes welled up with tears felt like staring at some alien thing, so out of place like a frosty mountain in the middle of the desert. Worst of all, it was heart breaking to look at. Birch only gives a simple nod to what she has to say as he tries to figure out what's going on in his head.
Juniper jumps hearing thunder and looks up at the sky. She didn't see any clouds. That was strange. She stands up looking around wondering if anyone else herd it. Thunder always came with lightning, but she didn't see any and she couldn't tell which way the thunder had come from. She took a few steps away from the fire trying to wrap her head around the strange incident.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes one of the tents that was still set up nearby.

"What the hell was that?!" Faye asks, her eyes widening with surprise.

She turns her head towards the tent which now has a massive hole in it, a trail of thin smoke twirling through the cool air above it. Her brows furrow with both annoyance and caution.

After giving Birch a curious look, she reaches for her longbow and an arrow. Faye pushes herself up onto her feet, carefully heading in the direction of the damage. Once she's near the tent, she allows her pupils to scan the destruction quickly before heading a bit further into the woods.

Of course, once she's taken a few steps forward she catches a glimpse of a lone girl standing in the middle of the forest. Her long black hair was blowing around her skinny face, her purple eyes wide.

Faye pulled back her bowstring and aimed the arrow at the girl cautiously.

"Don't move, or I shoot.." Faye ordered the girl, unaware how dangerous she was. "Who are you and what do you want?" Faye kept her icy gaze focused on the stranger.
When Valandil heard the sound of lightning, he looked up instinctively. But as far as he could tell it didn't look like it was going to pour. He then looked at the others and saw them glancing at something. He traced their gaze and saw a girl standing there. He wondered "Did she do that?"
"Answer me!" she demands, still aiming her arrow at the girl.

Truthfully, Faye didn't want to kill the girl, nor did she plan to. Actually, the girl seemed to be a Light Elf from the village. She must've escaped as well..
"Jane. By the way you're acting, I supposed you are not an enemy. " while keeping her straight face on. She seems to be the leader of whatever this thing is.
(I thought it was thunder not lighting, I am ever so confused.)

Juniper looks over hearing Faye's voice. It sounded strict. She walks over and notices the stranger standing there in the forest.
((Thunderbolt is another form of a lightning bolt, I believe xD ))

Faye was going to put down her bow, but she figured it would still be safer to wait until the girl revealed some information.

"You must be from Fayland as well," she states. "Why are you out here and why did you strike our tent with a thunderbolt?" she questions, a serious expression among her face as she eyes the girl cautiously. "And your name?"
What an idiot, Jane thought. " I told you. My name is Jane. For your information, yes i am from Fayland. I thought you're one of the dark elf. I guess not. I apologize for that. "

Jane made a fist. She is starting to irritates, I must be calm and play nice, Jane thought.
((Nope, I looked it up xD Thunder is the sound, a thunderbolt is another term for lightning bolt, it's just that lightning bolt is two separate words, unlike thunderbolt.

The definition of thunderbolt:


  1. A flash of lightning with a simultaneous crash of thunder.
  2. A supposed bolt or shaft believed to be the destructive agent in a lightning flash, esp. as an attribute of a god such as Jupiter or Thor.Synonyms

lightning - bolt

However, the definition of thunder is different:


1. A loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air.

((Woops, didnt see she said her name xD ))

Faye finally lowered her bow, carefully letting down on the bowstring. It seemed that the girl wasn't a threat, rather she was simply being cautious herself.

She smirked with a small chuckle, moving over to the irritated girl. "Well, I don't think striking their tent with lightning is going to save yourself from the Dark Elves. Actually, that might send them after you instead."

She peered around through the maze of trees before turning to face the girl. As far as Faye could tell, Jane seemed to be on her own out her. There was no sign of any other elves nearby.

"Even though you damaged our tent, we can forgive you. It's not a big deal," she assured her. "Are you out here by yourself?"
Jane moves back. " I was going to summon thunder and fire but i thought i should check on you guys first. Thanks for accepting my apology. Yes, I am here alone. "
"Well, you don't need to fear us. We're not going to hurt you," Faye assures the girl, noticing the way she stepped away from her. "I wasn't sure if you were a dangerous elf who was planning to hurt us, so I apologize as well for aiming my bow at you."

Faye starts walking back towards the camp, turning to wave Jane to come along with her. "Don't just stand there, we have room for another elf in our group."

With that, Faye makes her way back to the camp as she wipes any dry tears from her face.
It was for personal space but okay, Jane thought. Jane nods and follows. " It's okay. What's your name?"

She looks around and it seems like they're packing up. " Are you guys moving to a new location to camp? Do you guys need any help?"
Faye spins around, holding out her free hand as she settles her longbow by her right side. "Oh! Right, I'm Faye Elassidil and my talent is archery--obviously." She gestures to her bow with a warm smile. "Actually, we were just eating breakfast. Fortunately, we have a wonderful cook with us who goes by the name of Birch."

