The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye shrugged with a laugh and said, "Nah, not usually..every now and then he has to take a break, though." She then focuses her attention back to Jane and asks, "Hm? Why are you out here then?"
Faye eyes the girl carefully, searching her violet eyes for answers.

"Your brother..? Did he escape Fayland?" she asks, raising her brows curiously.
Caricon walked through the forest looking for a village from the tree tops. He heard something. He pulled out one of his daggers at the sound. He stepped towards the sound hiding in the undergrowth. He then began to recognize the sound. "Why would Elves be here," he mumbled quietly to himself. He looked over the bushes to see a traveling group. He then followed them staying hidden in the bushes.
As they were walking, Faye heard a loud noise in the woods. Sure, Vex was walking behind them with his heavy paws, but she heard more leaves crunching than she had earlier. At first, she thought it was just her imagination..or maybe even a small animal, but finally she convinced herself it was none of the above.

"Wait, everyone stop for a second..shh.." she ordered, putting her index finger over her lips.

Once everyone did as they were told and came to a sudden halt, silence rose in the air all around them. Well, except for the loud crunching of the leaves. She knew that wasn't another elf..nor a small animal..

Faye turned her head, peering through the trees. What is that? she wondered to herself, preparing an arrow in her bow without tearing her pupils from the forest.

Just then, a low growl was heard very close..

Faye took another step forward, trying to get a glimpse of the animal. Finally, she turned to her right and saw a massive red bear only about several feet away. It growled violently, allowing everyone to get a sight of its set of sharp teeth. It's eyes were a glowing yellow, looking at their group as a threat.

She hesitated a moment, unsure if she should shoot the creature, but that was until it started heading in their direction. Faye lifted her bow and quickly aimed it right at the Grizzly's chest. Her arrow shot rapidly at the bear, piercing it right in the chest. It growled enormously, it's eyes flaming with rage.

"Stand back!" she yelled, seeing as the bear was ready to come at them again.

Faye obtained another arrow from her quiver and slipped it into her bow, lifting it just as the bear was only about three feet away and let the arrow go. The bear was ever so close to her now, the arrow piercing the bear right in the heart.

The Grizzly growled with defeat, stumbling a bit before falling onto its side. Faye quickly shot another arrow at its chest, making sure it was finally dead. Faye was panting softly now, having never had to face such an enormous animal, not to mention an angry one like that.

She took another look at the bear, seeing that it was no longer breathing. She peered through the woods all around them once more to ensure that there were no more nearby. Once she was sure, she turned back to the group, her eyes wide.

"Well, that was one angry grizzly bear," she said, stifling a laugh.
Caricon's eyes popped when the lead elf shot down that bear. He took a step backwards. He then pulled out another dagger. This scared him, and he had tried to rob the royal bank. He crouched lower eyeing her carefully.
As Faye was looking at her friends, she noticed something moving in one of the nearby bushes.

"There's something behind you in that bush," she said quietly, readying her bow with an arrow again as she moved towards it.

She aimed her bow in the direction of the bush, knowing it couldn't be another Grizzly, but there was always a chance that it was another rabid animal.
Juniper stared at the bear a moment in shock. It had looked so strong and mighty standing on it's back legs. Now it looked so sad crumpled on the floor. She walked over and took the arrows out of the animal, throwing them on the ground. She was angry at the bear for attacking and she was angry at it for dying and she was angry at Faye for laughing at the bear's death. She bent down stroking the beast's muzzle. "Sorry" she whispered trying to make up for the animal's loss of life. She closed both of his eyes and stood back up on her feet silently.
Seeing her pulled out her bow. He was ready to jump out of the bush and attack.

"Did you guys hear that."

"Oh god," he thought almost shivering.

He could throw a knife, but he was better at close combat. He debated wether or not to attack or to walk out normally. He decided to wait and see what she did.
All movement in the bush had vanished, causing Faye to assume it was nothing more than just a squirrel or something of the sort. She then heard Juniper whispering an apology to someone, so she turned around.

Juniper was standing up beside the bear, causing Faye to feel a pang of guilt shoot through her body. She moved over to her, a sympathetic expression across her own face.

