The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Idk. I played it for about a month, and it was sorta hard for me to follow. I just recently got into this type of RP)
(I love roleplaying like this :D It's so much fun ^^ Sometimes I wish my friends were interested in it as well, but I guess I'm the only one who wants to take the time to sit around and roleplay. My friend amanda--she played Ivy in this RP--said she's too busy all the time to roleplay, so :T Oh well, I make friends online so ^^)
(Yea Tamura's like that too. He was to tired after judo yesterday. But then he got online at 1:00am. He confuses me sometimes)
(Idunno :L I might actually make another character myself for this roleplay, considering I know I won't bail on the RP and we're lacking roleplayers at this point. Anyone who's gonna continue the RP 'til the very end can make a few Light Elves really whenever they want. I just hate how so many people ditched the RP. T^T)
Valandil turned and walked back to camp feeling somewhat sad and angry at himself. He kicked at his bowl of rice and walked into his tent. While laying there he thought about the ways he could have helped. He could have told her not to go in the middle of the night, or he could have went with her. He then went outside and did something that always made him feel better when he was angry. He practiced his martial arts. With each punch and kick he was going to stamp out his fears and become stronger,
Birch had been barely a shadow for what felt like an eternity as he followed the group without a word, drawing as little attention to himself as possible as he just watched on blankly as he wrestled with an odd feeling rising up in his chest. There was a certain conflict he couldn't help but feel. On the one hand, leaving Fayland felt empowering as if he really had a chance to find something better for him in the outside world. On the other hand, it felt like that burden was replaced with this rag tag group.

They were all strangers, even the ones he knew, and it made him uncomfortable even if he didn't show it on the surface. They could all talk so freely while he struggled to even come up with stimulating conversation when spoken to. Some of them seemed a bit different from what you'd expect from Faylanders but even then they seemed to have some illusion of normality on the surface that he could only wish to muster. When he was alone, at least it was a comforting silence. Here, with them, it was stifling to be alone in the crowd.

As they stopped to camp, he did his best to stay out of the way and once there was room in one of the tents, he crawled into it without a word and half collapsed onto a bed roll. It felt like the weight of his awkwardness was weighing down on more than his mind as he's out in seconds.

When he woke up, it was to the sound of something being kicked hard. Half opening his eyes as he slowly woke up, Birch eventually found the strength to crawl over to the tent's entrance and poke his head out. Though he was unsure of the time, he knew it'd probably been a lot longer than he meant to be asleep and there was an obvious air of tension around the site. None of these even came up on his radar as he noticed a thing of cooked right just sitting there. Grabbing his pack before stepping out quietly, he pulls out a wooden spoon and scoops up a bit to taste. Despite it simply being bland, he looks disgusted as he chews a few times. No wonder they'd been so willing to accept him. It was obvious none of them knew how to cook if this was what they could muster. Giving mind to nobody, he starts unpacking little pouches of spices and vegetables as he tries to salvage the meal.
((Birch is alive! I mean..awake.. xD ))

After sitting beside Roslyn's grave for another silent fifteen minutes, she decided it was time to head back to their camp along with everyone else. On the way back, she wiped any stray tears from her face and tried to remember that this was going to happen one way or another--someone was going to die eventually..and she needed to accept that.

She did feel better after saying a few words to her grave, though. It gave her some closure. However, it had only happened about forty five minutes ago, so it was difficult to just move on ever so quickly. Every time she felt like bursting into a sob she tried to remind herself that Roslyn was in her heart and it wasn't her own fault that she met her fate that way.

After sitting around the camp fire for a few more hours in dreadful silence, she noticed Birch crawl out of the tent and begin eating some of the bland rice. She could tell that he was aware that they weren't the best cooks, watching as he pulled out some spices and vegetables.

Faye laughed to herself quietly for the first time since the death, but it died down just as quickly. A couple of the other elves had fallen asleep already, though for the past couple of hours she couldn't sleep. Her brown eyes were tired and cold, dark circles beneath them as well.

She wanted to sleep, in fact she needed to sleep, but all she could think about was Roslyn's body torn to pieces. The image wouldn't go away...that terribly bloody image. It made her cringe over and over again.

