The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"So how about you? When you learned the Holy Arts, was it something that came naturally or did it take time?"
Vex grumbled, stirred a but, then slowly opened his eyes and sat up in the pile of supplies he had been using as a bed. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, then yawned, stretched, and walked over to where Val and Juniper were talking. The sun had long since risen over the horizon, and it was now somewhere close to seven in the morning.

"Morning..." he mumbled.
Valandil turned to see Vex. "Good morning." he said back. He got up and started to put out the fire. "So, when do you think we'll start moving again?" he asked.
Vex scratched a spot on his back.

"I dunno. We're going to be moving farther and faster every day, because the load will get lighter and lighter as we use our supplies. I guess we could leave as soon as everyone was awake..."
After hearing the noise if vex waking up Axel looked to Vex and asks "Good morning so how far so you think we'll be traveling today because I have no clue?"
Juniper thought over the question "having the holy arts comes naturally, using it properly doesn't" She lifts her head seeing Vex join.
"Depends on what the terrain will be like, how long we stop to eat, how many potty breaks we take..."

He sat down next to the fire.

"We can leave as soon as Birch and Faye wake up."
((Oh, what the heck?! T^T I was wondering when everyone was going to start posting in this roleplay, 'cause I never got any notifications! I was gonna come read the last post again when I come to find that theres like 6 more pages of posts I haven't seen! T^T I'm sorry! Lemme read what I missed. Stupid notifications T^T)) 
((Well, since you guys already decided it's morning, I'll just make it so Faye had fallen right to sleep and didn't hear Birch whisper her name :u))

Faye's eyelids fluttered open, the bright sunshine hitting the outside of the tent and creating a warm glow inside. After rolling over onto her other side, not wanting to get up, she finally gave herself the strength to sit up. She sleepily rubbed her eyes before sitting there for a few more moments, completely still.

Her eyes then scanned the area around her; the only other one still asleep in there was Birch. She tilted her head to the side, her no longer voluminous blonde hair brushing against her cheek. Unable to help it, she grinned to herself as she watched Birch sleep.

Snapping out of her daze, she brushed the hair out of her eyes and stood up weakly. Faye then unzipped the tent and poked her head out, seeing the others already up around the fire pit. She stepped out from the tent, zipping it back up behind her.

It was another chilly morning as she wrapped her warm cardigan around her tightly. "Good morning," she said tiredly, managing a warm smile. "How long have you guys been up...?"

She walked over to the fire and lazily plopped down on one of the logs.
"Not too long." said Valandil as he got up and stretched. He then said "So what are we all eating for breakfast?"
(( (>Q.Q)> *hugs Nami* Now you know my pain too~ ))

Birch rested peacefully on the surface though the world inside his mind was a wreck. Unable to bring himself to wake up Faye, he'd simply collapsed in the corner and fell into an uneasy state of dreaming where a storm of images and sounds flashed before him. Waking up felt like the sudden stop at the end of a long fall as his eyes burst open and he remained temporarily paralyzed as he waited for his body to catch up with his brain. Seconds ticked by and eventually he felt sensation return to his arms and legs, just enough to let him sit up and rubs his eyes sleepily as he took in the empty tent.

He was almost oblivious to the world outside the tent until he heard a familiar voice say something: breakfast. Almost as if on cue, he grabbed his bag of supplies in the corner, unzipped the tent and stepped out, not so much as giving anyone a glance in their direction as he made a beeline for the campfire and knelt down to it, pulling out two frying pans, some eggs and a few preserved bits of uncooked sausage and diligently begins to make a meal out of them.
((*huggles* Yus :'c I don't know why the notifications weren't coming, that's the first time that's happened ;w; And sorry guys, I was just helping my friend Sharen make an account on here. She said she wants to join our roleplay, hahah. Of course, she didn't feel like reading the plot line and all so I recorded myself saying it for her x'D I was like, why nott? ahahaha. And it just started pouring outside, hoorah! I love thunderstorms <33 Okay, I'm rambling. xD ))

Faye watched as Birch suddenly exited the tent with a load of supplies in his arms, rushing over to the fire. Without acknowledging those around him, he began to prepare breakfast for them. She grinned, resting her head atop her fist.

"Yes, Chef Birch, what's for breakfast?" she questioned curiously. Her stomach roared with appetency.
Birch looks up from his work with his usual poker face stare, his hands not missing a beat as he cracks a few eggs open. "Eggs and sausage," he states plainly before looking back, pulling out a spatula as he starts to move things around as the pans heat up on the fire. Something was bugging him now. Faye was acting like her usual self despite what he'd assumed had happened. Giving the camp the briefest of glances, it was painfully obvious that the head count was off by one and the look in her eyes the night before echoed something he remembered seeing in the mirror long ago. And yet here she was, happy and chipper as always. Something deep in his stomach began to boil as he kept working.
Faye watched Birch as he continued to prepare the food, her face falling slightly as he continued to treat her simply as a stranger rather than a friend. She was doing the best she could to keep a smile on her face, even though her insides were churning with a deep depression.

Faye figured it would be best if she kept a positive attitude to keep the rest of the group at their best for the rest of the trip. She didn't want them to see themselves in the same position as...Roslyn..she wanted everyone to believe that this adventure was going to be a wonderful thing. However, deep down even Faye herself had the slightest bit of doubt.

On the other hand, Faye was still determined to make this an extraordinary trip--and she believed it would be. This was something she had dreamed of doing ever since she was young, so nothing could ruin it. Plus, Faye expected death..she knew it was something that would occur along the way, though she tried to overlook that one flaw of the journey most of the time. But now that it's actually occurred..and Faye actually had to see the gory scene right before her big brown was something she couldn't just overlook. It was horrid, what she saw last night.

