The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Jane looks at a guy sitting next to Faye and smiles. " Nice to meet you. I'm Jane. I ran into Faye and She invited me to be with you guys so... I will be with you guys. What's your name? Tell me about yourself"

Jane started eating her eggs and sausage "Oh and Thanks for the meal! You're an awesome cooker!" 
( hey i got to go sleep~ Night guys! I'll be back tomorrow! c: )
Birch seems to be in his own little world as the new girl, Jane, and Faye talk each other up, even ignoring Faye bringing him up a few times though he can't help but listen in for a moment to hear her praise. Of course it was just eggs with a bit of spice and butter but he appreciated it despite not cracking even a hint of a smile. What finally made him look away from the food was Jane addressing him directly.

She was just about as energetic as Faye if not more so as she flung questions at him in rapid fire. He just stares blankly at her for a moment before he says, "Hi," and looks away again. It may have seemed a bit rude but he honestly didn't have much in the way of reactions. Faye had already said his name, he really didn't have anything to say to himself and despite the compliment, it felt just like it was a formality.
"Well," Faye said, finishing her plate of food quicker than usual, "we better get ready to head off in the next five minutes or so."

She threw her plate in the fire, watching as it coiled up and sizzled, the flames turning it to ash within seconds. She then stood up, wiping her hands together before making her way over to the tent. She began to pull the stakes out from the ground easily, tossing them swiftly into a pile. After shooting a bow for many years, she's gained plenty of strength in her arms.

Faye started to slide the poles out from the tent, folding them up and placing them in a separate pile from the stakes. Finally, she rolled up the large tent and wrapped the tie around it, shoving all of the pieces into the skinny duffle bag.

It had only been about two minutes once she had zipped up the bag and slung it over her shoulder. She had put up tents one too many times, so she could do this blindfolded.

"So, I'm assuming Vex is going to carry the majority of this supplies," she said, making her way back over to the fire. She placed the duffle bag onto the ground beside her leather boots.
(My character is not energetic. It's supposed to be a calm and nice but quiet one xD )

He seems so quiet and left out. i wonder why..she thought. Jane decides to stand up and walk up to birch and shake his hands and smiles again. " I'm looking forward to be friends with you. " she leans towards his ear and whispers " doing feel lonely. We're all here for you." Then she walked away to help others pack up.
Juniper sat back down on her log. (tis the juniper log) She peered into her satchel making sure that everything was still inside. She wasn't much interested in meeting the new girl. With the hole lightning bolt thing, she seemed like someone to stay away from.
Jane turns and look at the girl that just sat down. I wonder if she thinks Im dangerous because of the thunderbolt I summoned.. She thought. She decided to go to that girl and apologize. " hey.: I'm sorry for that thunder bolt thing. I thought you guys were enemies but I was wrong. Nice to meet you. I'm Kurosawa Jane. What's your name? "
((Yes, but she is energetic anyway xD I thought you ditched us for food, huh? hahahh))

Faye eyes Jane, her gaze unusually cold for a moment. After looking away, her gray eyes return to normal, sparkling with adventure once again.

"Well, while you guys start packing up a bit more..there's something I need to go do real quick.." Faye smiles, although it's a reluctant one. She begins to head off further into the forest, snatching a handful of daisies growing at the edge of where they set up camp. She clutches them tightly in her grasp, being careful not to drop them.

About several minutes later, she arrives at the area. The place has an eerie feeling to it, considering it's the actual place where she had died. Faye stands before her grave, holding the bunch of flowers against her chest. Before she can do anything, she has to take a deep breath with her eyes closed, remembering that this is not a time for her to cry, but a time for her to say her final goodbyes and have some more closure.

Faye bends down, settled on one knee as she places the handful of flowers on the ground right in front of the small wooden idol gently.

"Goodbye were a great warrior," she whispers softly, giving the idol one last look before a tear slides down her cheek. However, Faye is smiling...but it's because she feels as though Roslyn is watching over her right at that very moment. She could just feel her presence.

She places her hand over her heart for a moment in silence, the only sounds are of nature. She finally stands up and turns away, heading back to the camp while feeling that serenity once again.
"Why did you think we were enemies?" she asks shutting her bag and looking at the girl. "do you have a lot of enemies?" she continues "Next time assuming someone is an enemy might make you an enemy. Especially if one of those lightning bolts killed someone."
"Which is why I didn't summon a big thunder and fire. I've been alone traveling in this forest trying to find my brother. " perfect, this girl hates me. I might just walk away from her so using be bothering her anymore .jane thought. She got up and walked away and find some work to do .

