The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye slowed her pace down a bit, leaning her palm against a nearby tree as she panted from running so much. Only a short distance away, she could hear the sound of wolves feeding on something along with some slight growling.

Her jaw clenched together tightly, chills crawling up her spine as she peered around the tree. She narrowed her eyes as she looked through the dark of the night, able to see a pack of wolves turning away from something and running back through the woods. When Faye was positive that they had all left the area, she slowly walked through the trees, over to where the wolves had been.

As she approached the spot, she wanted to turn back, afraid of what she might have to see. Once she was closer, her eyes expanded in horror as her legs began to feel completely numb. She dropped to her knees, somehow unable to tear her eyes from the horrific scene in front of her.

Faye lifted her hands over her mouth as she trembled, holding in loud sobs. There before her, Roslyn was lying on the ground, torn to pieces and covered in blood. It was like she had been ripped inside out, which she basically had been.

"Oh my.." Faye mumbled, tears streaming down her cheeks. This was the most horrifying thing she had ever seen..and it was all her fault.

If she hadn't asked Roslyn to come with them on this stupid journey, this would've never happened. Faye was beginning to regret her decision to leave Fayland.

She finally realized she couldn't look at this any longer as she leaned over and threw up into the autumn leaves. She cried softly as she puked, until finally she sat up and wiped her mouth. She rushed a hand through her blonde hair, feeling dead inside. However, she wasn't the one who was truly dead...

Roslyn was.
Juniper looked around realizing Faye hadn't returned. She set her bowl of half eaten rice on the ground and went off to find her worried. Approaching the scene she came to a stop. She had seen blood before and a lot of it. Her parents had healed many open wounds, but this was a little different. The girl was dead.

It took her a moment to remember why she had come walking over. She looked over at Faye and noticed the vomit on the ground beside her. She walked over avoiding stepping on any of the body parts. "Faye?" she asked in a concerned tone. She didn't have to add 'are you alright', it was implied in the word and she was pretty sure she knew the answer.
((I'll pretend Vex was still there when she got there, how about, and then they walk back together and Vex tells everyone what happened))

Vex was standing near the spot when Faye arrived. He would have shooed her away from such a gory sight, but he didn't notice her approaching and she was already too close. He stood in silence as she cried, hurled, and cried some more in that order. When she was done, Vex went over to her and gently turned her away from the scene.

"Hey, one else is going to die, I promise...I'm here to protect you guys, that's why you brought me here, remember? Rosalyn shouldn't have gone off alone, especially at night. Trust me, as long as we all stick together, we will all survive," Vex said smoothly, reaching an arm around Faye as he attempted to comfort her.
Faye heard Juniper's voice and noticed her standing in front of her. Faye continued to tremble as she sat on her hands and knees. She couldn't even look up at Juniper, she was so horrified by the scene. After a few more moments of Faye's weeping, she was able to say a few words in between sniffles.

"She's...dead...and it's--all my......fault...."
Vex shook his head.

"No, no it's not your fault...we all wanted to leave the town. Even if you hadn't invited us, most of us would have left eventually anyways, but we would be all separated, and none of us would have survived for as long as we did so far.
((Here, since just about everyone is where Roslyn is, how about everyone just rushed over there when they heard roslyn's cries for help and they're all still there?))

Faye bit her lip, trying so hard not to cry anymore, but it was too hard. After seeing one of her friends like this, she was going to cry a bit more than for just five minutes.

Vex wrapped his arm around Faye, trying to comfort her and tell her it's okay, but she certainly didn't feel okay. She sobbed even harder, burying her face in his shirt as she held onto him tightly.

This was all happening too soon for Faye to take in everything. What was going to happen next...and when? Should they all just turn back and go home?
Juniper bent down looking at Faye. "It isn't." she shook her head disagreeing and realized that might not be the right thing to say "It's not entirely your fault." She watches her not sure what else to say or how to comfort her or if she even wanted to be comforted.
((yeah that makes sense))

Vex remained silent, laying his other arm around her and embracing her, letting her wet his shirt with her tears. As he comforted her, he gave Juniper a look and jerked his head sideways towards the remains, as if to say, Get rid of them.
Juniper looks at Vex and stands up looking around at the remains of the girl who had been living only moments before. What was she supposed to do with it..her..the dead body? Maybe it would help Faye if they had a burial. She gathered up what was left of the girl and all the parts that were possible to pick up and moved them out of Faye's sight. There was nothing she could do about all the blood splattered everywhere.
((lol! Vex trying to make Juniper get rid of Roslyn's remains...hahahah omg. xD Juniper's just like, well okay...I hope I get more rice for doing this..//picks up her body parts// xD --cringe--))

Faye finally lifted her head from Vex's chest and wiped her teary eyes. She let out a deep sigh, finally allowing herself to process what Vex had said earlier. He's probably right..they all would've left eventually..and it's better that they're together than alone.