"Juniper," she said quietly, "I didn't want to kill it..but if I hadn't it would've killed us...." 
Faye then leaned over and picked her group of arrows up off the ground, sliding them back into her quiver. She would wash her arrows later, once they arrived at a lake or a river of some sort.
Juniper looks at Faye. "We can't just leave it here. I mean it has meat and we could use the fur for something. There has to a purpose for the kill. There has to at least be a reason it died." She looks back at the bear sighing. It had to have had a reason for attacking right? From what she knew animals didn't just jump out unless they thought you were a threat, but why... It was protecting something? She stared at the animal trying to figure it out.
"True," Faye says, scratching the back of her head as she looks down at the massive grizzly bear.

"Does anyone have a knife that we can cut it open with?" she asks, looking around the group.
Jane tried to hide her feelings of how sad she is. " Well, my older brother vanished a year ago. Everyone in Fayland thinks he's dead.. but i don't. I believe he's out there somewhere so i decided to escaped Fayland by myself to find my brother..."

Jane looks at the bear in sorrow. " We're in peace. Well, I don't think we should cook it. Wouldn't that be a bit too harsh? Feeling sad about it dying and then deciding to eat the bear? I think we should bury it instead.."
Knowing it was a long shot he went with it anyway. He dropped one of his knifes and pulled out another. He threw it as far as he could and it stabbed the dead bear in the heart. He then backed away slowly not making a sound.
Faye looked over at Jane, giving her a sympathetic look as well. "Don't worry, we'll help you find your brother," she assures her with a caring smile. "And we did just kill a massive bear..that's a lot of meat that we may need to survive on this journey. Who knows how long it's going to take us to get to the other side of the land--could take over a year at this rate. Plus, as Juniper stated, it died for a purpose."

Faye then held her arms out, awaiting a response from one of the elves. "So, does anyone have a knife? I can do this myself, if you wish. It's not the first time I've prepared an animal to cook," she tells them. 
Just then, a knife came flying out of the bush and pierced the dead bear right in the heart where her arrows had been earlier. Everyone went silent as their eyes landed on the knife.

"Uh," Faye stammered, unsure of what just happened. 
Faye narrowed her eyes on the bush, readying her bow once again. Now she knew there was something hiding in the bush...and it sure wasn't a squirrel.

"Show yourself," Faye demanded, unsure of whether this being was trying to hurt them or help them. "We're not going to harm you if you don't harm us.." she said to the bush.
Juniper looked at the knife that came flying out of nowhere. She looked over where she assumed it came from. No one was standing there. She walks over slowly. "Hello?" she calls not quite sure where to look. Maybe he was invisible, no that was a stupid thought. Then she remembered faye and had herd something in the bushes earlier. She looked at the bushes. "Hello?" she repeats again.
Caricon stopped in his tracks and came out into the open. He raised his hands up his knifes falling into his sleeves without anybody noticing.

"I mean no harm," he said lying. He looked at the girl with a pulled bow. His eyes went back into his head.
Faye dropped her bow arm, eyeing the mysterious boy with long black hair.

"Hm," she mumbled, circling the boy to make him feel uncomfortable. She didn't do that because she was really trying to seem eerie, but she was just having some fun. "Well, why have you followed us here?" she asks, stopping in front of the boy finally. She tilts her head to the side with curiosity.
Seeing that she was trying to make him uncomfortable me smiled. He was going to fire right back.

"Who said I was following you. If you want to know how I found you, well let me tell you. I was stalking the forest looking for a group of law breakers like you. You want to be sent to the dungeon?"

He then smiled to himself. Lets see what she says to that.
Juniper looks at the stranger standing still. She didn't see any weapons on him and it seemed pretty stupid of him to try to arrest her entire group by himself. Which probably meant he was lying, or he wasn't alone. She stayed silent kind of glad her holy arts wouldn't be needed.
( Oppsss sorry. I accidentally copied paste that xD )

Jane saw the stranger and didn't feel save. Jane looks at him with a cautious and cold glare. Should I Attack? What if I ended up making the same mistake like i did earlier? Jane thought. Jane slowly walks next to Faye and gives her a look whether she should attack him or not.

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