She leaned over, rushing her hands through her hair as she looked at the ground. She could feel it coming up her throat as she prepared herself to puke for about the fourth time tonight. However, this time she was able to stop herself.

Faye slid off the log and fell onto the ground, looking completely lifeless and broken. She watched as the fire began to slowly die down until there was nothing but a small flame in the pit. Since it was very early in the morning at this point, sunlight streaked through the treetops as the birds began to chirp their cheerful melody.
As soon as Axel woke up from sleeping he saw the light from the sun coming through the trees. As he got up he wiped the dirt off his boots and then noticed Faye sprawled out on the ground. He then said to her "Are you ok you look kinda sick?" Though Axel knew it was probably because of last night.
Faye glanced up at Axel briefly before looking back down at the ground. She simply shrugged in response, after a moment adding, "Yeah..don't worry about me..I'll be fine.."
( Q_Q I'm so sorry! I'm new to the site and the messages to tell you about posts are so inconsistent that I just thought everyone had died or something! Then I come back and we're almost on 80th page. v.v )
Vex walked in silence back to the camp with the others, and watched intently as Birch threw various spices and ingredients into the pot of rice and mixed them in.

"Whatcha doing there?" Vex asked casually, walking up next to the rice pot and sitting down on the ground.
((Hahahah, don't worry it's alright ||D We just decided Birch was in the tent hahaha xD ))
Birch looked up in mild surprise as one of the other elves - Vex, that was his name - came up to him and started making small talk. It was the first time anyone other than Faye had spoken to him out of obligation or greeting. Only putting eyes on his for a moment, he stares back into the pot as he softly says, "Someone overcooked this. It's beyond saving by itself but I'm hoping to at least mask it a little." Pulling out a stalk of celery and a cooking knife, he begins chopping off pieces and flicking them expertly into the pot with a barely noticeable look of concentration on his face.
(There goes all hope for any cooking ability my character had lol)

Valandil woke up from a deep sleep incurred by his training. As he walked out of his tent, he saw Birch and Vex sitting by where the fire was. He walked up to them and gave a greeting as he sat down. He watched carefully as Birch cut a celery stalk into bits. "My rice tastes bad?" He must have been so hungry that he had not noticed the taste.
Vex chuckled.

"I'd rather not have had to eat it in the first place, to be honest. Rice is so bland by itself, I don't understand why people eat it."

He got up and walked over to the supplies pile, laying down in it in an attempt to get to sleep. Even though the sun was already coming up, they still had awhile before they had to get moving, so Vex figured he would get some rest.
Faye pushed herself up off the ground, not even bothering to brush the dirt off her clothes or the leaves that had caught onto the fabric. She tiredly made her way over to where everyone was gathering around Birch.

"You're awake," she stated, managing a soft grin, although it was clearly forced onto her face.

She thought about Roslyn and the fact that Birch must've not known. She contemplated whether or not she should tell him the horrid news.

"Uhm.." she mumbled, looking awkwardly at Birch. She began her sentence, but she wasn't sure what to say quite yet. "You should know that....."

Faye's mouth was opened, however no more words would come out. So instead she gulped, swallowing the next few words and replaced her gloomy look with a half grin.

"Never mind..." she said quietly, stepping around Birch and crawling into the tent. She was only halfway into the tent when she collapsed onto her stomach, too tired to move.
(Who is making fun of the delicious rice. Juniper shall eat it all... all without complaint. No more of your sillyness. Rice is best as it is. Do not ruin the rice with your stupid vegetables and spices, it takes away de best part of the rice. THE RICE)

Juniper followed Faye back to the camp and looked sadly (because it is the most depressing thing in the word) at her now cold bowl of rice. She wasn't in the mood to continue eating. (and rice is good for breakfast, yes.) so she sat down ignoring the bowl and looked at the fire. It was nice and warm. It was a comfort compared to the cold dark forests that she knew now that wolves were hiding in.
((So I was thinking: Instead of making an entire new character, I might just play Roslyn's brother Kayden. He could sneak out to go find Roslyn or something and stumble upon the group.))
((Alright, I thinks that is what I will do. Saves me from having to think up an entire new character xD ))
((I think that'd be really cool if you used Kayden too :o Wonder what'll happen when he finds out she's dead o-o))

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