The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Hearing her name, Roslyn snaps out of her trance. She feels the heat from the burning stick in her hand and tosses it into the fire. She then looks over to Valandil, slightly embarrassed. "No, not really. Then again, I didn't have much to live for in town anyways.".
Valandil then felt a rumbling in his stomach." Hey do you know what we should eat? I was wondering how we were going to ration our food out. Plus it's nice to have archers in the group so we can hunt for food." He then got up and started rummaging thru the supplies they brought with them.
Faye smiled a little at Val, lifting the stick from the fire and drawing circles in the cool air with the smoke that trailed from the tip.

"We haven't gotten far enough to miss home.." she pitches in, still eyeing Val. 
Faye stood up from the log, resting the stick against it as well. She moved over to the pile of supplies where Vex was still sleeping.

"We don't need to go hunting quite yet, considering it's already pitch black outside and we have plenty of food over here to last us a week or two. We can't eat too much, although we can probably split some of this rice well," she suggested, pulling out a large bag of white rice.

With her free hand, she shook Vex a little and sang softly, "Vexxxx, wake upppp..we have fooood..."
((I lol'ed at Faye trying to wake Vex up with the promise of food x'D))

Vex stirred a bit and scrunched up his face, his eyes slowly opening as he rubbed them sleepily. He grunted something about a dream as he stood up, stretching out his lower back.

"Food? What's for dinner?"
(lol, FroggieJay changed his name to The Villain King, took me a bit to process it too xD and OMG. Ikr? Warlock's character would indeed come in handy at a time like this. Dang xD BIRCH. WHERE DID YOU DISAPPEAR TO? WE WANT RICE. Lmao, then again I hope the rest of the group can manage to cook a pot of rice. xD )

Faye chuckled at Vex, who seemed to easily be awakened by the sound of food.

"Don't get your hopes up," she told him, shaking the bag of rice in her right hand, "it's just a bit of rice. Fortunately, we got plenty of it from the food shack you showed us." She smiled thankfully at him, standing up straight again.

"Yeah, that'd be helpful," she said, nodding at Valandil. "We have a pot with us to cook the rice in too."
Vex groaned.

"I hate bland and tasteless...can't we eat something else?" he said, plopping himself down next to the fire as he complained like a little child.
Valandil took the pot and walked to a river he had seen as they were running away. As he filled it up water he thought about the chicken he would regularly complain about at home. That kind of a meal made this one feel sort of weak for his appetite. "Well, you don't get anything without hard work and perseverance." he thought as he walked back into camp.
Faye crossed her arms over her chest as she sighed, feeling the same way as Vex. However, she knew they couldn't waste their other food. They would be out here for more than a few weeks probably, so it wouldn't make sense for them to eat the better food on their first night.

"Sorry," she apologized to Vex, "we need to savor what we have."

She looked up, seeing Valandil return to the camp with the pot of water he promised to obtain.

"Thanks," she said, smiling at Val. Just then, her grin fades as she realizes something. "Hey..where's Birch...?"
((For the sake of the RP, how about we just pretend Birch is in his tent or something until warlock gets back))
(( xD well tell Faye that hahahahah. MAYBE SHE THINKS HE'S DEAD. :U)) 
((That's terrible if she already thinks he's dead, considering they've barely done anything intense yet xD Poor Birch, everyone thinking he's a weak link xD ))

Vex shrugged.

"I think I /might/ have caught a glimpse of him setting up a tent right before I fell into my power-nap. The guy's probably just calling it a day. Besides, you guys can make rice on your own without a cook, right? It's so easy."
((Nooo not bait for predators x'D poor little Birch. Faye misses him. Birch is adorbs. <3))

"Oh..right," Faye said hesitantly with a bit of a nod.

Faye sighed of relief, allowing herself to flop onto the log beside Vex. She placed her elbows on her lap and rested her chin atop her fists as she gazed into the fire. She forgot all about the rice for a minute, but hoped that Valandil would be the one to cook it for them, considering she was too tired to get up now.
(Forcing me to cook rice. tsk tsk lol)

Valandil walked over to the fire and set the pot so that it could boil. He then grabbed the bag of rice and waited for the water to heat up.
((Come on, Val is the second best rice cooker--right after Birch xD ...well hopefully.))

Faye sat there, watching as the water started to boil in the pan. She watched as it bubbled rapidly as Faye's stomach growled loudly. She quickly sat up straight, grabbing her stomach with embarrassment.

"Ha...did ya hear that? I must be hungry.." she states awkwardly, her cheeks turning pink.
Axel's stomach starts to growl with hunger he then looks up to Valandil and says "Val c'mon hurry up with the rice I'm hungry!"
(You finally got on!!! Thought you were to tired after getting thrown by Takashi)

As Valandil was pouring the rice in, he heard a stomach growl. Taking a quick glance in Faye's direction he thought "Haha. Well I know someone's hungry." He then stirred the rice which was now done and started to serve it into six bowls for each member of the group.
(For your information it was the other way around I think he is tired from me flipping him)
(I don't know about that)

Valandil then gave everyone their bowls and sat back down at the fire to start eating his.
Faye smiles warmly at Val as she takes the bowl of rice from his hands.

"Oh gosh, thank you. I was going to die of hunger before our journey even started," she says with a laugh.

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