The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Don't worry, Gypsy pretty much nothing happened xD They just made rice hahahah)

"It tastes good," she assures him, although her taste buds don't exactly agree.

It tastes very bland, but that's how the rice is supposed to taste. She knew she was going to have to deal with eating rice all the time these days, so she better start getting used to it.
((I think I will sit this out for a little while. There is nothing really for my character to add to))
((Yeah, that's fine xD Not much is happening yet, so.

Oh, I just wanna point out a few things to everyone. If anyone wants a new character and is willing to have their current character die along the journey, you can go ahead and have that happen. 'Cause I'm not sure everyone would survive on the adventure, but if no one wants to then I guess they will all survive! xD

Also, those who keep posting in the roleplay often--since I noticed a number of people haven't been at all and probably bailed on the roleplay altogether--I'm gonna eventually let you guys create a Dark Elf character to roleplay as in addition to the one you have now. OR you could just create a new Light Elf to also roleplay as, your choice.)) 
((But of course, that will occur much further into the roleplay, when we're getting near the village of the Dark Elves. However, you can have your character die anytime along the journey if you plan on doing that..I sound so morbid lol...and if you do have your character die whenever, just create a new Light Elf and have them jump in somehow. ^^))
((I was actually thinking about killing off Roslyn. I like her but her personality doesn't mesh well with everyone else.))
((If you want a new character right now, your current character must die. I suggest waiting a little bit longer until we get to a good point in time where you can have them die. Any deaths would also make the storyline a bit more dramatic, so it would be a good addition. However, if you want to keep your current character you can wait til we're muchhh further into the roleplay and we're near the village of the Dark Elves. At that point you can create a Dark Elf to roleplay as, along with the character you have now--or you can create another Light Elf if you wish. Being able to roleplay as two characters means you'll stick with the roleplay 'til the end because I feel like it makes no sense to reward those who end up bailing on the roleplay, like some already did--without saying so either, which bugs me a bit, but whatever aha.))
((If you would allow me to, I know of a way I could kill off Roslyn now. I just don't think I can continue on much further with her. Like I said, her personality just clashes to much with everyone else, and I don't feel just suddenly changing a characters personality is realistic.))
Roslyn threw down her stick and stood up. "I am not going to sit here and eat bland rice when there is plenty of meat out there just waiting to be hunted down.". She then proceeds to head out into the dark wilderness alone. She sneaks along quietly in the woods with her bow out and arrow ready to shoot. She listens carefully for the sound of animals. Suddenly, she hears a low growling behind her. She swiftly turns and shoots without watching what she was shooting at. It was a wolf, and she just hits it's leg. The wolf howls out in pain. Roslyn hears several howls in return.

Realizing she was probably in trouble, Roslyn sprints off in the direction of the camp. She can hear the pack of wolves behind her, their howls becoming louder as they get closer. Her heartbeat hastens as her fear grows. "Help!" she yells out, hoping she is close enough for someone in the camp to hear her. She trips over a raised tree root, dropping her bow and breaking her ankle in the process. She tries to crawl, but the wolves are getting to close. She can here the sound of their paws hitting the fallen leaves now.

She rolls to her back and grabs an arrow out of her quiver as she waits for the wolves to get to her. They gain up to her and the leading wolf pounces on her. She stabs the arrow down, landing it between it's shoulder blades and kicks it to the side with her unbroken leg. Another wolf attacks at her right side, latching onto her arm. She screams out in pain as her arm is shattered.

She tries to pull away but the wolves bite is to powerful. She swings her other arm at it punching it in the nose. The wolf whimpers for a moment, but then lunges for her again. At the same time, another wolf latches onto her broken ankle. The pain is unbearable. Her screams become agonizing before slowly fading away as she gives up and gives into her fate. The hunter became the hunted. Was her last thought before the wolves ripped her to shreds.
((Well, if would make you feel better you can have him go try to help, but I doubt he will like what he finds left lol))
Vex sat eating his rice, and when Rosalyn left, he tried to tell her that even though he didn't like the rice, going out hunting alone wasn't a good idea, she was gone before he could say anything.

A little while later, along with everyone else in the camp, he heard the cries for help. Vex shifted into beast form and roared loudly to try and scare away any predators, but by the time he sniffed out her location and reached her, it was too late.

Vex stopped and shifted into human form. The sight was unbearable...blood was everywhere...

He resisted the strong urge to throw up, and then turned back around and headed to camp.

"Wolves got her...didn't leave very much behind..."
Juniper looks up at Vex having herd the screams she frowned. She hadn't expected anyone to die so soon, they hadn't even gone that far into the darklands. She looks at the fire not sure what to make of what had just happened. She ate another spoonful of rice.
((Ah! Poor Roslyn, that's a terrible death x-x))

Faye hears wolves howling in the distance, her big brown eyes widening as she looks at the others sitting around her.

"Did you hear that?" she whispers quietly, silence rising in the air as everyone listens for another howl. A few seconds later, another howl is heard even closer.

"Crap.." she mumbles, putting her bowl of rice on the ground before pulling the bow off her back. She retrieves an arrow from her quiver and places it in her bow, preparing herself for the worst. "They sound close..."

Faye stands up from the log, moving a bit away from the fire. She peers into the surrounding darkness, aiming her bow in each direction she looks.

Suddenly, a piercing scream is heard, followed by a desperate, "Help!"

Faye's heart begins to race, realizing that's Roslyn's cry for help...she was shocked, knowing that Roslyn was a skilled archer, she didn't think she would need to be helped.

Faye glances back at her friends around the fire, urging them with her eyes to all come with her to help Roslyn. As Faye begins to dash through the woods, breathing fast as her heart pounded against her chest with panic, Roslyn's screams continued. They began to sound hopeless and agonizing, causing Faye to feel more worried than ever before.

"Roslyn!" she cried out, rushing in the direction of the screams. However, after that there were no more screams heard, which made Faye even more fearful. 
((Wow guys, is Faye the only one who's really worried and terrified by this? x''D Vex is just like, I TOLD HER NOT TO GO. SO LIKE, OH WELL IT'S TOO LATE. and Juniper's like, well that sucks. hm..I want more rice. x''D hahahah. This is our chance for some action. Anyway, pretend Faye dashed through the woods before Vex told everyone that xD So she's still making her way over to the bloody scene xD ))
((Well, Vex worked as a protector, remember? That means he'd have to have seen at least someone die in his experience working, or at the very least see dead animals or monsters...))
(Dahaha I like your summary of Juniper. Vex already went and came back... so I didn't see a reason for Juniper to go.. What action? the wolves fled.)
((I was thinking the same thing Nami. Like, really, I didn't think Roslyn was that much of a b**ch that no one would care xD )) 
((Go avenge her death! Haha xD ))
(De evil wolves must die for killing our friend. They knew what they were doing, those manipulative dark creatures who have it out for all elven kind named Roslyn.)

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