The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Good thing we got away from those guards, or we would've been in big trouble". Axel says then he starts thinking to himself. Where will we go, I don't think we have any kind of map so I'm kind of worried.
((Sorry for being absent, my daughter is sick :( ))

Roslyn runs close with the group. She seems very elegant as she runs. Almost like the deer sprinting across the fields that she hunted. She grabs her bow and keeps looking back. She prepares herself to shoot if she must.
Vex continued to run for several minutes, until the combined weight of the supplies and his passengers began to tire him out. He stopped and let them all get off his back, and then shifted to human form and lay resting in the pile of supplies and food.

"You guys could probably start setting up camp. I'm exhausted, wake me up when it's morning..." Vex mumbled, curling up where he lay in the supply pile and falling fast asleep.
Valandil takes a look around him. They were surrounded by a multitude of trees. He then says" I'll get some firewood." He then walks 10 meters away from the encampment and starts to pick up some wood from the ground.
Faye looked around, seeing that they were completely surrounded by a vast amount of trees. Though they had settled in a nice space where there was enough room to set up a camp.

She glanced at Vex, seeing him curled up in the leaves and chuckled to herself with a shake of the head. Thanks to him, they were very far from the village now; safe as well. Therefore, she'd cut him some slack for not helping them set up.

Faye walked over to the massive pile of supplies surrounding him and picked up the army green duffle bag. She unzipped it, revealing a shiny brown material. She reached inside and pulled the big folded up tent out, throwing it onto the ground.
Juniper walks over to the pule of supplies and helps to set up a few tents before sitting down to take a break. She looks around the camp that was half set up.
Valandil walks back into camp to see the others setting up the camp. He then starts building a fire.(Btw is "building a fire" a correct term? I thought I saw it used in a book)
(I'm pretty sure the term is 'getting a fire started' but building works too)

(Btw, now that the RP is actually starting to go somewhere, maybe we could start introducing some romantic elements perhaps? *nudges with elbow* Eh? c'mon :P )

"...not...I've...nn...control....gonna...nng..." Vex mumbled in his sleep, rolling over to his other side and snuggling deeper into his nest of supplies.
(building a fire is getting sticks and stuff and putting them together, starting a fire is well starting a fire. I believe that both terms are correct.)

Juniper looks up hearing Vex make inaudible noises in his sleep. She smiles holding back a giggle when he snuggles with the supplies like a teddy bear. She tears her eyes away from the entertaining sight and stands back up after her rest helping to finish building camp.
((I can tell this RP is gonna be so damn awesome, now that we finally got our asses out of the town :P ))
((And it turns out, FroggieJay happens to be a hopeless romantic. x'D hahaha, no but yes, I agree. 'Tis up to the characters to introduce such 'romantic elements'. lololol. And hoorah! I know, I'm excited ^^ I wish some more people would start posting though..))

Faye looks at Juniper, who can't help but giggle at Vex's sleep talking. She puts her hands on her hips and smiles, chuckling a bit herself as she takes a look at Vex as well. Faye shakes her head with amusement, bending over to pick up a pile of sticks.

"I wonder what he's dreaming about," Faye jokes, moving over to the fire pit and tossing the sticks in.
After about ten minutes, Vex's mutterings that were pleasant and entertaining before began to sound more desperate and worrysome.

" won' control...stronger...ugh..."

Suddenly, Vex shifted into beast form, but apparently seemed to remain asleep. He grunted and growled, baring his multiple rows of teeth at some unseen enemy in his dreams. The beast form rolled over, nearly crushing the tent Faye had just set up. Whatever dream Vex was having, it was definitely not a pleasant one.

At one point, without warning, Vex, still asleep and in beast form, stood up on his hind legs in the middle of camp and roared at the sky at full volume. It was a roar of hatred, one that seethed with loathing and cursed the world, shaking the very earth. If those guards were still following them, they sure as hell wouldn't be now. Vex remained standing for a few moments, then fell backwards and shifted back into human form.
Roslyn watched Vex as he dreamed. When he stood up and roared it startled her. Out of instinct she shoots an arrow at him, but luckily, it misses, falling right next to him. She looks around at everyone. "I'm....I'm going to go set up a perimenter and make sure we are safe here.".
After Roslyn walked off, Valandil started to set up his tent. After some trouble he was finally able to set it up. With a sigh he sat down and removed his fathers working glove off his right hand and took the katana sheath off his side. He then closed his eyes and thought about his home for some reason. "Maybe I'm just missing the library" he said as he started to fall asleep.
As Valandil fell asleep Axel snuck up beside him and grabbed his katana sheath. He then walked to the middle of the camp took the katana out of the sheath and started swinging it around.
Faye furrowed her brows together, seeing that Vex almost crushed the tent she had set up. She was just barely startled at his sudden actions as he slept, but was mostly concerned about him laying on their supplies.

She moved over and observed the tent, making sure it was still in good shape.

She sighed and said, "If he keeps this up we may just be making shelters out of sticks and leaves..."
(Hey guys, how 'bout your characters gather around the fire and talk about their feelings? Ya know, like if they like it out there in the wilderness so far, who they're going to miss, etc. etc.)
(That's a nice idea)

Valandil woke up to see Axel swinging his sword wildly about. He got up and said "Give me that." As he took the sword. He then sat down at the fire and for some odd reason, thought about home again. He didn't know how the others felt about home. He could only assume they each had their own reasons for wanting to leave.
(Sorry guys, was out again)

Faye was sitting around the fire pit, flames dancing before her eyes. She poked at it with a long stick, thinking about the journey ahead of them. She was ready now, she could feel it.

"You ready to go home, yet?" she asked Valandil jokingly, eyeing him from the other side of the fire.
After making sure the surroundings where safe enough, Roslyn makes her way back to the camp. She sits down the ground by the fire and sets her bow beside her. She grabs a stick and starts poking at the fire watching the flames.
"Huh" He didn't even notice Faye or Roslyn sitting around the fire. He then said "No not really. I just sorta miss my books. But besides that there is nothing for me there. Being out here in an area I don't know well feels weird, but I also feel like I'm more free and not enclosed inside walls."(From Athral)
Roslyn pulls her stick out from the flames and notices the tip of it had caught on fire. Instead of putting it out. She just holds it, staring at it burning, lost deep in memory.

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