Even in the worst of times, she was able to look up at Vex and give him just the slightest bit of a thankful smile before gulping. She could feel more tears burning behind her dark eyes, but she continuously wiped them away.
(No, I don't hope. I will get more rice. I will get ALL the rice. I will avenge the interruption of the consumption of rice!!! Kill the wolves with fire!!!)
((It's my official nemesis: THE RICE AVENGER!!!! xD ))

Vex gave her a smirk back and shifted into beast form, snapping a huge branch from a tree and carving it to look like a female figure. He had carved things with his claws many times before, so it wasn't too shabby. Vex then planted the idol in the ground, in the center of the small grove where Rosalyn had fallen. He carved Rosalyn's name into the idol at the bottom, then shifted back to human form.

"Not a bad place to pass away," said Vex, looking around their surroundings and admiring the beauty of the forest. The sunrise had just begun, and it cast a golden glow over everything, bathing it in honey-colored beauty.

"Would you like to say something?" Vex asked Faye, gesturing to the wooden idol he had made.
(Sorry, had some friends over and was trying to read your guy's posts while talking to them)

Valandil was the last to leave the fire. After tripping over a couple stumps he saw three figures standing close together. He then spotted a small elf looking idol. As he got closer he could see a name scrawled at the bottom. He then pieced together what must have happened. He sat onto the ground in disbelief. "We've only been out here for a day." he thought as he took in the entire scene.
But a terrible death to suffer through...she thought to herself as Vex suggested that it wasn't a bad place to pass away.

She shook her head, understanding that Vex was only trying to be comforting and lighthearted. She looked up at him, rays of sunshine falling onto her pale face that was soaked in tears. She sighed softly, looking back at the wooden idol he had just carved for Roslyn's grave.

Faye stepped forward and fell to her knees, focusing her eyes on the idol silently for a few minutes before she finally was able to speak.

"Roslyn..I'm sorry.." she began, her eyes watering again. "I wish we could've done something..maybe we shouldn't have let you go out at night alone..maybe we should've came along with you..maybe I should've never even asked you guys to leave the village with me in the first place.." Faye spoke softly, and although tears were streaming down her cheeks, she didn't tremble. She sat completely still and lifelessly as she stared down at the idol.

"I could say a lot of things that we could've done to keep this from happening..but it's not going to change anything. We can't turn back time...but I want you to know that even though I didn't know you for a really long time, you were a great friend. You were brave..strong..confident..and I know you would've done everything you could've to save one of us if we were in danger. Roslyn, you're a warrior.." Faye gulped, allowing herself to take another deep breath before continuing, "and you were a really great friend....and I know you're in a better place now..and you're watching over us..I'll keep you here," she said, placing her hand over her heart. Faye finally was able to smile a bit as she held her hand there, knowing Roslyn was in her heart. "Rest in Peace, Roslyn Amberra."

Faye then looked at the ground, a tear sliding from her face and landing on the wooden idol.
(Does anyone know what happed to Lysander? It would probably be easier for new characters to leave with him)
(Yea I guess. I'm already thinking of new ideas for a character. Not planning on killing off Val though. Too much rice cooking potential in him)
(Hahahahaha, xDD lmao Actually, YA KNOW WHAT? I feel like you're gonna stick with this roleplay 'til the end, and roslyn gave us a wonderful death already so, go ahead and make another character xD )
(I'm thought it would be nice to make a character that was completely the opposite of Val's personality. I wish my friends in RL would play so we could have more people, but they only like table top RPGs.
(Like dungeons and dragons. You don't really get a chance to immerse yourself into your character. At least that's how I felt when I played)
(ohhhhhh :T Yeah, this is way more fun. Maybe they'd like this if they tried it. I mean, I guess some people aren't really into writing, though.)

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