When Faye looked around at the others, they all seemed to be doing rather well...although, there was a chance they might just be hiding their depression just as she did. Then again, last night she seemed to be the only one who was terribly distressed...

Faye glanced at the ground briefly, feeling an eerie chill creep up her spine. There it was. For that one split moment she saw it all over again. She saw that horrifying image of Roslyn's torn up body. Cringing, she sat up straight and rolled her shoulders as she did her best to distract herself from her thoughts.

"Do you need any help?" she rushed to ask Birch, plastering a kind smile onto her overly pale face.
Birch looks up again, his expression completely unchanged as he opens his mouth to speak. For the first time in ages, he hesitated. No sound came out for a moment or two as he felt the unfamiliar weight of uncertainty. He'd feigned being unsure about leaving back in town as he secretly always wanted to just leave Fayland just like that but this was real. 'No' was what he wanted to say but in the end it didn't came out. After a few painful, awkward seconds he finally mutters, "If you want to make sure the sausage cooks evenly, I wouldn't mind." He looks away quickly, his nerves obvious as something big began to happen, big enough that even he had to admit it. A wall had just broken down and he had no idea what that meant for him.
"Oh, ah, okay!" Faye replied, swallowing the lump in her throat. She was a bit surprised that he allowed her to assist. To be honest, she thought he'd be fine.

She watched the sausage cook and thought, oh..well this shouldn't be too hard. I can make sure the sausage cooks evenly...

Faye wasn't the best cook, although she knew how to cook animals over the fire..but other than that..well, she sucked. Either way, she was glad that Birch hadn't pushed her away.

She eyed the sausage, waiting patiently for it to cook. While she was waiting, she glanced up at Birch.

"So..." she started awkwardly, clasping her hands together in her lap. Yep..that was her plan to start a conversation.
Birch looked over at Faye again, finding it hard to hide a mild look of surprise. He wasn't sure if his ears missed something or if talkative, go getter Faye actually was at a loss for words. Granted he realized how difficult he made it for people to talk to him but it hadn't stopped her from trying until now. This moment of vague emotion passes over quickly as the usual mask quickly slips on though he doesn't look away immediately. Poking idly at the frying eggs while checking them in the corner of his eyes, he gives her his full attention as he softly says, "I'm sorry." No explanation, no elaboration. He says these two words and waits patiently for a reaction as he hopes she understands his meaning.
Faye blinks with wonder, her features softening as she eyes him curiously. I'm sorry..? she thought to herself with puzzlement. What does he mean?

"Uh.." she stammers, being thrown off by his sudden apology. "Why...are you sorry?" Her voice is gentle, but quite hesitant.

Not once checking on the sausage she was supposed to be watching, she focused her gaze solely on Birch.
Juniper looked up watching Faye and Birch cooked. She felt kicked out of the conversation, not that she minded. She didn't feel she had much to add to it anyways. She always took things incorrectly and said things wrong herself. It seemed they were more interested in what Vex had to contribute anyways.
"I'm not," he admits quickly, giving a simple shrug as he keeps poking idly at the eggs. "But it's usually custom to say that to a person who's had misfortune thrust upon them." Looking over at the pans, his expression is thoughtful as he adds, "What I mean to say is that I'm sorry that things happened the way they did but not sorry for said misfortune being pushed upon you from my actions. Does that make sense?" he asks as he looks over at her again, his speech surprisingly picked up for a few moments as he dives into explanation.
Faye sits up a bit straighter, believing that he must be talking about the event that occurred last night. She doesn't recall telling him what happened before she fell asleep, so someone else must've told him.. She keeps her soft eyes on his for a few moments, feeling the sadness inching up her throat all over again.

Instead of speaking, she just nods, keeping her mouth shut tightly to avoid bursting into a sob. She wants to thank him for his concern, but is unable to.

She turns back towards the pan of sausages and says quietly, "I think they're done." She hopes he didn't hear the slight crack in her voice or notice how watery her eyes have become.

Faye, don't cry. Stay positive! Put on a smile! You are a positive elf! This is your adventure, nothing can ruin this. Nothing. You need to realize that Roslyn is in a better place.. 
((We will in a bit xD My friend Sharen is gonna try and jump in soon, so. xD And if you wish to get moving, have your character say something xD Faye cannot hear you in parenthesis~~~ xD ))
Valandil stood up from the log he was sitting on as he walked back to his tent. He strapped his sword to his side and started to take his tent down.
Birch looks over to the pan to confirm her words, ignoring her the best he could as things started to unwind. Of course he expected this. She wasn't so heartless as to be able to not react to a friend dying. It was all an act. A ruse. She didn't want anything she did or said to ruin anyone else's time no matter how bad it hurt. He reached over and took the pan off the fire, putting it down on the grass to cool.

The next few moments felt like a blur despite how slowly he moved. It felt like waking up from sleep walking as Birch realized his arms were around Faye's shoulders and he was holding her close though he didn't loosen his grip upon realizing it. A part of him wanted to shrug it off as formality but it was quickly swatted away by the truth. Faye was hurting and bad all because someone had died. She tried to bottle it up, save it for a time when it was better to let it out. But Birch knew better. Sadness like this was like putting a rabid beast in a cage. Sure, you can contain it for a bit but once you let it out, it's left it's mark on where it was. Faye didn't deserve those kind of marks. So without a word he hugged her and hoped she understood why. That seemed to be a recent theme of him, placing his hope on Faye.

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