( oh yeah . I did. Now I'm ditching you guys for sleep :P night ;D)
((yeah, im tired as hell hahah. Off to sleep I go~ gonna be home alone all day doing nothing tomorrow though, so ill probably be on a lot hahaha. Night! ^^))
Valandil sat down at the fire and watched everyone exchange conversation. He thought momentarily "What if the tent she aimed for was mine?" He shuddered at the image of lightning striking him as he looked for any leftover food.
Faye walked back into the area where everyone was, however it was no longer proper to call a camp due to the fact that everything had been packed up. She headed over to the pile of supplies and moved over to where Vex was standing in beast form. After picking up some bags she placed them on Vex's furry back.

"Hey, could someone get me that rope over there?" she asked aloud, pointing her free hand to the pile of rope on the ground by the large pile of supplies. 
((Since The Villain King vanished, let's just pretend he's in beast form and have him kinda just tag along carrying our supplies xD ))
after helping, Jane is pretty clueless.

No one ikes me except for Faye... she thought. i shouldve never summon a thunderbolt on that tent.

jane gives the rope to Faye and decided to follow her like a puppy.
Faye retrieves the rope from Jane's grasp and says, "Thanks!"

She wraps the rope around Vex's back, tying down the supplies tightly. Standing back, she observes the materials tied down with rope to ensure that nothing is going to fall off. Faye scans the area of the campground, checking to see if there's anything else she needs to put on Vex's back.

"Oh!" she exclaims, noticing something else, "Jane, could you get me that black duffle bag over by the fire? I forgot about that. I'm gonna need some more rope as well."
"sure! " jane ran to black duffle by the fire grabs the bag and take it with her and give to Faye.

she just stares and space out for a bit
Faye takes the hefty duffle bag from Jane's arms and places it upon Vex's back as well. She then turns back to Jane.

"Uh, could you get me some more rope please?" she asks, smiling softly at the girl.
(Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting I've been tired a lot so I've been sleeping but from now on I'm going to start posting more :) )

As Axel gets up off the ground he wipes a bit of dirt off his shoes. He then walks to Faye and asks "Is there any supplies I can help with?"
Faye chuckles, taking one rope from Jane's hands. She then throws the rope over Vex's back again.

"Uhm, yeah! Axel, would you mind tying the rope around Vex for me? Make sure it's really tight," she tells him, then heads over to the fire pit.

She motions for Juniper, Birch, and Valandil to stand up. "Alright guys, once Axel ties that rope, we're gonna start heading off. Make sure you stay close to those of us who can defend well against any rabid animals out there," she says.
Axel then walks over to the side of Vex and grabs the rope. He grabbed both ends and tied them together as hard as he could then ends it with a knot.
" so what is our mission? " jane asked Faye. she looks around to take a look at others. i wonder what their abilities are..jane thought. " this one is a nice creature you got here. how did you get it?"
Faye heads back over to where Vex, Axel, and Jane are standing, inspecting Axel's knot. She flashes him a thumbs up once she decides it's tight enough.

"Alright everyone, let's start heading out," she orders, smiling excitedly.

With that, she begins making her way deeper into the forest, allowing the group to follow close behind. It's a beautiful day, the wind creating a wonderful breeze throughout the Autumn air. Sunshine is streaming through the treetops, casting a warm glow along the forest floor. You can hear birds chirping in the distance, their melodies syncing together beautifully.

Faye sighs happily, taking in the smell of pine all around her. The fall leaves crunch beneath their feet with each step they take. 
As they're walking through the woods, Jane appears beside her and questions what exactly their mission is.

"Well," Faye begins, pulling her bow off her back in case of danger, "we're exploring. We want to see what's out there! I mean, there's obviously more than just grandfather used to tell me stories about what the outside world was like. He spoke of magnificent waterfalls, massive harbors, hidden villages across the land that were secret...and much more. I just don't see why we have to be stuck inside those walls of Fayland like's like we're prisoners!" she exclaims, a trace of anger in her voice. "I want to see if we can change this world--make a difference, ya know? We shouldn't be living like prisoners.."

Faye then turns to Vex, who is walking behind them in beast form. His large feet are making louder crunches upon the leaves than the rest of the group.

"Oh, Vex? He's a shapeshifter. Hah, so he becomes human as well. It's nice having him around to carry supplies," she tells Jane with a small laugh.
Juniper follows the ground walking deeper into the forest. She looks around getting distracted by the birds and the other creatures that were unfamiliar to her. She had not seen them inside the wall. There were probably more like them, but all the talk and crunching of leaves was probably scaring them away. That was something they lost due to the wall. Elves were supposed to be close to nature weren't they?
"oh.... well, im suprised all of u guys made it out. i guess youre right about us being treated like a prisoner. although thats not why i escaped. haha, hi Vex. But doesnt he gets tired? carrying all of the things by himself?"

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