Faye heads back over to where she was before, allowing her pupils to focus on Birch. She sits down on her knees, pretending to take a look at all the food he's prepared for them this morning, when she steals a quick look at Birch and mouths the words thank you to him. She wasn't sure if he knew, but he had made her feel a lot better. She could tell he actually cared about her feelings, which was something she didn't expect. She had been trying so hard to hide those feelings of despair, but somehow he managed to notice them. Truthfully, she was actually thankful that someone was able to see past her fake emotions.

It had only been a day since Roslyn's horrible death, so she wasn't going to feel absolutely wonderful just like that, but she was beginning to feel a sort of serenity forming in the back of her head.

Just saying those words aloud to Birch earlier, well it made her realize something. She just needed to look someone in the eyes and say it to believe it, to believe that Roslyn was in a better place. It wasn't worth her tears if she was somewhere better. Roslyn wouldn't want her to shed tears over her death, she would want them to be strong and brave--to continue this journey with the passion they had started with.

Faye sighed, but it was more of a sigh of..relief..relief that she was still strong and passionate about this journey. She stood back up, turning to Jane.

"Yeah, if you'd like to help us pack up that would be helpful. But you're probably hungry, so why don't you eat something first?" she suggested thoughtfully.
" Well Hello Faye. Sure. I'm guessing an egg? "

Jane looks at Faye. Jane walks up to Faye and whispers " You like him don't you? " with a grin on her face.
"Yeah..and sausage.." Faye says slowly, narrowing her eyes on Jane. Who was this girl, casually asking personal questions like the answers were obvious?

"Uhh, excuse me?" she blurted, feeling a bit harsh, but her face was red with embarrassment. Suddenly recognizing the way she was looking at the girl, she laughed playfully. "Hah, no. I don't know where you would get that don't even know me.."

Faye laughed once again, scratching the back of her head. She laughed a bit more, then stopped once she realized it was overkill.
" Haha, Okay!" Jane replies.

Then she whispers back to Faye " Oh don't hide it. I'm pretty good at these stuff you know. Plus, you're too easy to read. Better get that boy before other girls get him" Jane winks at Faye.
((Lol! Only you, Sharen xD ))

Faye cocks her head to the side, a smile that practically says who ARE you? spread across her pale face.

She then shakes her head with a small chuckle, giving Jane a hard pat on the back before heading over to the fire pit where she had settled her quiver.

Faye picks up her quiver, attaching it to the back of her belt as she hides her now red face. After a few moments of pretending to fiddle with the buckle, the obvious embarrassment that was masking her face had finally faded. She then swung her bow over her back and turned to the group, placing her hands on her hips.

"So, we better head off soon," she suggested.
( Hey, i got to make this interesting ya know ;D )

" Alright. Where are we heading? What's our plan? "

She was probably wondering who i am right now judging by her smile. I wonder if i will be able to get along well with these people... just wait Jeremy. I will find you.
Birch looked a bit flustered as what he thought was a touching moment suddenly ended like lightning striking down by... well, lightning striking down. It was right in the camp, hitting a tent despite there being not a single grey cloud in the sky. Before anything else could be said, Faye was off into the woods with her boy which left Birch feeling very, very confused. Privately wishing she'd be alright, he sits up and continues poking at the eggs with his spatula.

A few minutes later he's started putting the fried eggs on plates when Faye comes back and oddly enough, she has company. No explanation, no introduction. Just some elf girl he didn't recognize. He doesn't respond to it as usual, just giving the girl a curious look as Faye sat down beside him. As he starts to look back to his eggs he notices the slightest movement and just barely has time to make out what's mouthed. He can't hide the slightly more obvious surprise and for a reason he can't quite explain, he finds himself compelled to look away again.

As he serves up the last few eggs onto plates and adds a bit of sausage to each, he tries to pick up on Faye and the new girl's conversation with poor results. The only thing that was obvious was that Faye seemed a bit nervous as was apparent from her loud laughing but he couldn't tell why. Deciding it was none of his business, he instead just shrugs and picks up a plate, offering it to her with little to nothing written on his face.
(('Just wait, Jeremy....I will find you' that all sounded really sketchy in my head. <3))

"Well," Faye said, hesitating. "Uh, we're just kind of making our way through the woods. We're trying to get to the other side of the land...I know, it's obviously gonna be extremely far..and it'll be really hard to get there by foot..but..we'll make it," she assures everyone, forcing a grin onto her face.

Faye looked down, noticing Birch offering her a plate of food. "Oh, thank you," she says politely, leaning over to retrieve the dish.

She then took a seat on the log and began to eat the breakfast Birch had cooked for everyone, a delicious sensation overcoming her taste buds.

"Jane, come sit over here," she said, motioning for her to take a seat beside her on the log. "Oh, for those of you who don't know, this is Jane..she claims to have escaped the village as well. I figured, why doesn't she just join us?" Right as she finished speaking, she went right back to eat, clearly hungry.

She finished chewing once more and exclaimed, "Did I mention Birch is a wonderful cook?" 
((I lied, Faye didn't go to fix the tent greguehfeiwknt--editing))

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