The Path From Fayland - Official RP

As soon as the night fell, Kayden grabbed his supplies and sneaks out into the night. The city was in panic. They where all talking about the group of kids that escaped the city, and Kayden knew his dear sister was one of them. There was no way he was letting her go out there alone when he knew she was just doing it to prove a point to their father.

It was all to easy for Kayden to sneak past the guards with all their focus turned to finding the missing group. He made his way out into the unknown land, unsure of where he was going. He kept his eyes peeled, looking for any sign of life. Eventually, he found elven tracks on the ground. He followed the tracks until he spotted the glow of a fire off in the distance. Quietly, he sneaks up, unsure if it was the group his sister had went with.
"Not bad. Bland. Different thing. Kind of worse, actually." He shrugs simply before looking up to see Faye coming back from the woods. Immediately he realized something was wrong. She was off and he couldn't figure out exactly why. Her smile was forced and her words were confusing as she failed to confess something before crawling back into her tent. He watches her, thinking about it as he idly cuts up celery. After almost a good minute he stops dead, the surprise on his face obvious as he just barely missing cutting open his own finger. He puts the knife and celery on the ground, not seeming to care if they get dirty or not before he turns, walks over Faye's tent and taps on the flaps with the back of his hand, whispering, "Faye?"
(What if we assume they all went to sleep, then time-skip to when they wake up and start traveling again?)
(We should probably get permission from Nami first, though, it's her RP. I'll see if I can contact her)
Juniper looks at the fire silently for a few minutes. Maybe she should get to know the people she was traveling with before there was another death, or was that a reason to stay distant? She chews on her bottom lip rolling the thoughts over in her mind.
(In the RP, the sunrise just began. We were up all night eating rice and freaking out over Rosalyn's death)
Valandil sat down by the fire and took out a book he had managed to take before he left the village. After reading a bit, he turned to look at Juniper who was also sitting by the fire and said "Do you know how to defend yourself?"
Juniper turns to look at Valandil and thinks over his question. "Defend, yes. Fight back, no." she answers thinking that was a sufficient answer. "Why? were you thinking about attacking me?" she asks not sure herself if she was teasing or being serious.
"No, I'm not going to attack you. I just wanted to know. Out here it's a necessity to have a healer. But if the healer does not know how to fight back, that can be an issue." said Valandil.
"An issue?" she asks confused. "I told faye and she said we had enough fighters, that I would be useful anyways." she looks down embarrassed.
"Your right, but if we get into a fight with multiple animals or people for that matter, we all can't defend one person. I don't mean any disrespect, I just want to make sure you know how to protect yourself." He really didn't want anyone else in the group to end in the way Roslyn did.
"I'm not asking for that." she shakes her head "I'm not that selfish. I don't need an army of people to protect me." she defends. "So what if I can't defend myself the way you think I should? What are you going to do about it?"
"I never said I was going to do something because you can't defend yourself. I simply wanted to know. I was going to give you this. He the takes a book he had been holding in his hands and held it out towards her. "It's where I first learned how to fight." It was a book that contained a lot of fighting techniques and combat advice.

"Of course, if you don't want it I don't mind. I'm more relieved then worried that your in the group. He then waits to hear her reply.
Juniper looks at the book and takes it opening it curiously, silent for a moment. She brushes her hair behind her ear in habit then looks up at him. "Why are you relieved?" she asks "you're relieved that I can't fight?"
"Relieved that you came along. Like I said having a healer is a necessity.Yea I may know how to throw punches and kick things. But you know how to cure us if we get hurt. Like with what you did to Faye's arm back home.
"Just to be clear that doesn't mean you don't have to fear getting injured. I'm not risking my life to use the holy arts." She bit her lip thinking what said a bit harsh. "I just mean it's dangerous and I'd rather not test my limits."
"That's ok. It's your choice." He then started to draw on the ground using a stick wondering if he had been to assertive. He still couldn't tell what kind I person Juniper was.

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